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How will Karma members opinon be of NPO,IRON etc after war


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honestly, IRON id still dislike but not hate, GGA i like alot better now there is better gov in there, but still not the greatest... TPF, aside from the !@#$%*ing that comes out every once in awhile, you got to credit them for standing up for their allies, they would stay the same... Valhalla is lower than it was before...

last but not least, NPO... id guess it would depend how NPO is after, if they are still stuck up and 'feeling invincible' than it would just fuel my dislike, but if they actually realize they lost (what they failed to do in GWI), then it might actually get better... although i never really had a problem with NPO as much as its government, there are alot of cool people in NPO

GGA got a better government? Are you playing the same CN as the rest of us or are you simply oblivious to what happened few days ago?

I'm guessing that NPO hatred will continue, until someone else comes along and does something to steal that hatred. Political hatred will always exist - it just shifts around.

We already have the contenders for stealing the hate.

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I like IRON a lot more now. They showed some balls in this war going against all odds and i think they will be very successful in the future. I see lots of people signing treaties and getting in good with them.

NPO on the other hand are complete losers just as they always have been. I hope they all die.

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NPO: They'll always suck. I dislike everything about their approach to this game and i sincerely hope this is the end of their rule of planet bob.

IRON: Meh, they are still shitty. I would have given them kudos for sticking by their allies if they hadn't tried to run at the first sign of trouble and their !@#$%*ing and moaning about reps that are considerably lighter then what many alliances before them have endured also lowers my opinion of them.

Valhalla: Can't say I like them for what they've done to my alliance and our friends in the past and I see no reason change my opinion. They haven't changed one bit and if they could they'd attack those who've "wronged" them.

TPF: My opinion of them has improved during the war, but they need to suffer in order to remove the stain of their past.

Edited by der_ko
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NPO: They'll always suck. I dislike everything about their approach to this game and i sincerely hope this is the end of their rule of planet bob.

IRON: Meh, they are still shitty. I would have given them kudos for sticking by their allies if they hadn't tried to run at the first sign of trouble and their !@#$%*ing and moaning about reps that are considerably lighter then what many alliances before them have endured also lowers my opinion of them.

Valhalla: Can't say I like them for what they've done to my alliance and our friends in the past and I see no reason change my opinion. They haven't changed one bit and if they could they'd attack those who've "wronged" them.

TPF: My opinion of them has improved during the war, but they need to suffer in order to remove the stain of their past.

I hate to break it to you but generally IRON and members were not the ones !@#$%*ing about the reps on OWF. Read the thread. We lost we pay reps no biggie we can deal. Not like I care what you think of us but maybe you might have the integrity necessary to not spread disinformation around the OWF.

Your last bit about TPF sounds like revenge to me. Not very Karmic of you.

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I hate to break it to you but generally IRON and members were not the ones !@#$%*ing about the reps on OWF. Read the thread. We lost we pay reps no biggie we can deal. Not like I care what you think of us but maybe you might have the integrity necessary to not spread disinformation around the OWF.

Your last bit about TPF sounds like revenge to me. Not very Karmic of you.

Perhaps I am psychic and have seen the future. Think about it.

Heh, I am a vengeful !@#$%^&. :awesome:

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NPO: They are still up to their old games, trying to stay at the top of the game using any means necessary. They are trying to organize propoganda campaigns to portray themselves as the victim of a war they started, and they are acheiving more success than they should seeing as the facts of the matter have been pretty well laid out on these forums. NPO will use any concession by Karma as a justification to state that they won this war. Right now, they don't want to admit they lost, so they will continue to do all in their power to be able to tell the world how they have "never" lost. NPO will not change, in that NPO will continue to do whatever they believe is necessary to make sure they are at the top. My opinion of NPO stays the same, as they are doing what they have always done, and that is try to manipulate the world into thinking their version of events is the correct version, regardless of evidence suggesting otherwise.

IRON: I personally believe that IRON will not change, in that all IRON did in the past was support whoever was at the top. IRON supported NPO and continued to support them in all that they did until finally NPO's recent transgressions were not ignored as they were in the past. IRON will continue this practice of buddying up to whomever is in the seat of power and supporting them in all that they do. I would hope that IRON will chose to not support certain actions performed by whomever is at the top (if such actions are bad), but I cannot know this until it actually happens post war. My opinion of IRON stays the same until they have shown me they different behavior.

TPF: My opinion has grown, in that TPF has yet to make a deal that will get them out of this war with white peace. TPF has taken their licks, and are taking a beating that they have not been able to dodge. They, as far as I can tell, have not whined about it, but still maintain that their version, the NPO's version, is the correct version of events. They have shown loyalty to the NPO, beyond the loyalty they have shown others in the past. I for one see TPF trying to maintain relations with the NPO.

Avalon: They have shown the world true loyalty, facing a coalition that they have no hope of beating but not wanting out of the war until their allies are out. My opinion of them has risen, in that I had no idea who they were pre war, and they have shown me what they were about during the war.

Echelon: Same as TPF. This time around Echelon couldn't switch sides to avoid the beatdown, and couldn't stay neutral to avoid the beatdown, so they embraced the inevitable. Echelon, to my knowledge, still refuses to acknowledge that NPO started this war, and that NPO was in the wrong. They still maintan that NPO is correct, and remain in this war. My opinion has increased because they willingly and knowingly embraced this war, partly because they knew they couldn't get out of it, and partly because they felt more allegiance to the NPO than they did to the NpO when faced with a similar situation.

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IRON: I actually like them o/ orange forever........they took their beating and now they rebuild ... GO ORANGE.

NPO, Valhalla, TPF....... never personally did anything to me dont care one way or another ... if they come calling then we shall see.

I dont like some of the things they have done but then there is alot of things I dont like.

thank you,


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I hate to break it to you but generally IRON and members were not the ones !@#$%*ing about the reps on OWF. Read the thread. We lost we pay reps no biggie we can deal. Not like I care what you think of us but maybe you might have the integrity necessary to not spread disinformation around the OWF.

Your last bit about TPF sounds like revenge to me. Not very Karmic of you.


1. Hinduism & Buddhism The total effect of a person's actions and conduct during the successive phases of the person's existence, regarded as determining the person's destiny.

Actually it is completely karmatic. Your side needs to stop saying it isn't and read a dictionary. Because of deeds of the past Karma has determined to wreck "The Hegemony" as a part of their destiny. Duh!

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Despite my past affiliation, I have always held Pacifica in a higher regard, at least in terms of Military. While I have fought others and they have been worthy, Pacificans are the only ones in these nine months to have given me some serious trouble.

Politically, they seem to be up to some unsavory deeds...but did Vox Populi not engage in similar deeds?

I am neutral to Pacifica.

IRON, I feel the same for, though I was bothered by how they seemed to be trying to direct ODN before the war...but ODN has broken free, so it is now a non-issue.

The Phoenix had been the one I respected the least before the war, ever since they bailed on the UJP. While I was in the Legion at the time, and fought Valhalla and \m/, it is still disappointing. However, they gave me at least one good opponent during this war, have been very good sports about their predicament, and are sticking by their allies in Pacifica, despite what some say about how much value the latter places in its allies. They have turned around from their time in the UJP, and for that, I respect them.

GGA, I am still not quite sure of. They were a laughingstock before the war. Now...we shall see, I suppose.

MCXA, I had hope for...but then, they impeached half of their government, as if that was a good idea in the first place after the exodus. It almost seems as if they were only repeating Sam's regime. But who's to say?

Everyone else, I am pretty much neutral about.

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1. Hinduism & Buddhism The total effect of a person's actions and conduct during the successive phases of the person's existence, regarded as determining the person's destiny.

Actually it is completely karmatic. Your side needs to stop saying it isn't and read a dictionary. Because of deeds of the past Karma has determined to wreck "The Hegemony" as a part of their destiny. Duh!

Nice try, but Karma cannot be broken down into one sentence. You know because Western thought so wholly comprehends and appreciates Eastern thought, and vice-vera.

Anybody can Google up a web definition, but I fear the majority of people tossing the word about know little to nothing of it's meaning besides the simplistic wrong-headed example you have provided.

Even taking your (incorrect) depiction of Karma, select members who so arrogantly claim the title are running hither and yon spouting overt hatred, plotting with malice in their thoughts, their words, and their deeds.

Me, I can dig malice. I'm a warmonger. But I'm not a hypocrite.

Try harder.

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Disclaimer: The views presented in this post are not necessarily the views of IRON leadership. Any resemblance to real persons, living or dead, would be very strange because this is a forum post and does not resemble a human being at all.

NPO: I would like to see our alliance move away from NPO. It was good for a while, but then boundaries were overstepped, mistakes were made, and when all was said and done, NPO wound up screwing the pooch so hard, that the dog decided it had had enough and bit its dick off. Even after it $%&@ed up so royally while generally treating its allies like meat shields, we still honored our treaty (eventually). And now that treaty is canceled. I think it's time for us to move onto something else.

IRON: I'm not going to lie - we aren't blameless. We associated with them, we allied with them, we go down with them. It's only fair. When all is said and done, we still have Duckroll to fall back on, and I feel confident we can find a new place for ourselves in the new world order.

Bottom line, I'm still damn proud to be IRON. I've served it when times were good, and I'll continue to do so now. And I'm gonna help us pay the HELL out of those reps.

IRON has shown everything I would want in an ally. As strained as our relationship is now,

I do hope we each do what we can to get past what has just occurred. I am hopeful, but it is a

reserved hope.

Hey, thanks. Maybe you guys aren't so bad after all. ;)

Edited by Doge Rex Dart
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MCXA, I had hope for...but then, they impeached half of their government, as if that was a good idea in the first place after the exodus. It almost seems as if they were only repeating Sam's regime. But who's to say?

Everyone else, I am pretty much neutral about.

To be fair to MCXA, it was their government that left them, not the other way around.

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Disclaimer: The views presented in this post are not necessarily the views of IRON leadership. Any resemblance to real persons, living or dead, would be very strange because this is a forum post and does not resemble a human being at all.

NPO: I would like to see our alliance move away from NPO. It was good for a while, but then boundaries were overstepped, mistakes were made, and when all was said and done, NPO wound up screwing the pooch so hard, that the dog decided it had had enough and bit its dick off. Even after it $%&@ed up so royally while generally treating its allies like meat shields, we still honored our treaty (eventually). And now that treaty is canceled. I think it's time for us to move onto something else.

:lol1: That was as well said as I've ever heard. I think for the most part you guys are solid and know how to change for the better. I hope you guys have a bright future on the right path.

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My opinion is that your poor English has driven me up a wall

Also they'll probably still hate NPO, maybe not IRON so much because I can see IRON changing paths pretty easily... I think everyone will hate NPO now for a considerable time period except for a select few pawn alliances ('Cause NPO doesn't really have actual allies, never did since they lost Polaris). For some alliances a thorough butt-kicking is enough to change public opinion soon enough (IRON), however for others the beef runs deeper.

Lame, just lame.

You mean completely ignore the past while the same leadership has the helm?

Seems unrealistic and in practice very very bad.

There are MANY leaders coming back at this time that did much worse than those you are stating should not be leaders on Bob.

Many of those leaders returning have pushed NPO to do some of the transgressions many complain about.

Perhaps I am psychic and have seen the future. Think about it.

Heh, I am a vengeful !@#$%^&. :awesome:

So was the NPO. ;)


1. Hinduism & Buddhism The total effect of a person's actions and conduct during the successive phases of the person's existence, regarded as determining the person's destiny.

Actually it is completely karmatic. Your side needs to stop saying it isn't and read a dictionary. Because of deeds of the past Karma has determined to wreck "The Hegemony" as a part of their destiny. Duh!

Even if you take this definition, it is reciprocal. Eye for an eye leaves someone wanting another eye...

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MCXA, I had hope for...but then, they impeached half of their government, as if that was a good idea in the first place after the exodus. It almost seems as if they were only repeating Sam's regime. But who's to say?

One member of government - one who later admitted to being a spy - was brought forward on expulsion charges. That member chose to leave the alliance before a decision could be reached, and I do not believe expulsion would have been the final decision.

I must have missed whatever you're talking about.

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Throughout this war NPO has exhibited no sign of change. As soon as they get peace, their primary objective will be to regain their power and to "punish" those who defeated them.#

Oh right. No, my opinion on NPO is very unlikely to change.

Edited by A Soviet Attack
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Same as before the war, etc, until disbandment for all.

Oh come now, you saw how well that worked for NAAC and LUE.

I like that IRON is starting to awaken from their trance, and just might not fall in with the bad crowd next time. I have alot of hope for them.

NPO I'm less optimistic about. Even after we kick Moo out (which will in truth be for their own benefit) they still have a history of being the villains. However, I doubt they will be a threat again any time soon, as their lies will slowly be exposed once their allies realize what they've done, and soon nobody will want an alliance with them.

OG I can see in the gutter sometime soon. The way they acted, especially during their peace talks, was absolutely shameful. If Reyne doesn't step down, that alliance is hopeless.

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Personally I am hoping and expecting that NPO after all this BS (if war ends prolly by then of June) that it will have or be close to sanction by Jan 2010. and hopefulyl they will not be as agressive in CN politics and stay out of it. Also hopefully IRON & NPO stay good buddies :D. but i don't think NPO & IRON will do anything... id bet more that admin gives Moo admin abilities before NPO or IRON attack anyone...

The bolded part made me LOL. For a second there I thought you were implying that NPO getting rolled was a bunch of BS.

As for the question posed, it would depend.

1 - On their actions going out of and after this war.

2 - On their overall attitude displayed on the OWF and elsewhere with regards to those they fought.

Also, are you asking with regards to their general membership, or the alliance as a whole. I think the 2 are very different. My opinion of the alliances as a whole would depend on who they are treaty'd with, who is running the show, FA policies, etc. My opinion of individual members is much more lenient and would only depend on their actions and attitude towards me specifically. If they show me respect, I will show them respect. I do not blame an individual for its alliance's actions, but when war comes, there is no differentiating between members. I may not blame them for their leaders decisions, but they may be held accountable if they are brought to war. It does say something about ones character in whom they choose to keep company with though.

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Oh come now, you saw how well that worked for NAAC and LUE.

I like that IRON is starting to awaken from their trance, and just might not fall in with the bad crowd next time. I have alot of hope for them.

How do you define Good crowd...?

Edited by shahenshah
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