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A sigh of relief, perhaps.

Commander Benji

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I just wanted too say Congratulations too Iron for posting their first NS gain in 30 days.

I imagine this comes as a sigh of relief too many.

I would post my own thoughts on this great war, but there is no need.

My part in this is over.

Back too the history books with you.

Edited by Commander Benji
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Oh man...Lordi.

Can you love a monnnster mannn.....or...


sorry. yep its great to see some growth...but it won't be too extensive for a few months. We still have some more stuff to decom too :P

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I know the true motivation behind all this good will towards IRON. People want the alliance drop-down list to get back to its rightful size.


You have cut straight to the heart of the topic :D

Congrats IRON. Enjoy the infra while it's cheap

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I know the true motivation behind all this good will towards IRON. People want the alliance drop-down list to get back to its rightful size.


Close. It's more because IRON's full name is a pain in the $@! to type out when trying to view their statistics.

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This is highly disappointing. I disapprove of all IRON's ill-gotten gains. I wonder which superpower IRON will leach onto next?


"All of your ill-gotten gains

That you have whipped up to a rich, foamy lather, girl

Nameless gnaw of my pains

Like three hundred trumpets, and just one is out of tune"


- - -

Personally, I'd love to see a new IRON that remembers what the "I" stands for - maybe not as drastic as the pre-IRON/MCXA MADP days, but not exactly the tC/1V days either.

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Wow two minute response. That's really pretty quick. :D

But yes, it's good to see the first signs of recovery.

A really quick response would have got me a 1st :P

)): alden peterson )):

I know the true motivation behind all this good will towards IRON. People want the alliance drop-down list to get back to its rightful size.


For your viewing pleasure, comfort and convenience we now offer a clickable link to IRON stats so that all viewers of this thread can bask in the glory that is IRON rebuilding :)

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