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The Merseburg Declaration

Kaiser Martens

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In the spiritual center of Germany and the Silver Revolution, the leaders of the Nordlandic Nations have met to sign without previous warning a history-changing treaty, having managed to keep it concealed from the press until the last moment.


Constitution of the Greater Nordlandic Reich




The aim of this document is to provide a legal, formal frame to the Greater Nordlandic Reich, a new European Nation, and additionally to explain accurately its organization and institutions.


When each former country merges into Greater Nordland, they will become a "Land" - a rough equivalent of a province - which will be under control of the Imperial Government, which is to be located at Berlin. The countries to become the Nordlandic Länder are the following:

Greater German Empire (Germany)

Prussian Empire (Prussia)

Republic of Norsvea (Norsvea)

Western German Empire (Wästerdyskreich)

Slavic Kingdom of Novak (Novak)

Aesirreich Nordheim (Nordheim)

3.Imperial Government: (AlÞingun/The Althing)

The Government of Greater Nordland is to be known as the Althing, and in itself it contains several sections:

Reichskaiser: The Emperor and ultimate leader of Nordland. The position is not hereditary, and the Stohrthing are the ones to decide who holds the throne.

Reichskanzler: The second in command to the Kaiser, a "Deputy Kaiser" one may say, also chosen by the Stohrthing.

StohrÞing/Stohrthing: The Stohrthing has one representative from each Land, they are able to rule on each and every aspect of Nordland and are only second in authority to the Throne.

Volksraad: The Volksraad is a council which brings represenativity to all the ethnicities of Nordland, including the Nordlanders themselves.

Amterhaalle: The Hall of Ministries, in which all meet together with the Kaiser and Kanzler to coordinate their efforts and report on their activities and exploits.

Landsamter: (Nation's Ministries)

Udlingsamt: (Culture Ministry)

Heimatsamt: (Interior Ministry)

Autsamt: (Exterior Ministry)

Forsetisamt: (Justice Ministry)

Wittenschaftsamt: (Science Ministry)

Wirtschaftsamt: (Economy Ministry)

Wappensamt: (Weapons Ministry)

4.Imperial Defence Forces (Reichswehr)

Each Land will be tasked for mantaining a part of the army proportional to their GDP and Population, but the ultimate authority regarding the action of the Nordlandic Army as a whole is dependant on one institution:

Greater General Staff (Stohrgeneralstab): A council of military leaders - one per Land - which act as the supreme Military Command for Greater Nordland.

All of the individual "Armies" will be merged to create a single entity to protect the Fatherland, and only the Kaiser and Kanzler are able to overule the General Staff in this field.


Should the Stohrding agree to dissolve Greater Nordland, the Länder will revert to sovereign status as different countries.


Signed for Nordheim, Zisa von Ðie Aesir

Authorized by Bruno Zamoyski, President of Greater Nordland

Signed for The Prussian Reich: Reichkaiser Albert Tanzband

Endorsed by the Nordlandiske Volksraad, Försitter Kaiser Martens von Deutschland

For Norsvea, Kaiser Frederick Keitelson Martens and Kaiserin Danica Sjønhet Martens

For Novak, Knyaz Gregori Komorav

For Wästerdyskreich NSR, Emperor Alexander I

For Großdeutsches Reich, Scolar Visari



Weapons Ministry: Philip Böhm (Malatose)

Culture Ministry: Freja von Ðie Aesir (Martens)

Justice Ministry: Miri (Vodoo Nova)

Science Ministry: Michael Kölling von Preussen (Reimer)

Economy Minstry: Feliks von Danzig (Reimer)

Interior Ministry: Kristoffer Michaelson Aussicht (Vince Sixx)

Foreign Ministry: Nikolaus Wätteren (Merger)


Zisa (Nordheim)

Visari (Deutschland)

Komorav (Novak)

Tanzband (Prussia)

Frederick Martens (Norsvea)

Alexander I (Wäster)


In celebration, a great parade was held, however, it was using historical equipment of Old Nordland and other Pre-Nordlandic countries.


Heil, and forwards!

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For a very long time, the people of the Nordland have lived divided, separate peoples. Some were in the realm of Germany, some in Ubersteinia, some in Slavorussia, then, for a time, it appeared as if Greater Nordland would finally unify the Nordic peoples and bring peace to our great land, unfortunately it was not so.

Now we come to the time of the Nordic Confederacy, a time of prosperity and peace for all Nordic peoples as the Pax Germania, existent from the time of the Slavorussian War until this time, saw unity of the Nordland. All the Nordic peoples were united under the banner of the Nordic Confederacy, a banner held by many nations with one single goal, peace for their peoples. With this peace came the largest boost in Nordic nationalism that has ever been created in this area. Yet through all of this time, the Nordic peoples still lived in separate states, living separate lives under separate governments. No longer.

Now the Nordic peoples are truly united, as one great nation. Forward, Nordland! Forward, Europe! Forward, Erde! To one great, lasting peace, and to the greatest nation to ever exist on the face of the Earth! To Nordland, comrades! For peace, for prosperity, for unity, for Nordland!

One people, One vision, One Nordland.

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OOC: Now this is how you do a merger (berger?) :P


The Tahoe Republic congratulates our European Brothers on this monumental feat and send our sincerest congratulations to Nordland.

Volksfuhrer Magnus Ragnarson, leader of the Nordic community of Tahoe, has been formally appointed High Commissioner (Ambassador) to Greater Nordland by the Government of the Tahoe Republic.

Hail Nordland

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Pre-warning to the entire thread that all OOC should be re-routed elsewhere. This is the first new merger, and I (along with others) hope that you will be able to do this without bickering. Have a problem but afraid to say it publicly? Send me a PM and I'll look into it.

Here's to re-establishment of privileges.

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Kristoffer Aussicht: "The confederacy has been, for a long time, one defacto entity. We traded freely within the confederacy, shared weapons technology, military knowledge and direction, and acted as one nation, with different governments. The fact that we are now under one government and one leader is only to make our junction official."

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Kristoffer Aussicht: "The confederacy has been, for a long time, one defacto entity. We traded freely within the confederacy, shared weapons technology, military knowledge and direction, and acted as one nation, with different governments. The fact that we are now under one government and one leader is only to make our junction official."

So who is to be overall governor? Which national leader will be over the others currently?

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Before anyone makes mention of us and asks why we have not joined, we answer you thus: we feel, and I'm sure our more German and Nordic cousins will agree, that it is simply better for the French people, language, culture, existence, if we remain independent. We are still a Germanic peoples, we have not forgotten, but there would be serious communication problems should we have chosen to join. We still remain allies, cousins, and Friends

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Before anyone makes mention of us and asks why we have not joined, we answer you thus: we feel, and I'm sure our more German and Nordic cousins will agree, that it is simply better for the French people, language, culture, existence, if we remain independent. We are still a Germanic peoples, we have not forgotten, but there would be serious communication problems should we have chosen to join. We still remain allies, cousins, and Friends

Forgive us for the correction, but the French can only trace a part of their heritage to Germanic ancestors, through the Franks. They also come from the Latin and Gallic (Celtic) peoples.

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Forgive us for the correction, but the French can only trace a part of their heritage to Germanic ancestors, through the Franks. They also come from the Latin and Gallic (Celtic) peoples.

who were mostly driven out and taken over by our ancestors the Franks. Do not mistake our Not joining this new Super-Nation as a denial of our heritage

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who were mostly driven out and taken over by our ancestors the Franks. Do not mistake our Not joining this new Super-Nation as a denial of our heritage

We are not saying you are denying any of your heritage, but you are apparently downplaying a good piece of it.

Regardless of how it happene way back when, whether violently or peacefully, they are part of your heritage.

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Restrictions on Nordic Confederation shipping from the invasion of Russia are still in effect until the restoration of Slavorussia’s original borders.

In addition to previous restrictions Procinctian territorial waters are now restricted to all vessels of Greater Nordland affiliation, vessels traveling to and from Greater Nordland states, or vessels which have made any Greater Nordland port in more than eight months prior to requesting travel through our section of the Bering Sea.

Any attempt to challenge Procinctia’s maritime territorial integrity will be met with Exocet Missiles.


From the office of Generalissimo, Generalissimo of Procinctia

Edited by Generalissimo
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