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People's Republic of China

Sir Keshav IV

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[quote name='Silhouette' date='08 March 2010 - 05:27 PM' timestamp='1268069516' post='2218083']
If your goal was to empower women, you have surely gone about it the wrong way. As soon as you publish legislation dictating that women must fill this many roles, you are simply propogating that which you are trying stamp out.

"Well actually our reasoning is simple- Almost 35% of women citizens in the PRC are unemployed, 21% haven't gone passed high school. That is because of preferential treatment given to men over women. Even the foreigners have more jobs then women in China. It is time we move into the 21st century. We have tried reasoning with companies, tried working on this major issue without any laws, but change was not welcomed. This change must be done, it not only decreases the unemployment rate in the PRC, but the nation will grow as a whole."

OOC: LYNNETH, I reached 300 posts in the news thread before you :P

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[quote name='Sir Keshav IV' date='09 March 2010 - 12:02 PM' timestamp='1268132838' post='2219146']
OOC: LYNNETH, I reached 300 posts in the news thread before you :P
OOC: Kesh, let me show you the [url="http://www.randomlol.com/here_is_a_room_of_those_who_care.htm"]room of those who care[/url].
I am not in it, as you can see.

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[b] New Air Craft Introduced [/b]

The PLAF introduced its latest craft. The F-35 Lightning II. It is considered the best fighter jet made in China, the F-35 Lightning II has the best stealth technology available in todays world. The flight was first tested 5 years ago, and after 3 successful tests was finally introduced into the PLAF. The ceremony held by the Commander of the Air Force Matt Damon. He termed this plane as the pride of the Chinese Air force and the best stealth fighter in todays day and age. A Total of 30 F-35 Lightning II's shall be introduced into the PLAF.

Edited by Sir Keshav IV
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[b]Internet De-Addiction Camps Banned [/b]

The new trend in China to get the children of the computer has been sending to "Internet De-Addiction Camps". These camps are against every singly human right. The merciless beating of children, bad hygiene etc. It is everything China is not. Therefore the Government with the acceptance of the President of China has declared such camps illegal in any form. Anyone running such camps following this decree will be given a life sentence. China must move into the 21st century.

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[b] Privatization of the Petroleum Industry [/b]

The Government to curb the recent price hike in the petroleum industry has invited foreign petroleum companies to open stations in China. The Government has declared the privatization of the Petroleum industry. The government has also said Daqing and Shengli Oil fields will remain under government control and will continue to be shut down for another 5 years. The foreign companies must import the fuel the government has said. The government has also reduced the import tax from 15% to a mere 2% for foreign petroleum companies.

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Kohinoor Rare Earths Limited (KREL), a leading petroleum producer in the Kingdom of Cochin seeks to set up a fuel distribution network in the People's Republic of China. The fuel for these stations would be trucked in from the Kingdom of Cochin. KOL, or Kohinoor Oil Limited, the oil subsidiary of KREL produces high quality petroleum fuel products and is a prime vendor of Royal Cochin Defense Forces and Cochin F1 Circuit.

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[quote name='king of cochin' date='15 March 2010 - 10:59 AM' timestamp='1268651092' post='2226218']
Kohinoor Rare Earths Limited (KREL), a leading petroleum producer in the Kingdom of Cochin seeks to set up a fuel distribution network in the People's Republic of China. The fuel for these stations would be trucked in from the Kingdom of Cochin. KOL, or Kohinoor Oil Limited, the oil subsidiary of KREL produces high quality petroleum fuel products and is a prime vendor of Royal Cochin Defense Forces and Cochin F1 Circuit.

"KREL is welcomed to open up distribution centres in the People's Republic of China."

*Private to KREL*

You may choose any city or any place to set up fueling stations. It is entirely up to you for the price/and area of the station. But we will conduct checks on every KREL station to make sure the fuel is of good quality.

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[quote name='Sir Keshav IV' date='15 March 2010 - 04:36 PM' timestamp='1268651502' post='2226221']
"KREL is welcomed to open up distribution centres in the People's Republic of China."

*Private to KREL*

You may choose any city or any place to set up fueling stations. It is entirely up to you for the price/and area of the station. But we will conduct checks on every KREL station to make sure the fuel is of good quality.

"Mandatory fuel checking is of course something that KOL is agreeable to seeing as it is one of the Standard Operating Procedures in the Kingdom of Cochin. We were hoping to start our fueling network in the Gansu region, thus study the market possibilities and accordingly expand to other provinces and regions of the People's Republic of China. We thank the PRC for permitting us to start operations."

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[b] Nuclear First Strike Policy Re-Instated [/b]

Today after a nearly a day of debating the NPC has agreed to pass the Nuclear First Strike Policy on Military Installations during defensive wars only. The policy is in effect only if the PRC is in a defensive war, where there are invading troops on Chinese Soil. Then the military has every right to use nuclear weapons to halt the advance of these troops. It is a new policy by the government for the defense of China. This policy does not come into effect if the PRC is the aggressor. Then of course Nuclear weapons will be launched only if the PRC is hit with Nuclear Weapons first. This policy is also called the "Tactical Nuke Policy."

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[quote name='Maelstrom Vortex' date='17 March 2010 - 10:58 PM' timestamp='1268866706' post='2228638']
Dragonisian Cultists lobby their government officials to repeal the worship ban and to in some way.. public or private, intervene or align the state against Tahoan aggression in North America.

The Government has declined to align itself against Tahoe. "American politics is of no interest to us."

[b] PRC Cruise Missile Type 16 Successfully Launched [/b]

The PRC Cruise Missile Type-16(BrahMos Missile:P) has successfully been launched at Shennongjia test range. The first test of the Type-16 Cruise Missile was said to be successful and sea launches will be held later in the year. The PRC has announced an arsenal of 3 Nuclear Missiles that have been tested and has been commissioned.

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[b] New Tanks Introduced [/b]

The People's Republic of China recently bought 3200 Optimus Prime Tanks which have been introduced into the PLA. The tanks which were all received over a long period have all reached the PRC. The first tests of these tanks on Chinese Soils were successful and a combined military war game was going to be held to test out all the new equipment in the Chinese Armed Forces.

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[b]NPC dissolved [/b]

Following the recent split of the Communist Party of China the NPC was dissolved by the Standing Committee of the National People's Congress. The recent split in the Communist Party of China has created a new front and elections for power in the NPC will be held again. The Communist Party of China(Moderate Wing) the party of the current leaders are said to be losing to the Communist Party of China(Hardliners). The NPC elections will be held on the 1st of April 2020. The results will be announced within three days and the oath taking ceremony shall happen on Independence Day.

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[b] NPC Elections Results Announced [/b]

The recently completed National People's Congress Election results have been announced. The Moderate's have gained 67% of the seats in the NPC while 30% of the seats have been won by the hardliners. The Democrats with a mere 3% of the votes have declined from a 6% in the last NPC elections. With that the 150 member Standing Committee of the NPC will be announced soon. It is likely to be led again by Premier Megan Fox.

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[b] Cochin Chinese Protectorate Handed over to the PRC [/b]

The Kingdom of Cochin today handed over the remaining part of the Cochin Chinese Protectorate to the People's Republic of China. As such the area will now be considered an autonomous province for the time being. Like Qinghai if the People's Republic of China falls these provinces would return the Kingdom of Cochin. A special Sichuan Regiment has been set up for the defense of the province. Currently the 11th Armored Regiment and the 5th Infantry Regiment is on its way to take control of the said provinces. The complete area shall for the time being called the "Cochin Protectorate Province" since the nation of Baskan has divided it.

*Private to Baskan*

Our military is en route to the Cochin Chinese Protectorate. As we have no border with them to get there we need to pass your lands and we request you to let our military pass through your borders. The will be in and out of your nation within 6-7 hours and will not misbehave within your borders. This is a request to let them pass so that we may take control of the said provinces.


PRC MilCom.

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[quote]*Private to Baskan*

Our military is en route to the Cochin Chinese Protectorate. As we have no border with them to get there we need to pass your lands and we request you to let our military pass through your borders. The will be in and out of your nation within 6-7 hours and will not misbehave within your borders. This is a request to let them pass so that we may take control of the said provinces.


PRC MilCom.[/quote]

We will allow these soldiers to pass through our lands as long as nothing suspicious occurs. We will only allow a maximum of 4,000 PRC troops within our borders for security reasons. May we start to trust each other even more with us allowing to go over our lands. And congratulations on the new provinces.We would also like to know since the port in the protectorates is still under our use. We will pay a fee for its use since we do not have sea port access.

Edited by baskan
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[quote name='Sir Keshav IV' date='28 March 2010 - 12:10 PM' timestamp='1269796191' post='2239243']
*Private to Baskan*

We have sent 100 tanks and 5,000 soldiers. We request these be allowed to pass. We shall discuss the port issue in the NPC. Our answer shall come soon.
*Private to PRC*
Alright sounds on the edge but sounds fair. We will send about 500 of our soldiers to accompany you through our lands and help navigate your soldiers.

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[b] Death Penalty Abolished [/b]

Following a petition in the Supreme Court of China, it has been decided to abolish the death penalty. The reason outlined by the supreme court is ," An eye for an eye leaves the world blind - Gandhi." The policy of killing one person for him killing someone, is not the right policy. A waste of a man. A good able bodied man should instead be punished with work for the rest of his life. As such now the highest punishment shall be forced labour for the rest of their life at the various labour camps being set up in the People's Republic of China. There is no use in killing that man. With this the PRC is has moved a step forward. Abolishing the Death Penalty is an important milestone in the PRC Judiciary. The Supreme Commander of the PRC Rorschach had to say this," This is a policy I can support. I am happy the Judiciary has abolished this old and inhumane sentence. Instead of killing we are now making the criminal work for the rest of his life. This is a move that has the government's support."

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[quote name='Sir Keshav IV' date='19 February 2010 - 11:39 AM' timestamp='1266604768' post='2192277']
[b] Macclesfield Bank and Pratas Islands Part of the PRC [/b]

The Government has laid claim over the strategic Macclesfield Bank near the Paracel Islands. After a thorough study of maps it was discussed and confirmed by the government of PRC. The Macclesfield Bank shall be a part of the province of Paracel Islands. The Pratas Islands have also been annexed by the PRC and comes under the Paracel Group of Islands Administration as well.


Troops were being sent to each of these Islands to make sure each of the annexations go peacefully.

OOC: I should have been paying more attention, but RL happens... Anyways, I annexed the Pratas Islands last october: http://forums.cybernations.net/index.php?showtopic=65408&view=findpost&p=1884690

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[quote name='iKrolm' date='03 April 2010 - 01:34 AM' timestamp='1270258440' post='2246045']
OOC: I should have been paying more attention, but RL happens... Anyways, I annexed the Pratas Islands last october: http://forums.cybernations.net/index.php?showtopic=65408&view=findpost&p=1884690

OOC: Didn't see that, I'll edit my post accordingly.

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[b]Eleventh Independence Day [/b]

The eleventh year since the formation of the PRC was celebrated today. With the usual military parade followed by the the President's speech on the annexation of various territories this past year and the growth of the nation over all after the various terrorist problems faced in the country. The President also went on to inaugurate the new NPC building in Beijing and announce the formation of the Sichuan Army Zone. The ninth military zone formed in the People's Republic of China under the command of Lt.Gen Nirmal Mehta. Of Indian decent Lt.Gen Nirmal Mehta has been in China for all his life joining the Beijing Corporation military at a young age and work himself upto the rank of Colonel before the dissolution of Beijing Corporation and later worked in the NPR military and rejoined the PRC military 11 years ago as a Colonel. Since then he has attained the rank of Lt.Gen and Commandant of the newly formed Sichuan Army Zone. The President also spoke of the economic policy and the budget for the year 2020-2021.

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