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i agree, tsi are scum for defending their ally and upholding their treaty. shame on you tsi, you deserved to be extorted, cybernations doesnt need scum like you

And you are???

And your point is???

Put your foot back in your mouth and continue to chew vigorously. It will be the best thing you have ever done... ;)

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TFO crushed Soldier, Terra Prime, and TSI. 'Nuff said.

If that is your version of it so be it. I hope you dont actually expect them to do anything useful against Avalon though. Unless you plan on having them direct the peace talks, I hear they are great at that.

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If that is your version of it so be it. I hope you dont actually expect them to do anything useful against Avalon though. Unless you plan on having them direct the peace talks, I hear they are great at that.

My version? My version is the fact that TSI ran from the battlefield while fighting The Forsaken Ones and Internet Superheroes at the thought of fighting RAD.

I heard Avalon wants to die beside TPF. That can be arranged.

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My version? My version is the fact that TSI ran from the battlefield while fighting The Forsaken Ones and Internet Superheroes at the thought of fighting RAD.

I heard Avalon wants to die beside TPF. That can be arranged.

so you are giving credit to RAD then not TFO. Please make up your mind.

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so you are giving credit to RAD then not TFO. Please make up your mind.

The Forsaken Ones and Internet Superheroes were the nail and RAD was the hammer. Your coffin is closed.

Blame it on the chicken or the egg. Either way, you were born and died fighting the allies of Poison Clan defending all that is pathetic in TPF.

Doesn't matter who did it to you, 'cause both RAD, IS and TFO are worth more than you are considering you entered the fight with a nuke, NS, and membership number advantage and STILL lost.

Your alliance surrendered. If you want more of a fight, go ahead and break terms. I am ready. Let's make sure you don't exist if you do break what you've signed.

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You're a little late. RAD already DoW'd. Avalon lasted longer than your alliance and the threat of RAD.

Hey, I heard RAD was coming for TSI again. Maybe you should hide under that rock again?

Is this type of ridicule really needed?

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so with twisted in all his drunken glory revealing his true opinions of alliances like tsi (yay alcohol, the bearer of truth and honesty), my question is why arent all the karma supporters rushing in to argue pc is not representative of karma, or do they only say that to save face after you call them out on it?

ill start then: look at this, what pc is doing, such disrespect for alliances who honor their treaties, they make karma look horrible

now can you guys come in here and pretend to be upset at pc.

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so you are giving credit to RAD then not TFO. Please make up your mind.

TFO then later IS were outnumbered by TSI and TP. Despite this all 3 of my attackers were nearly bill locked by the end. I get the feeling that you were horribly prepared for war. When it looked like you weren't going to outnumber us, that you might even be the one that was outnumbered then you folded.

So it was a combination of things, TFO and the love of precious pixels.

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Is this type of ridicule really needed?

Probably not, but the statements do have truth in them.

If you don't like how the treaty web assembles itself, you should have spoken out against such treaty chains long ago, instead of profiting off of how the treaty web works.


so with twisted in all his drunken glory revealing his true opinions of alliances like tsi (yay alcohol, the bearer of truth and honesty), my question is why arent all the karma supporters rushing in to argue pc is not representative of karma, or do they only say that to save face after you call them out on it?

ill start then: look at this, what pc is doing, such disrespect for alliances who honor their treaties, they make karma look horrible

now can you guys come in here and pretend to be upset at pc.

The name is karma for a reason. Your side performs atrocities at will, those you defend have performed much worse acts in their time and have reveled in it. Your kind have told us that if we don't like it do something about it. Guess what boy? We are doing something about it.

You want to criticize Karma for this? Then you must criticize the Hegemony for doing the exact same thing.

That is, unless you are a hypocrit, holding one side to a different set of standards than the other.

Edited by Caliph
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TFO then later IS were outnumbered by TSI and TP. Despite this all 3 of my attackers were nearly bill locked by the end. I get the feeling that you were horribly prepared for war. When it looked like you weren't going to outnumber us, that you might even be the one that was outnumbered then you folded.

So it was a combination of things, TFO and the love of precious pixels.

Your Trium of War was unable to pay his bills on day 2. Tell me again how prepared you guys were?

I didnt make the decision to fold. If you want to discuss that please do it with them not me.

Edited by ditchboy00
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Hey, we followed the terms to the letter.

Tell me where we didn't.

Is this type of ridicule really needed?

Is the type of ridicule we got in November deserved?

Die, TPF, die! I wish there isn't a smoldering rock left of your alliance.

My personal hopes are that you never, ever get peace after one year of attempting to ZI us. Don't pretend it was just Slayer, because you carried it on just as far as he did.

Fortunate for you we are led by a generous man in Chinatownbus who will let you off easier than I ever would.

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Article 3: Cancellation

Either Party may cancel this agreement. Once one party notifies the other with their intent to cancel, the Pact stays in effect for 10 days. If either party breaks the pact, it is considered null and void.

I will point out that under this cancellation clause, it clearly states that if either party breaks the pact, it is considered null and void, thus meaning that the pact is worthless as once it is broken neither party is bound to it anymore.

Besides, the crap that TPF tried to pull with PC, and the crap that TPF has done over the past 2 years does not absolve them from hypocricy, nor dissolve their sins. They must pay, and will pay, and will continue to pay until the pound of flesh is taken from their hide and they are beaten down a peg or two (or few million).

TPF has had this coming for a long, long time. Treat others as you would be treated. TPF has treated others thusly, and in so doing I feel no remorce seeing them treated this way.

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Hey, we followed the terms to the letter.

Tell me where we didn't.

Is the type of ridicule we got in November deserved?

Die, TPF, die! I wish there isn't a smoldering rock left of your alliance.

My personal hopes are that you never, ever get peace after one year of attempting to ZI us. Don't pretend it was just Slayer, because you carried it on just as far as he did.

Fortunate for you we are led by a generous man in Chinatownbus who will let you off easier than I ever would.

Good lord you need to chill out.

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The name is karma for a reason. Your side performs atrocities at will, those you defend have performed much worse acts in their time and have reveled in it. Your kind have told us that if we don't like it do something about it. Guess what boy? We are doing something about it.

You want to criticize Karma for this? Then you must criticize the Hegemony for doing the exact same thing.

That is, unless you are a hypocrit, holding one side to a different set of standards than the other.

ahh, thats more like it, it just didn't feel right with twisted going on and no blind rage from other karma folks.

can i get some 'twisted doesnt represent the opinions of karma' now? i mean, i know you guys have no central leadership ('high command' and 'karma gov channel' refer to completely different thins guys), but can we get some big figures to remark on behalf of this organization that doesnt exist that if it did exist they wouldnt support poison clans actions?

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Article 3: Cancellation

Either Party may cancel this agreement. Once one party notifies the other with their intent to cancel, the Pact stays in effect for 10 days. If either party breaks the pact, it is considered null and void.

this is correct, poison clan broke the treaty by ignoring this clause and attacking tpf.

what i think is incredibly amusing is the argument that 'poison clan didnt break the treaty because they broke the treaty'

i mean, seriously?

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ahh, thats more like it, it just didn't feel right with twisted going on and no blind rage from other karma folks.

can i get some 'twisted doesnt represent the opinions of karma' now? i mean, i know you guys have no central leadership ('high command' and 'karma gov channel' refer to completely different thins guys), but can we get some big figures to remark on behalf of this organization that doesnt exist that if it did exist they wouldnt support poison clans actions?


   /ˈkɑrmə/ Show Spelled Pronunciation [kahr-muh] Show IPA


1. Hinduism, Buddhism. action, seen as bringing upon oneself inevitable results, good or bad, either in this life or in a reincarnation: in Hinduism one of the means of reaching Brahman. Compare bhakti (def. 1), jnana.

2. Theosophy. the cosmic principle according to which each person is rewarded or punished in one incarnation according to that person's deeds in the previous incarnation.

3. fate; destiny.

4. the good or bad emanations felt to be generated by someone or something.

Reference: www.dictionary.com

The Phoenix Federation will get what it deserves for spending over a year with a sole goal of destroying our alliance.

They brought this upon themselves. Their destruction is their destiny.

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Hey, we followed the terms to the letter.

Tell me where we didn't.

The Spirit > The Letter

At least if one's intent is that of honourable conduct. Following the Letter while ignoring the Spirit of any pact, bargain, or deal is for lawyer's prattle, not proud men of their word, men of action and nobility.

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Good lord, you need to roll that hard six.

Let a few more protectorates die while you're at it, will you?

dead serious right now, if karma is worth anything at all, you are going to get rolled after this war, possibly even before its over.

of course it wont happen, karmas tag lines and battle cries are just words of convenience, when it comes down to it you can be the biggest arrogant, malignant slimeball on the face of the planet, but as long as you stand next to karma they're more than happy to pat you on the back and tell you you have honor.

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