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Gridiron Tournament - Qualifying Round

Sargun II

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"Good morning everybody, and welcome to the first of the 'bonus matches' for the Qualifying Round of the Heart of Geauxld Gridiron Tournament! The bonus matches are broadcast in full while the official matches are given more of an average rundown due to the large amount of matches. My name is Erick Strickland, and welcome to our first official match.

The 'visitors' for this game are the Prussian Packers! and the 'home' team are the Defiant Archdukes from Lubeck. The high-profile player from the Packers! is speedy running back O.J. Simpson, known popularly as 'The Juice'. On the Archdukes, powerful quarterback Arnold Schwarzenegger has been known to throw a ball sixty yards --- on his knees. The Packers have a swarming defense known for being able to stick close to receivers and have shut down many opposing quarterbacks in their own league. The Archdukes, led by Schwarzenegger, have diced up many opponents through the air.

In addition, the cultural clash between a Lubeck team and a Germanic team have created a media blitz in the hours since the game was announced. Will this interfere with the game? Let's find out."


(Note: this is the official recap of the game)

"Kickoff in three.. two.. one.. and she's off! Jennings, the complementary receiver for the Packers!, catches the kickoff and returns to the 28. An interesting note here is that the Packers decided to start the game instead of defer. Usually in games like these where it threatens to be close you want to be able to wrest away any advantage the opposing team may have at halfti-- DAMN HE GOT FLOORED! The Juice just got leveled at the line of scrimmage at the first play of the game!"

Of course, Erick was right. Simpson was stuffed for no gain, Greg Jennings dropped a ball and another pass was tipped.

"Three-and-out for the favored Packers! and they start to punt. Fair catch at the 31. The Archdukes and Schwarzenegger line up, both of the powerhouses for each team wanting to tear each other apart. The ball is snapped - Schwarzenegger can't run, SACKED! Good god, the Packers! linebacker hit him so hard he injured himself!"

Indeed, the Packers! linebacker was taken off the field and would remain off for the first quarter. The Archdukes handed it to their halfback, who got it back to the line. A tipped pass later, and they were punting again.

"Caught at the twenty two, two yard return. Now, two underinspired performances by both stars of the team have set up a strange twist. How is each team going to win? The Packers! take the snap, their quarterback heaves a pass to the left to avoid a sack. Greg Jennings catches the ball at the sideline, JUMPS, HE'S IN THE OPEN FIELD AND IT'S A FOOTRACE, NUMBER 38 CAN'T CATCH HIM, HE'S IN THE END ZONE FOR A TOUCHDOWN! TOUUUUUUUUUUUUUCHDOOOOOOOOWN PAAAAAACKEEEEEEERS!!"


Much of the crowd groaned. They were mainly pro-Lubeck at the moment, but a good third of the crowd went !@#$% insane. The point after sailed through the uprights, and they lined up for kickoff a moment later. Caught at the 7, returned to the 31.

"Schwarzenegger drops back, heaves it in the air, CAUGHT at the 36! Thirty-seven yard catch! They're close to field goal range no-- SACKED! Right back out of range! Hoo, boy, nothing is going his way today." Verily. Two more incompletions, and it was time for the Archdukes to punt again. Touchback.

"The Packers! quarterback steps back, evades a grab, SA-- NO, BREAKS FREE, THROWS IT, CAUGHT AT THE OPPONENT'S THIRTY? THE ARCHDUKES LET HIM FREE AND A FIFTY YARD PASS GOT OUT!... up the middle for two... fakes to th- no it's a draw, eight yard gain for a first down Packers!... hands it off again to The Juice, HIT behind the line for a two yard loss... fakes to Simpson, throws it down to Jennings, he turns the burner on FIFTEEN YARD GAIN, FIRST DOWN!"

At this point, the crowd was starting to split. The neutral citizens from Louisiana were starting to cheer every move from both sides - both teams would feel the heat. "Hands it off, three yard gain, great wrap by the linebacker.. the quarterback drops bac-- HIT AND THE BALL IS TIPPED, NEARLY PICKED OFF BY THE ARCHDUKES! He just got away... another tipped pass.. drops back, throws, CAUGHT AND IT'S IN FOR A TOUCH-- NO, DOWN AT THE ONE YARD LINE! CLOSE, BUT NO CIGAR!"

The crowd went insane. Prussian fans for getting to the one, Lubeck fans for keeping them from getting in, Louisianians for the damn good display.

End of first quarter


"Field goal unit comes on to the field, gets the easy kick and it's 0-10. Disappointing for the Prussians, I'm sure. Here comes the kickoff unit.. returned to the 25, no fancy action here. Hand-off to Benson, blasts through the line for nine yards.."

Schwarzenegger knitted a pass through two sets of hands for a six-yard gain and a first down, followed by a one-yard draw. He heaved the ball up and it was caught in traffic for a twelve yard gain moments later.

"At the fourty-eight yard line.. hand-off to Benson, hit behind the lin-- breaks the tackle, breaks another one, HE'S GOT A BLOCKER, AT THE THIRTY, TWENTY, TEN, FIVE, HITS HIS OWN MAN AND IS TACKLED AT THE ONE YARD LINE!" Yet again, the crowd went insane. The packed 'Dome shook with fury as both sides were angry that they gave up such an opportunity.


Unfortunately, the next three passes were all nearly interceptions. The field goal unit came onto the field, making it 3-10.

"Kickoff.. twenty-five yard return to the twenty-five yard line.. the quarterback breaks a sack, rushes u-- SACKED two yards behind the line! Brutal sack by the Archdukes.." It would take thirty seconds for the team to get back in order. "And it seems the Archdukes are a little more than anxious to get up, encroachment, five-yard penalty agaisnt the Archdukes. Drops back, bullet pass-SIXTEEN YARD gain! At the fourty-four, hands it off to O.J. Simpson-- SIMPSON IS HIT HARD, THE BALL COMES LOOSE, WHO GOT IT? WHO GOT IT? IT'S A DOGPILE!"

Most of the referees worked their way to the pile at the fourty-three. Nobody could tell who was at the bottom. One by one, each man in the struggling pile tried to rip it out but they were forced up. In the end...

"ARCHDUKES RECOVER THE BALL! SIMPSON FUMBLES AND THE ARCHDUKES GET IT!" The crowd exploded in a frenzy - the first turnover of the game.

"Hands it off, four-yard run.. hands it off to Benson again, he jumps over a defender, OPEN FIELD, RACES DOWN TO THE THREE YARD LINE! THE ARCHDUKES ARE WITHIN SCORING DISTANCE AGAIN! They hurry up, Schwarzenegger snaps, he turns left, SCHWARZENEGGER RACES IN UNTOUCHED TO THE ENDZONE, TOUUUUUUUCHDOOOOOOOOOOWN ARRRRRRRRCHDUUUUUUUUKES!" As the Archdukes celebrated on the field, the Packers! left dejectedly, having given up their 10-point lead in a flash.

"Kickoff returned to the twenty-six.. and the pass is bobbled, O.J. can't keep it in his hands. Another pass to Simpson, this time he powers it in for nine yards.. the quarterback drops back again, passes to the rig-- INTERCEPTION AT THE THIRTY ONE, HE'S GOT ROOM AND HE RUNS IT BACK TO THE TWENTY YARD LINE! INTERCEPTION ARCHDUKES!" Another turnover, another advantage for the Archdukes.

"The Defiant Archdukes are really living up to their name as the favored Packers! are making too many mistakes. The Archdukes snap it to Benson, he powers it through for seven yards between the tackles.. another run, no gain.. third down, Schwarzenegger makes a jump throw, caught fooor FOUR YARDS, FIRST DOWN! They're hurrying again, the defense can't get fresh men on the field, Schwarzenegger steps back, throws a powerful one, it's way too high... no, he jumps, HE'S GOT IT IN THE AIR, HIT BUT HE HANGS ON, TOUCHDOOOOOOOOOOOOWN ARCHDUUUUUUUUUKES!"


With only seconds left, the sportscaster had to leave the booth as they refreshed everything. However, the Packers! returned it to the 49. O.J. caught a pass at the sixteen, rushed it up ten yards to the six, but they left it in the hands of their troubled quarterback, who nearly lost it three times and had to put the field goal unit on the field to make it 17-13.


(Lubeck) Defiant Archdukes 17 - 13 Prussian Packers! (Prussia)

Archdukes to get ball at halftime

Apologies, but for the third quarter there was a minor power outage and the booth was out of power for the third quarter.

The Archdukes returned the kickoff to the 22. Schwarzenegger threw an incomplete pass, five yard run up the middle, then Schwarzenegger was sacked on third down, leading to a punt. The Packers! got the ball at the thirty five, handed it to O.J. who was destroyed at the line of scrimmage, and handed it to him twice more for an average of one yard a carry. The punt sailed to the 37. The Archdukes threw two incomplete passes and ran for five yards, then punted. The Packers! recovered at the 13. The quarterback, despite behind hit while he threw, passed down to the twenty. O.J. busted through for a ten yard run, another four yard run, then was stopped for no gain. On third down, Jennings caught the ball at the fifty and dragged three defenders down to the 48 yard line! Fake toss to O.J., and the QB ran up to the fourteen. The quarterback threw a pass for four yards.

End of third quarter


"Apologies for the disturbance, ladies and gentlemen. Schwarzenegger hands off to Simpson, he runs it up to the seven -- facemask penalty against the Archdukes! Half the distance to the goal, leaves it third and half a yard.. The Packers! quarterback drops back, runs to the right, throws it --- PICKED OFF IN THE END ZONE! THE ARCHDUKES CORNERBACK TAKES THE BALL AND DOWNS IT IN THE END ZONE FOR A TOUCHBACK!" A collective scream and groan echoed throughout the 'Dome as the Lubeck fans waved their flags in the air, singing their fight songs.

"And the Archdukes take over at the 20 yard line.. hand it off to Benson who's HIT BEHIND THE LINE AND HE FUMBLES THE BALL, BUT SCHWARZENEGGER RECOVERS AND RUNS IT TO THE TWENTY-EIGHT! BRILLIANT EYES BY SCHWARZENEGGER! Good Lord, that was a great play. Scwarzenegger is playing the hurry-up now, snaps it and completes a quick first-down pass for four yards. He quickly snaps it and hands it to Benson, he breaks TWO TACKLES BUT is downed half a yard from first down. Moving quickly, Schwarzenegger hands it to Benson who runs it for seven yards to the fourty-eight! He snaps it again, but the offensive line falls apart under the hurry and Benson is hit behind the line for a loss of two. Trying to continue the hurry, Benson gets hit for no gain, then Schwarzenegger hands it off again for a gain of eight. Unfortunately, they are unable to take advantage of the turnover and have to punt."

The punt sailed out of bounds at the nineteen, and the two-minute warning sounded.

Two-Minute Warning

"The Packers! quarterback drops back, shoves it for two yards.. he drops back again, playing the hurry to have enough time to score, heaves it up-- DROPPED by Jennings! They're taking their time... he drops back again, a light pass, caught at the twenty-eight! Fourth and inches! They're lining up, hurrying up to catch the defense off guard, they snap it to O.J., he evades a tac-- HIT BEHIND THE LINE AND HE'S DROPPED ON FOURTH DOWN! The Archdukes have the ball, the clock and the lead!"

Simpson walked off the field in a rage.

"The Archdukes hand it off to Benson, one yard gain and a timeout. Hand-off again two yard gain, timeout.. hand off, no gain, last timeout by the Packers!. They line up to kick a 41-yard field goal.. the kick.. is.. GOOD! 20-13 ARCHDUKES!"

The Prussians would need a touchdown and an extra point to tie it instead of win it. This was good for the Archdukes.

"They get the ball and run it to the 38 on the return, better field position than normal. The QB drops back, the ball is caught at midfield and run to the 31, a twenty-one yard pass! They hurry up, the QB throws - TIPPED AT THE LINE! With the clock stopped, they go back to passing. The quarterback drops back, heaves the ball, nearly caught at the two BUT A FLAG IS DOWN! THE REFEREES COME ON THE FIELD.. DEFENSIVE PASS INTERFERENCE BY THE LUBECK DEFIANT ARCHDUKES! THE PRUSSIANS WILL GET THE BALL AT THE ONE WITH FIVE SECONDS REMAINING! LORD OH LORD, THAT WAS A HUGE CALL.."


Timeout Archdukes. Both teams took the time to put their freshest men, their best starters, everyone on the field. It would come down to this play.


"The Packers! snap the ball, the quarterback drops back, fakes a handoff to Simpson, nobody buys it, the Archdukes close in-- SAAAAACKED! THE ARCHDUKES SACK THE PRUSSIAN QUARTERBACK TO WIN THE GAME WITH NO TIME LEFT! THE GAME IS OVER!"

End of Fourth Quarter

(Lubeck) Defiant Archdukes 20 - 13 Prussian Packers! (Prussia)

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(New Italy) Il Duces Scoreboard: 14-14-14-3 | total: 45

(Wästerdyskreich Nordic Socialist Republic) Rotterdam Eagles Scoreboard: 0-17-14-8 | total: 39

The game started off with a dominating performance by the Il Duces' offense. Two quick scores by the middle of the first quarter riled up the crowd, who was ambivalent to both teams. They wanted a game, not a rout. They got their wish, and the Eagles HB Brian Westbrook proved the guiding force for the 'home' team. They rallied to 21-10, then 28-17 at the half. A rout turned into a game past halftime when Westbrook ran fourty-five yards down and got the score to 28-24. From then on, Il Duces' never looked back when they ate up eight minutes on two drives and scored twice more in the third quarter off of a Eagles interception. The board read 42-31 going into the fourth, and Westbrook took his team down the field for a touchdown and punched in the two points to bring it to 42-39. A 51-yard field goal by Il Duces gave them a 6-point lead with sixteen seconds left. The Eagles threw for fourty yards but were unable to get the touchdown and ran out of time.

The final score in this offensive showdown is 45-39.


OOC: I figured to do it shorter this time, I was kinda busy

Edited by Sargun
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Good news, everyone!

All the brackets are filled. Thanks to all who signed up. There will be two matches a day, starting today.

Qualifying Round

Il Duces - Tri-City Markhor

Seattle Seahawks - Northern Bears

Prussian Packers! - Calgari Stampeders

Languedoc Eagles - Osea Wardogs

Yuktobanian Comets - Brisbane Steelers

Defiant Archdukes - Winnipeg Wildcats

Yobushaits Eku - Molakian Ravens

Greater German Eagles - Alvonia Falcons

Rotterdam Eagles - Iron Dragons

The first two matches are between the favored Il Duces against the heavy underdog the Tri-City Markhor. In addition, the Seattle Seahawks are expected to trounce all over the Northern Bears in the prime-time game!

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Good news, everyone!

All the brackets are filled. Thanks to all who signed up. There will be two matches a day, starting today.

Qualifying Round

Il Duces - Tri-City Markhor

Seattle Seahawks - Northern Bears

Prussian Packers! - Calgari Stampeders

Languedoc Eagles - Osea Wardogs

Yuktobanian Comets - Brisbane Steelers

Defiant Archdukes - Winnipeg Wildcats

Yobushaits Eku - Molakian Ravens

Greater German Eagles - Alvonia Falcons

Rotterdam Eagles - Iron Dragons

The first two matches are between the favored Il Duces against the heavy underdog the Tri-City Markhor. In addition, the Seattle Seahawks are expected to trounce all over the Northern Bears in the prime-time game!

OOC: Hmm, my team got left out.

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It is said that the team Yobushaits Eku are officially soldiers of Tsnayutsnayar, but the papers only say that to justify taking them from their families to constantly be trained, and it is a government sponsored team.

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When asked about his upcoming game against the Il Duces, head coach Michael Childress had this to say,

We'll just see how we do. We are going to try hard, and hopefully find our stride, but we won't know until game day.

OOC: For the game picture, the best team to represent the Markhor would probably be the Rams.

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It is said that the team Yobushaits Eku are officially soldiers of Tsnayutsnayar, but the papers only say that to justify taking them from their families to constantly be trained, and it is a government sponsored team.

It is said the the Molakia Ravens are not like most men. They are the best of the best....some of the players are Molakian Intelligence Service agents....

(The MIS is my KGB/CIA/NSA/etc)

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