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Everything posted by Tsnayuts

  1. That or Abkhazia, but the land shown is preferred.
  2. Well, erm, should it be larger to ease mapping? If you cut out a piece of land like this in Krasnodar?
  3. Could my nation be added? The area around this marker -- I think I may keep to this size and be like Singapore or something like that.
  4. The past of the Mk'vdari broke the daily grind of the recruiting office, it confirmed the story of him being a 23 year old immigrant from Tsnayutsnayar. The school records and work records from before he moved to Louisiana were sketchy, but sense then he had become an active member in the service goods work force, ending up working in many fast food franchises for limited amount of time. But without proper records, the man had claims of being a holyman before civil unrest started to pervade his nation. His health seemed normal, but the urine test seemed to be as negative as his mood once told that he needed to take a urine test -- which he did not like at all, showing some disregard to authority. It may prove to be necessary to search his luggage for illicit materials, but we are certain that no ''hard drugs'' ever graced his system. His marksmenship skills were a great deal higher than the others that have taken the test, an ability he credits to some service in the Tsnayutsnayari National Defence force, and his athletic skills did not lag behind the average. His leadership skills were above the average, but his math skills were lacking.
  5. The men looked at themselves in confusion at the speech of the ambassador, but they only smiled. Soon, a jeep rolled down into the security checkpoint and as it was in full speed smacked one of the guards, and one of the ambassador's children was rushed with force under the tire. The jeep swerved and opened fire, aiming mainly for the air to keep the men down. Tskhviridze yelled something in Tsnayutsnayari, and soon the others started opening supressive fare and jumped through the checkpoint's window, and Tskhviridze held the rope. In a momentary lull, another member of the family was tackled down and tied up before getting put somewhere inside the checkpoint. // Too early in the morning.//
  6. That further eschews the population density if SOI is left with no modifier to mess with that. But I guess my nation is just a city at the moment, so no matter.
  7. It's jaws... So, yeah. My current claim can not fit with my nation. In addition some neighbours want land. So, have at my current claims and I must move off to the city of Novorossiysk.
  8. I personally disagree with these all this stuff based on IG stats, at least initially for beginner nations -- because they'd have to spend a good amount of time beeing like San Marino. It makes much more sense for veteran players of the game. I'm perfectly fine playing a backwards nation, but playing one that is supposed to be 36 miles squared and consists of 287 (2,870?) is a bit odd. And isn't the population supposed to be multiplied by 10 or something like that, if I recall? That'd lead to population density issues if the SOI is unchanged, unless you splurge IG infra cash on land, but that is just outright bizarre idea for me. In any matter I guess in a month or so this won't be an issue -- at least not in my mind.
  9. // Edit: I personally use Tsnayutsnayari, but it don't matter, use what ya like. // Three guardsmen watched the ambassador and his family exit the plane, slightly in awe, for they had never seen a plane in person. They waited slowly for the people to come to the security checkpoint so they could be escorted off, but suddenly, a ghastly, visceral gargle that was complemented with a spray of warm liquid that landed on the back of one of the guardsmen's head. But before he turned around a knife made it's way through the back of his neck, and so he too fell. Now, unknown men stood at the checkpoint, but no one would notice this. Tskhviridze, one of the unknown men smiled as he lit a cigarette and watched the party of Nordlanders and their interpreter approach. As they came closer the subtle clicking of magazines sliding into IktKYM 587s could be head, but as that happened another man emphatically coughed. As the diplomatic group came closer to the security checkpoint the men became more anxious as sweating fingers started to slide over the triggerguards. One of the men bellowed a facade of well wishing as others shouted their hellos, "Drovkhe ta Tsnayuts Ayar!" bellowed some, "Zdrautsvkhu!" said others as a greeting. They knew what they were about to do, and they knew why. And with so much planning, it could not be aborted, what was about to happen seemed like it was the fate of the family. Admittedly, this was all going to be a little sacrifice for the greater good of all people: to take down the current government of Tsnayutsnayar, and kill every last cur that represented it. //And another edit: Diplo-responses are always encouraged. For the time being, this really will be the focal piece of Tsnayutsnayari unrest, so I guess that other thread will just be background for the diplomat that I'm gonna use in the future.//
  10. Drowsy on morning, Onkali woke, and immediately watched an envoy bow and give him a transcript of a letter that he was about to read to him. Onkali picked up the letter, but to him he could not make sense of what was written, and just waited for the man to speak which he did. "You are expected to be an ambassador of the nation and come to this nation called Ratnagiri. I shall accompany you, and we bother along with a few other shall depart by helicopter soon. The Ulan shall come at a slightly later time, and he has sent a letter to the nation that he will be attending and is sending an envoy. Right, now, come this way." \\ http://forums.cybernations.net/index.php?a...amp;pid=1513633 -- Yes, that guy.//
  11. Mk'vdari paced through the flat, deciding what to grab and bring to the recruitment office. He didn't have much to bring, but he decided to bring along a small brick of khat that he had recently gotten, and then a few spare shirts and other cloths that lay helter-skelter all over the flat, along with a hygiene kit and put it into a rucksack. Ready for the travel, he left the place for the recruitment building.
  12. //Oh, so despite that tie we don't continue on then? *Goes on an changes the post to the Execution of Karad//
  13. // He better not fail. If he does I ensure you all some rather macabre comic relief...from what was done to him before... //
  14. // One point? ... // Karad Agal strained in his bonds, and sat in his own stream of sweat as he tried with all of his might to break the chains, but it could not be done. After a minute of attempts he stopped and sat back into the seat of the car, in a motion accepting his fate. He started to hear the wild, almost bestial cheer of the crowd around him, but he only lowered his head in shame as we watched the obscene machinery of an antiquated tank start somewhere behind him. In a manic burst the crowd cheered as the tank drove past Karad's car in full speed, only to turn and idle for a moment. Time seemed to slow for him, and tears started to well as he thought of his failure. But as he did the crowd started to laugh at the sight of a pitiful looking Karad Agal. The machinery of the tank started again, and it started to become wider and wider in the view of Karad, until it encompassed his entire sight. Karad then just lowered his head, but as the tank mounted the engine section of the car, and the windshield shattered, he looked up again to see that it had stopped. And a voice proclaimed to him as men walked to the car to undo the chains "You have lost a game, but you did not fail us in the next two games, do not fail our nation again." //:P//
  15. Lavo/Rebel Army essentially hold the middle east, and Turkey. And then: .I now believe my IG nation would be fit for expansion and extend this claim to Dagestan now. In my next post in unrest I shall mention that.
  16. *Tsnayuts suddenly has competition... Wait, are you referring to the enclave? If so, take it, but I have current claims on Azerbaijan, except the enclave. Bah, go for it I guess, should be interesting to see another neighbour. I don't own any of that, that is, if you are referring to that enclave, but originally Georgia and the Caucasus were my target, but it's all good. For turkey you need to set something up with Lavo, I'd imagine, I dunno.
  17. Mk'vdari flicked the ask from his cigaret as he slowly read a poster, a Aperture Infantry recruitment poster. As he read it he smiled, ever since he had moved to Louisiana his life was dull. He could use the money, and he could use something to occupy his time. He returned to his flat to lay down on a couch. His Louisianan flat-mate shouted at for failing to do some duty in the kitchen, but Mk'vdari just yelled at him in Tsnayutsnayari and the man just lowered his head in a cowed manner, only to go and do whatever he was shouting at him for. Mk'vdari then reached for the phone to dial that number posted on that recruitment poster.
  18. It is said that the team Yobushaits Eku are officially soldiers of Tsnayutsnayar, but the papers only say that to justify taking them from their families to constantly be trained, and it is a government sponsored team.
  19. Tsnayuts Ayaraka, land of the Tnsayuts people. In english, this has often been rendered as Tsnayutsnayar //More later//
  20. His dreams quickly formed into a rushed blur as a shining bright light created a tunnel in his mind's eye -- and it was as if he was sprinted to the end of if. But quickly it halted and immediately Onkali jumped forward in his stretcher, he could not make out the details of the scene around him, but soon enough he looked around to see he was in a improvised hospital. As him memories caught up with him he turned to see his right arm in horror. As expected, he saw a mass of dressings around his shoulder and forearm, but there was no arm sticking out of it. As he examined his arm with visceral horror, he turned to look at his leg. Bandages we laid out in many various spots along his right leg, with the concentration around his thigh. Onkali combed his hair with his fingers and laid back down, planning to sleep. But he was to restless to sleep, a man laying in a stretcher spoke to him, but Onkali could not hear him right. So he asked the man to speak again, but a bit louder. So he spoke again, much more louder. "Haven't you heard the News recently? Znushekye* province as let back into the nation in an attempt for stabilisation or whatever. Checkstations have now been stationed all over the place to cut down on the violence that has both put you and I here. I've heard that -- whatever are the powers that be -- sent out a wish to the world to send in a peacekeeping force of somesort. Hopefully someone will come to the call, these hospitals are getting too big." *Dagestan... //......Please have a diplo-response?//
  21. I now believe my IG nation would be fit for expansion and extend this claim to Dagestan now. In my next post in unrest I shall mention that.
  22. As his thoughts drifted to and fro, the line between reality and fiction blurred like his vision. around him the was a chaos of human suffering, but instead going to his past. He drifted into a reverie of him playing Krokoru, a popular Tsnayutsayari ball game, in Gashtur when he was a small boy. He remembered twisting his ankle and he had tried to play on. He heard his father's friends say that he had guts. He remembered now. It was not guts to lay down and die. He contemplated on what to do, and it seemed that for self respect he must make effort to move to safety. He tried to move and found that his left arm was fairly effective, so he pushed it to the ground and forced himself into a sitting position. Out of the shade he could see raw holes in his left forearm and a lot of blood. His right shoulder seemed to be in a confounded mess, what he could see of it, and he thought that his arm was nearly off He started to lament, "Oh gods, I'll be one armed." he paused for a moment of sobbing and stopped , to speak again "By damnation, it doesn't matter being one-armed if I am a bloated corpse." Onkali then tried to stand, but immediately he was gripped with deep resounding pain from his leg. He took a step forward and succumbed to the pain that he could not bear in his leg, he fell forward. As he hit the ground his whole body seized in pain. Noises rippled around him, and were muted as if he had his head underwater, but one single crisp voice could be heard as he felt himself being picked up. It said: "Look at what these confounded hounds did to this poor sod, get him up." And as he felt being picked up, he felt as if he graced salvation. And he fell into another deep sleep with a wide smile of satisfaction across his face.
  23. Onkali leaned forward in his seat as he pulled out binoculars and scanned the people below, as his eyes slowly looked over the scene he was deeply hit with a wave of sadness. Below was an improvised hospital to stop the tide of dying men as strife has struck the nation of the Tsnayutsayari people. Below was a scene of agony, and deep despair, it seemed to many people that the struggle against the government was the smiting of the gods. As the rifleman stood, alerted by the fast speed of a car going towards the hospital, but as he raised his binoculars to his eyes a pillar of fire rose from a crowd, and debris was thrown into the air. Panicked, Onkali looked to the other three dazed men in the watchpost, who were already readying themselves to run down to where the fires still raged. Onkali threw his rifle over his shoulder and ran quickly down. As he approached closer he saw the chaos that the single vehicle brought to the scene, people lay everywhere in agony moaning as they held tightly onto their injuries. But Onkali did not know what to do, he helped press onto one mans raw leg, but he stopped as he saw a ambulance rolled onto the verge of the crowd. Jubilant, he moved to the ambulance, but in a earshattering moment he was thrown to the ground. He looked up, clearing the daze from his mind to look at his thigh. To his horror, an apple sized piece of flesh was missing from one of his thighs. Despite his panic, he started to feel as if a lead blanket of lethargy fall over himself. He tried to crawl to another man, but as drowsiness was gnawing on his mind he passed out. //I'll actually add more to this -- essentially the nation was just torn asunder and the government was powderised. Feel free to add in a reaction or a diplo-response. If you want to become heavily involved tell me on IRC.// Also, the rifle used -- the IktKYM 587, think of the STG-44 The Izinkirmishnata Koyemanu 587 rifle, manufactured by Koyemanu industries, is an old rifle, but any experienced fighter can use the gun perfectly well. It started production in Tsnayutsayari year 5087 (roman: 1987) as a improvement over the semi-automatic weapon that was in use at the time. It was initially criticised for having less of a range than most rifles at the time, but studies have proven that fireteams that were equipped with long distance rifles have a much higher casualty rate in urban areas when compared to fireteams that were given. As cities grew, the manufacturing order for the IktKYM 587 grew as well. In the recent Tsnayutsayari struggle continues, the rifle continues to prove it's worth as a tool for destruction. __ Base tech level: 1 Weight: 5.35 kg Length: 950 mm Barrel length: 425 mm Cartridge: 6.5x35mm Action: Gas-operated, tilting bolt Rate of fire: 450-550 rounds/min Muzzle velocity: 725 m/s Effective range: 315 m Feed system: 25 round detachable magazine Sights: rear V-notch and a front hooded post
  24. NATION: Tnsayutsayar TEAM NAME: Yobushaits Eku OFFENSIVE/DEFENSIVE ORIENTED TEAM: Defensive STAR PLAYER:Power Back Pocket - Karad Agal
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