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GATO, from the ashes reborn? Or its final humiliation?


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I remember that incident in question, as I was in IAA government at the time. Chimaera's analysis is fairly accurate, although he left out the fact that the majority of popular opinion at the time within IAA was to declare war on Valhalla, despite the fact that we would have clearly lost.

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I remember that incident in question, as I was in IAA government at the time. Chimaera's analysis is fairly accurate, although he left out the fact that the majority of popular opinion at the time within IAA was to declare war on Valhalla, despite the fact that we would have clearly lost.

I don't actually recall taking a vote on popular opinion (you're probably right, they all wanted a piece of Valhalla, and for good reason), but I do know it was and is my job to keep my alliance out of situations that would have killed it, unless obligated to join in.

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If you honestly think this shows the end of GATO you have no idea what the alliance has been through. I was a Deputy Assembly Chairman during October of '06. The alliance was far worse than it appeared to the outside world, and the outside world thought we were falling apart. Letum and Chris Kaos were full on trying to drive each other out of the game, there were secret factions plotting how to take over, any attempt to make a policy decision would lead to impeachment charges from someone who didn't like them. If the alliance could survive their bickering, they could survive this.

EDIT: Also noWedge was one of the worst people to ever play Cybernations, period.

Edited by John Michaels
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I remember that incident in question, as I was in IAA government at the time. Chimaera's analysis is fairly accurate, although he left out the fact that the majority of popular opinion at the time within IAA was to declare war on Valhalla, despite the fact that we would have clearly lost.

You probably would have better off doing that.

IAA wasn't exactly managing its members particularly well in that time period; IMO you would have suffered a similar fate to what happened to BAPS, i.e. being kept at war until noWedge was unseated.

However I suspect that if you had done so, noWedge might have been unseated sooner.

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You probably would have better off doing that.

IAA wasn't exactly managing its members particularly well in that time period; IMO you would have suffered a similar fate to what happened to BAPS, i.e. being kept at war until noWedge was unseated.

However I suspect that if you had done so, noWedge might have been unseated sooner.

I would have been for that, as I recall at least originally I was one of the people screaming for war, although I also ended up being the one coordinating most of the reparations payments (led to my one and only conversation with noWedge). Also, IAA was in no way prepared to fight a war like BAPS, and would most likely have been destroyed.

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I would have been for that, as I recall at least originally I was one of the people screaming for war, although I also ended up being the one coordinating most of the reparations payments (led to my one and only conversation with noWedge). Also, IAA was in no way prepared to fight a war like BAPS, and would most likely have been destroyed.

Maybe. <_<

IAA did have a pretty strong stubborn streak though. Not like BAPS, but it was there.

In your shoes, I probably would've said "No, $%&@ off" and waited for Wedgie to launch the attack though. Your guys wanted to pre-empt which wasn't the best idea either.

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Maybe. <_<

IAA did have a pretty strong stubborn streak though. Not like BAPS, but it was there.

In your shoes, I probably would've said "No, $%&@ off" and waited for Wedgie to launch the attack though. Your guys wanted to pre-empt which wasn't the best idea either.

We were quite the stubborn bunch, but in terms of our NATIONS, we were woefully unprepared. And I do have to agree, declaring an offensive war on either Valhalla or NPO was like, the dream of many an IAA member.

Also, to address the rest of the OP: I think that GATO has many a good day ahead of her, and I look forward to the day she regains sanction.

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Hello people, this piece was supposed to be published within our internal newsletter, and I will be stabbing sileath a few times with a rusty spoon after I've finished posting this.

The opinions posted there are my own, not NSO's, etc etc. I still hold lots of love for GATO, it was my first true home here, and any and all criticism is in relation to their recent history.

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Maybe. <_<

IAA did have a pretty strong stubborn streak though. Not like BAPS, but it was there.

In your shoes, I probably would've said "No, $%&@ off" and waited for Wedgie to launch the attack though. Your guys wanted to pre-empt which wasn't the best idea either.

Now, I'll be quite honest, I was Emperor of IAA for two years, and I don't recall a single significant push to launch a pre-emptive war against any alliance, ever, except for the minor war where we crushed a micro alliance that was trying to spy on us. That desire for preemption was an accusation made against us by NPO at the time of the 1V War, which is where you may be getting that, but that simply wasn't and isn't true. They did want to defend our alliance and our rights rather than just pay up, that's 100% accurate, but if I had made the call to go to war, I would have brought down 3 other very close allies of ours at the same time, and when faced with extortion or death (because let's face it, death is what they actually wanted), extortion's the better choice.

I also think Alekhine is severely underestimating our fighting capabilities. We proved we could fight during the UJW (which is what Valhalla really wanted revenge for, though they'd never admit it), it's just during the 1V War we had already decided to disband so nobody gave a damn what we did with our nations.

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Your guys wanted to pre-empt which wasn't the best idea either.

Yeah... No. I was gov't around that time, and attacking Valhalla was the last thing on our minds. See Chim's post for the full story.

And I do have to agree, declaring an offensive war on either Valhalla or NPO was like, the dream of many an IAA member.

Uhh... What? That's bull and you know it. You were among the few members who wished to do that, and you were the loudest of them all.

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Now, I'll be quite honest, I was Emperor of IAA for two years, and I don't recall a single significant push to launch a pre-emptive war against any alliance, ever, except for the minor war where we crushed a micro alliance that was trying to spy on us. That desire for preemption was an accusation made against us by NPO at the time of the 1V War, which is where you may be getting that, but that simply wasn't and isn't true.

Eh, I thought this was an earlier incident. My bad. I wasn't thinking of the GATO war period.

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All I can say is that the Global Alliance of today is not the Global Alliance that I remember from the days of the League. Only time will tell whether or not that's a good thing. They've certainly had a rough ride, and I imagine that's bound to change anyone's outlook on life. That they still exist after all they've been through is no small accomplishment, all things considered.

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Yeah GATO can't premept anyone anyway. They are bound by their charter to defend and I garuntee you will never find an alliance more dedicated to their charter. maybe as dedicated but not more.

Also, never got confirmation on my correction to the OP. :P

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Yeah... No. I was gov't around that time, and attacking Valhalla was the last thing on our minds. See Chim's post for the full story.

Uhh... What? That's bull and you know it. You were among the few members who wished to do that, and you were the loudest of them all.

There were others as well... I definitely wasn't the only one. I also may have been the most influential member who wanted blood, but there were definitely others who were more vocal about it at the time.

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How come NPO IOs have ops on your chan GATO?

Some don't. We are in the process of removing those ops, but we may have missed a few. If you see it report it to someone with sops and it will be taken care of. If this is what you are worried about... then you are grasping at straws to find a reason why we aren't "free."

I for one say, from the ashes reborn. Maybe you have to be a member of GATO to see it, but it is a great time to be in GATO. I have not seen such exciting times since our recovery from GWIII. We remember the IAA, and we are still friends with those who remain. However, our relationship with the NPO is no longer enmity, but peaceful coexistence. That is all we ever wanted, an opportunity to live without the fear of getting rolled by half of CN, and now we have it. You will all see what we do with it in the coming months and years.

Edited by Wootmeister
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Some don't. We are in the process of removing those ops, but we may have missed a few. If you see it report it to someone with sops and it will be taken care of. If this is what you are worried about... then you are grasping at straws to find a reason why we aren't "free."

I for one say, from the ashes reborn. Maybe you have to be a member of GATO to see it, but it is a great time to be in GATO. I have not seen such exciting times since our recovery from GWIII. We remember the IAA, and we are still friends with those who remain. However, our relationship with the NPO is no longer enmity, but peaceful coexistence. That is all we ever wanted, an opportunity to live without the fear of getting rolled by half of CN, and now we have it. You will all see what we do with it in the coming months and years.

This owl is clearly possessed by Stockholm Syndrome.

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GATO's got alot of their old members back, they're not dead yet.

I'd like to think we have plenty of new talent as well. GATO is far from dead, and you will be surprised to see us return with a vengeance.

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I'd like to think we have plenty of new talent as well. GATO is far from dead, and you will be surprised to see us return with a vengeance.

Lol, Don't use the "V" word my friend.

I joined in February of '07 and have mostly :unsure: been a GATO member ever since. Never in my wildest dreams would I have thought that We could play this game without the ever present Shadow of the NPO looming over our heads. For those of you that question the PIAT, it is nothing more than, "Here dude, you play in that corner and I'll sit over here in mine". As for the "Heil NPO" in #gato, we're tired and lazy. give us a break. <_<

All together, I think we are most definitely from the ashes reborn. Our demographics of both old and new testify to our commitment to our past and our eagerness for the future. GATO's current state of affairs is more than I ever hoped it could be, It is one with little real animosity (outside of some certain awesome PbP threads) and a great deal of members, both young and old looking to take our time honored traditions in a completely new direction.

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I don't really know what to say. GATO has always had this certain reputation of flip flopishness depending on who was in power. It went from allowing tech raiding by their members to having CNARF. Didn't both Chris Chaos and denial try coups in it? It would make inconsistent and grand proclamations, only to have to make embarrassing retractions later. Take the red puppet colony affair and the denial of the NpO. It's hard to get beyond that past. They could change their name or something, but even then I think everyone would still associate them with their past.

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I don't really know what to say. GATO has always had this certain reputation of flip flopishness depending on who was in power. It went from allowing tech raiding by their members to having CNARF. Didn't both Chris Chaos and denial try coups in it? It would make inconsistent and grand proclamations, only to have to make embarrassing retractions later. Take the red puppet colony affair and the denial of the NpO. It's hard to get beyond that past. They could change their name or something, but even then I think everyone would still associate them with their past.

Tech raiding -> CNARF was a span of six months or so, which back then was an eternity in CN, since the game had only been around for about 10 total. We tech raided when it wasn't cool, and we fought tech raiders when that wasn't cool either. We're just trend setters. :P

Everything you list is spread apart by huge gaps, you're just cherry picking events and making them sound like we're a mixed-up mess. Chris didn't coup GATO, Denial was never a member (he was LUE). Depraved (our founder) couped GATO in October 06. GARO was in May 06, the NpO recognition fiasco was in October (though you do correctly connect those in that Grenval was behind both becoming international incidents).


I'm amazed to see this topic go for 3 pages without any trolling. Are you people sure you realize you're in a GATO thread? This is totally unlike CN.


Of course GATO today is different than the GATO of the past - nobody stays the same all the time, and if they did no one would want to be around them. But the reason we still have members from early 2006 is that our principles are the same. Those have never changed, though the world has always changed around us.

EDIT: Also, sup Griff. Good to see you. They treating you well over there?

Edited by geneclar
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