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Tired of the cult of personality

General Bragg

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Because it's childish and narcissistic. It also screams of convenience. Admin help us if protocol is removed from this game altogether. Vox has already trampled upon and molested any vestiges of privacy that Alliances could hope to possess in this game so you would wish to remove yet another element? I require Asprin...

If your talking about Vox's spying stuff, you have very little room to talk about such practices, as the GGA has been doing it since the start of it's existence. The rest really didn't make a whole lot of sense with what you quoted from me. I think your just trying to blame everything on Vox again.

Don't you or didn't you have a 'Free FAN' signature at some point?

I fail to see what that has to do with what you quoted from me. Try again.

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On May 8, 1945 Alfred Jodl stood before the Western Allies and surrendered the forces of Nazi Germany. Today on May 8, I too must take the regretable step and surrender to the forces of Karma.

Like the French troops of May 1917 entering a 3rd year of war, my troops are entering a 3rd week of non-stop war while the bourgesois masters of Pacifica relax in peace mode. My troops will defend their homes, but refuse anymore offensive attacks in the name Moo and the IO's.

Finally, I have opted to end this war not because I am abandoning Pacifica, but because she abandoned me. Pacifica was hailed as a "meritocracy", yet whenever one dares to criticizes the regime in order to improve it they are mocked and scoffed. Instead of a true meritocracy dedicated to Francoist ideals we have a cult of personality dedicated to Moo and IO's that would have made Stalin or Kim Il Sung proud.

The final straw was to find my forum access has been denied. No warning, no counsel; just dropped like a hot potato. At this point I can only conclude that either Pacifica is dead or that I am persona non grata because no one returns my calls and my letters have a green glow when marked "return to sender, address unkown."

Given my shabby treatment by Moo, et al., once I have had time and aid to rebuild I would be open to re-entering this war on Karma's side if they will grant me release from terms.

Correct me if I'm wrong, but the point of the upper nations remaining in peace mode is so that the alliance NS can be quickly rebuilt once peace is declared. When you go from 20,000 to 10,000, it's not quite as big a deal to rebuild from the aid of the more opulent nations. But if their nations are taken from 70,000 to 35,000 then the alliance is pretty much screwed as there is no source of funding for the lower tier nations. However, if I'm wrong and the more powerful nations don't intend to help you rebuild then I'd agree you have a right to be pissed.

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NPO's definition of traitor is leaving to join an alliance the NPO is treatied to during peace time. At least according to Loucifer and Z'ha'dum.

He didn't leave, he was booted. So what makes him a traitor?

You apparently missed where Cortath said that he got aid.

I did not miss it. What does that have to do with him being a traitor?

Edited by atrophis
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Correct me if I'm wrong, but the point of the upper nations remaining in peace mode is so that the alliance NS can be quickly rebuilt once peace is declared. When you go from 20,000 to 10,000, it's not quite as big a deal to rebuild from the aid of the more opulent nations. But if their nations are taken from 70,000 to 35,000 then the alliance is pretty much screwed as there is no source of funding for the lower tier nations. However, if I'm wrong and the more powerful nations don't intend to help you rebuild then I'd agree you have a right to be pissed.

However, when one has gone from 20K to 2K getting rebuilding aid is a little tougher, but that is beside the point in the infra tech cult that is the NPO.

All alliances I have ever seen, the going rate for tech is 3 mil per 100, yet the NPO virtually forces its noobs to sell 150 for 3 mil which yields around 750K profit if you have 0 tech.

Also if any thinks the low ranks of NPO will ever see more than 3 mil in rebuilding aid they are deluded. With ouver 900 nations, most of the bank aid will end up in the hands of large nations that barely fought to begin with.

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Also if any thinks the low ranks of NPO will ever see more than 3 mil in rebuilding aid they are deluded. With ouver 900 nations, most of the bank aid will end up in the hands of large nations that barely fought to begin with.

Yes, because it obviously makes a ton of sense to send rebuilding aid to nations for whom 3 million dollars barely buys 10 infra!

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Leaving your alliance while it's at the state of war called deserting. Good luck!

His issue isn't that their losing. His issue is that he has realized that he was a meatshield. While the Pacifican Government sits in peace mode and watches the war from above, the Pacificans themselves are being pounded on all fronts. This particular member saw or felt that he was a pawn in their game, and did all he could do. He left.

Although I agree that you shouldn't fight your former allies in the same war. Odds are you won't be able to, because the only case of leaving a POW camp I know of is being released to a neutral alliance.

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Well it's good to know I'm not the only one who noticed NPO's large influx of new nations, thus pulling a thin veil over their lost of more senior members. Does anyone have a copy of a current NPO "recruiting message". I wonder if it conveniently skips over the war situation.

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However, when one has gone from 20K to 2K getting rebuilding aid is a little tougher, but that is beside the point in the infra tech cult that is the NPO.

Getting aid automatically must be tough, yes.

All alliances I have ever seen, the going rate for tech is 3 mil per 100, yet the NPO virtually forces its noobs to sell 150 for 3 mil which yields around 750K profit if you have 0 tech.

Price is 1.5m for 50 tech. Has been so for months.

Also if any thinks the low ranks of NPO will ever see more than 3 mil in rebuilding aid they are deluded. With ouver 900 nations, most of the bank aid will end up in the hands of large nations that barely fought to begin with.

Look, at least pick an accusation that makes sense. Do I need to go into the lack of economic logic of what you are saying?

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Yes, because it obviously makes a ton of sense to send rebuilding aid to nations for whom 3 million dollars barely buys 10 infra!

So? You think that matters? Back when I was in the NPO, whenever we had reps or extortion money coming in, the vast majority always ended up in the hands of the Emperor, his IOs, and a select group of friends. The common member never saw much, if any.

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Getting aid automatically must be tough, yes.

Price is 1.5m for 50 tech. Has been so for months.

Look, at least pick an accusation that makes sense. Do I need to go into the lack of economic logic of what you are saying?

Niceee... how about you leave peace mode and do some actual fighting before you begin bashing General Bragg for making legitimate claims?

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Niceee... how about you leave peace mode and do some actual fighting before you begin bashing General Bragg for making legitimate claims?

Factual correction is not bashing. "Bashing" would be me making some reference to your intelligence in relation to your failing to understand the use of peace mode as a tactic in war.

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Well, I suppose peace mode would make sense if you guys still possessed a capable military structure and command that could make proper use of the aid system, but considering how badly you folks are screwing this one up, its safe to say that strategery isnt really playing a role in your decision making.

That being said;

lol cortath.

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General Bragg, I would suggest that you just find another alliance and rebuild instead of wasting what is left of your nation attacking something just because you are mad at their treatment of you. If your former comrades are right, and your conduct was abrasive, I can see why a large alliance with many headaches to contend with would find it easier just to cut you loose and block your access rather than deal with it. Kind of a lousy way of dealing with someone but that is the difficulty of logistics in a mega alliance. That's not how we do it at Zenith, but that's why I'm with them and not NPO.

The way you describe your experience seems to justify quitting and making this thread, but ultimately, and I mean this with no offense, friend, the fault lies with you for throwing your lot in with an incompetent group. Sometimes you just don't know any better, especially when people like recruiters tell you one thing, and the actual situation is another. Making good decisions comes from experience, unfortunately, experience comes from making a bunch of bad ones. ;) I'd just chalk it up as a learning experience. Take what you've learned about how, and how not, to treat members in a war time situation and be part of a group that actually appreciates you and what you've learned.

Edited by Kzoppistan
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General Bragg, I would suggest that you just find another alliance and rebuild instead of wasting what is left of your nation attacking something just because you are mad at their treatment of you. If your former comrades are right, and your conduct was abrasive, I can see why a large alliance with many headaches to contend with would find it easier just to cut you loose and block your access rather than deal with it. Kind of a lousy way of dealing with someone but that is the difficulty of logistics in a mega alliance. That's not how we do it at Zenith, but that's why I'm with them and not NPO.

The way you describe your experience seems to justify quitting and making this thread, but ultimately, and I mean this with no offense, friend, the fault lies with you for throwing your lot in with an incompetent group. Sometimes you just don't know any better, especially when people like recruiters tell you one thing, and the actual situation is another. Making good decisions comes from experience, unfortunately, experience comes from making a bunch of bad ones. ;) I'd just chalk it up as a learning experience. Take what you've learned about how, and how not, to treat members in a war time situation and be part of a group that actually appreciates you and what you've learned.


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So? You think that matters? Back when I was in the NPO, whenever we had reps or extortion money coming in, the vast majority always ended up in the hands of the Emperor, his IOs, and a select group of friends. The common member never saw much, if any.

Given the Emperor had 400 infra last time I looked, I'd hope he's getting some rebuilding aid after the war. :)

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So? You think that matters? Back when I was in the NPO, whenever we had reps or extortion money coming in, the vast majority always ended up in the hands of the Emperor, his IOs, and a select group of friends. The common member never saw much, if any.

Well, I don't know about that. Of course Moo and friends always got aid when they had spots, common members did get aid too. I got some aid and I refused some aid.

I have. Ive also lied to him. But that isnt the point I was making.

Well, "lol Cortath" is hard to interpret. I was just saying that if Cortath says this guy was abrasive, I believe him.

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Well, I don't know about that. Of course Moo and friends always got aid when they had spots, common members did get aid too. I got some aid and I refused some aid.

Well, "lol Cortath" is hard to interpret. I was just saying that if Cortath says this guy was abrasive, I believe him.

It was more of an in-joke than one meant to be publicly understood, anyway. And part of that is toeing the party line.

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Factual correction is not bashing. "Bashing" would be me making some reference to your intelligence in relation to your failing to understand the use of peace mode as a tactic in war.

Yes, it's a tactic for you. But when other alliances used to do it against you, it was being cowardly.


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However, when one has gone from 20K to 2K getting rebuilding aid is a little tougher, but that is beside the point in the infra tech cult that is the NPO.

All alliances I have ever seen, the going rate for tech is 3 mil per 100, yet the NPO virtually forces its noobs to sell 150 for 3 mil which yields around 750K profit if you have 0 tech.

Also if any thinks the low ranks of NPO will ever see more than 3 mil in rebuilding aid they are deluded. With ouver 900 nations, most of the bank aid will end up in the hands of large nations that barely fought to begin with.

The New Pacific Order's Tech Corps rate for technology is 3M/100. It has been for more than half a year. Additionally, there is quite the healthy retirement bonus, presently and since the beginning of the Tech Corps. You know all about that though, since you were in the Tech Corps for quite a while.

Also, let's just pretend you were buying at 3M/100. You get more profit than 750K. If you're only getting 750K, you're doing it wrong.

No one is "forced" to go into the Tech Corps. Like every single job in the Order, it is one that one applies and volunteers for.

You're lying. Straight and simple.

Your understanding of how rebuilding aid works is terribly ... terrible. There's little point in sending aid to large nations, who can do little with it, when you can send it to small nations, who can do much with it. I've studied alliance economics for a very long time; the NPO has never done anything like what you describe and I can never imagine a scenario where we would do what you describe.

But you're just here to complain and whine about the NPO. Perhaps you could make a reasoned and rational critique of some processes of the NPO, but if you wanted to do that, you could have done so within our walls, respectfully and with the comraderie we expect from all our members. But you can't and you won't do that, so you're out here lying. Have fun with that.

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Come now, Cortath. Surely at this point you realize you're going to need to use a different method of message/damage control than what you've been using?

With Vox folk who know the way Pacifica operates so well contradicting you constantly, you gotta realize that with the loss of Pacifican credibility here, you're going to need to use a different tact to convince anyone, frankly.

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