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The Will Of The Norns

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OOC: Please, for everyone's sanity, Make a strict rule to NOT use any WW2 German imagery.

Only if the commies agree to drop the Red flags, erase their hammers and sickles, make no reference to the USSR, PRC, or Kalashnikov series weapons of any kind.

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I agree with this, and after some thought, I'm not going to say I dislike this, but I'm hoping you've learned from the mistakes of the past and do it right this time, good luck.

Come again?

Who stole Mogar and replaced him with this man?



Only if the commies agree to drop the Red flags, erase their hammers and sickles, make no reference to the USSR, PRC, or Kalashnikov series weapons of any kind.

Look... this was WAY out of line bro... Don't you know that the AK is the greatest thing since sliced bread? I have three of them... four if you count the Romainian PSL....


Edited by Jim Bowie
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I'm kinda glad to see this.

Welcome back, your dreams were your ticket out.

Welcome back to that same old place that you laughed about.

Well the names have all changed since you hung around,

But those dreams have remained and they’re turned around.

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Look... this was WAY out of line bro... Don't you know that the AK is the greatest thing since sliced bread? I have three of them... four if you count the Romainian PSL....


I wouldn't expect anyone to give up their AKs. Seeing what I'm doing yet?

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This will get a lt of people's backs up, I think. But if ever there was a time to do it, it'd be when these guys are in no position to enforce these terms.

Anyway, congrats and all (normally I hail but I think it'd be a bit cliché here).

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Nordreich and NoV fell apart long before any wars against them because they had some pretty severe issues, and their leadership was very aloof about said issues. I pray that you do not repeat past mistakes, and wish you well.

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You do have every right to be angry with that, it has been a long time since I read that post to be sure and I can say that I am not proud of my involvement in it as I stand here now. I am not ashamed to say that part of the reason was because I was on the receiving end of the same treatment via TPF. You were putting your alliance back together with some of your closest brothers, something you could all enjoy together, and you did everything right. You tried to mend bridges with us and we slapped you in the face to the silly battle cry of "LOL commies"... and it was BS.

You, sir, have my utmost respect, and I seriously hope you rise in NoR gubmint (I'd say I hope you'd get onto the Triumvirate, but that would involve one of the current Triumvirs losing his position, and I don't want to wish anyone ill).

Look... this was WAY out of line bro... Don't you know that the AK is the greatest thing since sliced bread? I have three of them... four if you count the Romainian PSL....

FAN might also be upset if they had to limit their gun pr0n collection...

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I wouldn't expect anyone to give up their AKs. Seeing what I'm doing yet?

I know buddy ;-)


You, sir, have my utmost respect, and I seriously hope you rise in NoR gubmint (I'd say I hope you'd get onto the Triumvirate, but that would involve one of the current Triumvirs losing his position, and I don't want to wish anyone ill).

Thank you.

From rolling with these guys for as long as I have, I can assure you that there is no one better to run the current NoR government then who NoR has in there now. These men are capable leaders, and capable of learning from their past errors.

As far as my Guberment involvement, I am more of a military man and those are my only asperations.

FAN might also be upset if they had to limit their gun pr0n collection...

Yeah, most the guys in FAN know me pretty well from gunsnet ;-).


Edited by Jim Bowie
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Nordreich and NoV fell apart long before any wars against them because they had some pretty severe issues, and their leadership was very aloof about said issues. I pray that you do not repeat past mistakes, and wish you well.

I can personally attest to the accuracy of this statement.

Good luck.

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I cannot say I've been around long enough to know Nordreich from first hand experience. I did know Norden Verein though, and I can't say I liked them.

Anyway, a new start.. good luck, I suppose. - I have no idea what to think of this.

Edit: Hmm, a question? Did you consult FOK, or any other alliance involved in the Norden Verein terms about this?

Edited by ikMark
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Nordreich and NoV fell apart long before any wars against them because they had some pretty severe issues, and their leadership was very aloof about said issues. I pray that you do not repeat past mistakes, and wish you well.

That's not entirely true. SoM disbanding brought a ton of quality members back to NoV. That was just before the NoV/Continuum war and NoV was probably the tightest and strongest internally it had been in months. I can't/won't speak on the former NoR.

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That's not entirely true. SoM disbanding brought a ton of quality members back to NoV. That was just before the NoV/Continuum war and NoV was probably the tightest and strongest internally it had been in months. I can't/won't speak on the former NoR.

The main point regarding the 'aloof' remark was in the fact that NoV gov did not seem to care that they had some very clear issues, particularly regarding their image. Making matters worse was the promise of reforms after a certain incident with Kaiser Martens, yet the reforms that were promised by the leadership following the issue never materialized. That ultimately cost them not only the ability to recover an image that would have hampered moves to destroy them initially, but it also cost them several of their allies who had stuck with them until close to the end.

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Dead enemies rise once more. I'm actually happy about this, despite all the history. Now we get a chance to beat you fair and square one of these days. Ah, this should be entertaining.

)): NoR )):

Says the guy with the NoV flag in his signature.

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It is no surprise to see the same poo butts talking the same tired trash they have been talking for years and hoping they can get some cheerleaders to fall in step. I am glad to see that the majority of the posters have been mature and honorable enough to keep things on topic and IC. For those that have questions about the character and motives of the Nordreich Community, I agree that they should take the time to register on the NoR Community forums and have a look around.

As for the debate about the ICP Reformation war...

I was an Officer of NoV Military at the time of this war and I believe that indeed apologies are in order. This war was a huge mistake from the get go and many that hold animosity for our actions in this war are justified. The Folk of Nordland have always prided ourselves on our honor and in our campaign against ICP 2.0, our honor was, in many ways, absent.

Many of us in the military were anxious to have a war in our newly formed Alliance and I believe that this pressure that we put upon the government for action was one of the main triggers for this ill planned and unjust offensive.

I am not in Nordreich CN but I am, and always will be, a proud member of the Nordreich Community. I can not speak for NoR CN but I can speak for myself in echoing the sentiments and sincerity of others who have posted before me when I say I apologize to those I attacked and those that I talked crap to during the reformation war. I sincerely hope that all parties involved can take the opportunity that is at hand and move forward.

I applaud my Kinsmen from Nordreich that have taken a positive step in the right direction by not only being accountable for past injustices and wrongs, but for extending the hand of friendship and good will. I wish you all the best.

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Several stable socialist alliances in CN, NoR returning, and possibly FAN getting peace. Here we go again...

Are you guys going to make another Nordland Doctrine?

Also I might have missed something but when did NoR gain all of this public favor?

Edited by Joe Kremlin
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The main point regarding the 'aloof' remark was in the fact that NoV gov did not seem to care that they had some very clear issues, particularly regarding their image. Making matters worse was the promise of reforms after a certain incident with Kaiser Martens, yet the reforms that were promised by the leadership following the issue never materialized. That ultimately cost them not only the ability to recover an image that would have hampered moves to destroy them initially, but it also cost them several of their allies who had stuck with them until close to the end.

I was referring to you saying that NoV "fell apart". I don't think the leadership of NoV was ever aloof. Not quick to bend to external pressure on internal issues, yes. Aloof, no.

Edited by Captain Flinders
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Yay. This will give FAN something to do once they have recovered from peace mode a little. And hey, June 6th is just right around the corner. Wouldn't it be epic? :D

NoR and FAN are fine with one another. There will be no repeat of Operation Overlord.


Just make sure you don't use a national anthem in your videos this time, k? ;)

Too late.

(Why aren't more people commending us on our video? :( I should put up a "making of" thread so everyone [And not just the old-timers] gets the joke.)

Did you consult FOK, or any other alliance involved in the Norden Verein terms about this?

I was not in NoV at the time those terms were agreed to. They do not apply to me at all. As to anyone else....well, I'll let others read those terms again and decide as to how well they fit in the current political climate.

I welcome any alliance that offers free drinks.

I'll take a Pan-Galactic Gargle Blaster.

Alcohol > Politics

I've just started experimenting with mixed drinks.

For example, right now I'm mixing Canadian Club with Oxycodone. I call it a bjhrgojfwaoeiu....

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Too late.

(Why aren't more people commending us on our video? :( I should put up a "making of" thread so everyone [And not just the old-timers] gets the joke.)

Problem is that Norway's lack of jurisdiction in Ontario takes the fun out of using their anthem, and O Canada can't be made Germanic easily :P

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