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Question to Karma


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Also NPO sucks and if you don't know that take a history lesson of the wiki.

LOL what an informative, unbiased post with much supporting information...

oh and also...no you

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Why are you guys attacking the NPO and her allies?

For me - Because my alliance gave it's sworn word of honor to defend Ordo Verde if they were ever attacked, and NPO attacked Ordo Verde.

For the war as a whole, take a look at the treaty web and think of chain reactions.

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And yet, there would be no war if Ordo Verde had not been attacked. Doesn't that make them the cause? :unsure:

Jared Diamond makes the distinction between ultimate cause and proximate cause. Perhaps that nomenclature can help you.

I hope everyone stops feeding the below-bridge dweller here. Sam00 can do his own damned research.

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So.. What about those pics OV had?

I have a question for you: why do you keep phrasing what are almost certainly statements as questions? You are a brilliant rhetorician to be sure. You seem to have made up your mind as to who was at fault in this conflict. Pics or no pics they declare on OV and OV has treaty partners who are obligated to get involved. That starts the whole thing. Predictably people have some conflicting treaties and there is some drama but in a nutshell it is a pretty simple war.

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Why are you guys attacking the NPO and her allies?


The question is phrased incorrectly.

Personally, I only walked over an NPO ally to get to the fight. Sorry if I hurt anyone on the way. So, the real question is, "Why do I want to attack the NPO?"

Simple. They've been the bullies on the block since I started this game. There are many other people like myself who have resented the overbearing "overlord" attitudes of the NPO. I have no special loyalty to OV, or to most of the other alliances involved. My REAL alliance loyalty is to ONOS - destroyed by NPO. I am quite happy to fight for anyone who is intent on bringing the NPO to her knees. Lady Pacifica is no lady at all - the !@#$%* steals candy from babies, beating down fledgling nations, then demanding reparations from them to strengthen her death grip on the world.

I want to see a cyber world in which NPO is just another alliance, without the power to coerce all the other alliances to follow NPO's will.

It doesn't matter that "my" alliance is the biggest, or the best, or the most powerful. That may, or may not happen. All I want to see is a level playing field.

Among other things - spying. It is a given FACT that people are going to spy. In fact, there are spy mechanisms built into the game. Spying is a sanctioned activity, made possible by the administrator of the game. Spying as a cassus belli is a worn out, tired excuse for domination in Cybernations. I know for a FACT that some of the spying charges leveled by NPO against other alliances have been TOTALLY FALSE. That matters not, because everyone has been indoctrinated by NPO to believe that spying is so heinous a crime that it warrants the destruction of an alliance, so the masses fall into line, and begin the destruction at NPO's dictate.

That, people, is power. That is the abuse of power. I, for one, have waited for more than two years to see NPO's power broken.

You may well ask, "Do you want to see NPO destroyed?"

Ehh. I don't care, really. IMHO, NPO may be allowed to survive, but certainly not in it's past form. Those who are fighting alongside NPO should really ask themselves what their future will be with the all powerful NPO. We have all witnessed what happens when NPO feels that another alliance has grown to powerful. It doesn't matter if the alliance is freind or foe - spy charges will be trumped up, some insults will be exchanged, and the most powerful are brought to their knees. All for the amusement of a few untouchables at the top of the NPO chain of command.

I suggest that those nations and alliances who are allied to NPO should reassess their positions. All of you have honored your treaties and obligations. I think it is time to really LOOK AT what you have to gain if NPO's power is broken, and what you may have to lose if NPO regains their global domination.

Remember - NPO will be out for revenge against the so-called "coward's alliance" after all the current hostilities end. (See the Wiki if you are uncertain whether you are part of the coward's alliance - then, remember, you are marked!) You didn't respond quickly enough to the beck and call of Lady Pacifica - you WILL be singled out, one by one, for vengeance. You serve a harsh, fickle mistress.

Walk away from the !@#$%* now, and allow KARMA to take it's revenge.

Let NPO's top leadership come out of hiding, and fight for themselves for a change. Stop allowing them to manipulate the rest of you.

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One tyrant falls down, another takes his place.

That already happened. That will happen again.

This mindset certainly makes it easier. You could always stand up for yourself a bit, and prevent such things. You know, kind of like what's going on right now.

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