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ARES-Syndicate Announcement

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Just kidding.

Since Syndicates inception into this chaotic world, ARES has stared at her from a distance drooling, like she was a piece of pie. Today, we make a whole pie. LOL gay story. Anyway, it pleases me in ways only Admin would know to introduce our newest treaty with, SYNDICATE. It's been awesome getting to know these guys, and it's good to finally get this down on paper. Also, they have an awesome flag.



This treaty is signed and agreed upon in good faith, as a gesture of the hope for future friendship, and cooperation. Also the promise of Pie.

Section I: Sovereignty:

Let it be known, that in the signing of this treaty both Alliances will remain Independent, and retain their Sovereignty.

Section II: Pies not Punches:

- No member of either alliance shall participate in war, or provocation of the other alliance.

- No member of either signatory will aid, or give information to a known enemy of either alliance, whether it be a single nation, or a whole alliance.

- No member of these alliances shall ever spy on the other alliance through the forums, or through in game features.

- Such reparations, as well as any subsequent punishment for the infringing nation shall be discussed and agreed upon by the leaders of both alliances, with the ultimate aim to restore harmony between the two groups.

Section III: Mutual Defense:

In the case of an attack upon one of the signatories it will be considered an attack on both. Should one of the signatories become involved in a defensive war the other alliance will utilize any means possible to help the defending signatory. This may take the form of political, financial, or military support, or any other action agreed upon by the leadership of both signatories. If a signatory goes to war due to another treaty obligation, then Military Assistance becomes optional.

Section IV: Optional Aggression

Either signatory will be free to wage wars of aggression, and is encouraged to request assistance from the other signatory if necessary. The assistance can be political, financial, or military, but may also includes aid in any other form. Should either party choose to engage in an offensive war, they are obligated to give the other party at least 48 hours notice.

Section V: Keeping Informed:

Both signatories agree that engagement in all significant inter alliance wars shall be shared between leaders of each signed alliance before hostilities are persued. Failure to do so is cause for cancellation of this contract. Minor hostilities need not be reported between the alliance leaders. For the purposes of this document, "significant" will be defined as "any hostilities where more than 30% of the respective alliances membership is involved." Important international information must be shared between the two alliance’s leaders; failure to forward vital information can result in the cancellation of this treaty.

Section VI: AID:

The signatories of this treaty agree aid is central to the growth of new and developing nations, both recognize the need for each to have control over there domestic affairs and as such Inter-alliance Aid shall be given only if both signatories agree. The primary source of aid for new and developing nations shall be from their own alliance. Demands for aid, from individual nations will be ignored and reported to both alliance leaders.

Section VII: Cancellation:

This Mutual Defense and Optional Aggression Pact will be canceled should any of the above clauses are not followed correctly. Additionally it may be canceled upon the request of either signatory, given 2 days notice and an explanation as to why the agreement is to become void is submitted to the other alliance. This treaty will be considered Void should a separate treaty of a higher level is presented, and passed by both parties.

Signed for ARES:

Joe Stupid- President

Lord Kresden- VP

Barix9- Director of Foreign Affairs

Signed for The Syndicate

Carter, The Don

Caesar833, Consiglierie

Murtagh, Boss of Foreign Affairs

Letub, Boss of Finance

KingSVH, Boss of Internal Affairs

tl;dr ARES-Syndicate DoW on pie. primarily apple.

o/ Syndicate

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While we fight side by side with the Syndicate in another theatre of war The Lodge cannot stand by their side in the war on apple pie. Our sentiments are with Hizzy. We will fight for APPLE PIE!

oh, and congrats on the treaty :)

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