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Official Announcement from The Order of the Paradox

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Yeah I understand your reasoning, but we aren't even in a position to engage them. It's retarded, that's not defending an ally, that's just jumping in late and getting some free tech/land under the guise of a defense pact. It's pathetic and TOP will have this late cowardly DoW thrown back in their faces in a future war.

I highly doubt we'll be gaining much tech/land overall. As you know, Echelon has a good # in peace mode atm. I'm quite certain that if nukes start to fly, I won't be gaining much land/tech.

And again, as you don't seem to understand, we had a looong discussion on this. We don't move to the beat of yours or anyone else's drums, so get over it. Your brooding is unjustified.

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The Order of the Paradox are welcome to the fight, however I respectfully disagree with the casus belli presented in this declaration, vis-a-vis the argument presented by my comrade Leetopia II. In all honestly, I believe you could have merely sat-out the war and helped your fellow Oranges, as pursuant to other articles of the OUT, by providing post-war support.

C'est la vie.

This would have tied up our aidslots significantly and thus threatened our continuing tech imports. Think man!

Besides, the OUT has a long history of inventing new ways for it's articles to be interpreted and activated. During the last war, a non-signatory got reamed for violating the terms of a treaty that they never signed. So by normal OUT standards this is pretty kosher.

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Um, no? You have allies on both sides and you're blatantly choosing the side that'll save you the most infra. This comes back to haunt EVERYONE eventually.

Joining the side that happens to be winning does not mean you are automatically doing it for just those reasons. But it IS interesting to see who likes to claim that it does.

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Um, no? You have allies on both sides and you're blatantly choosing the side that'll save you the most infra. This comes back to haunt EVERYONE eventually.

There's 200 of us, spread over all the alliances we are attacking. How does fighting save us infra? You must be using some strange definition of save that I am not familiar with.

You're right about blatantly choosing a side though. We choose TOP. It's painfully obvious our allies have no regard for us, so we have to have regard for ourselves.

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I can see it now.

"TOP, we are fighting you because you declared war on Echelon for no reason whatsoever. They weren't even at war. Wait...they declared war on your allies? Hmmm. Well, they didn't actually attack any of them. So therefore you guys are, um, cowards. Yeah!"

You have made some interesting comments. Would you mind elaborating what you believe the negatives committed by both sides are?

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Um, no? You have allies on both sides and you're blatantly choosing the side that'll save you the most infra. This comes back to haunt EVERYONE eventually.

hum... maybe you would have prefered to receive peace terms from an alliance that smells an opportunity to steal your tech?

TOP will get no gains from this war, it messes with our cycles, our tech deals and ruins our warchest whilst eating nukes.

maybe if you had been more clear in your declaration of war, you would not have been facing us on the battlefield.

But oh well. Some people are here to complain and not bother looking at the situation we are in.

Let the trolls continue...

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Yeah I understand your reasoning, but we aren't even in a position to engage them. It's retarded, that's not defending an ally, that's just jumping in late and getting some free tech/land under the guise of a defense pact. It's pathetic and TOP will have this late cowardly DoW thrown back in their faces in a future war.

Not our fault. Nor is the way things panned out. We are doing what we can to be honorable and help those closest to us. We will stand by our closest allies...those that do not spit in our face, and trust me...after this war we will evaluate who has acted in a way we do not want to be associated with.

Edited by Chalaskan
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Anyone who is suggesting TOP is being opportunistic is crazy. I have my own problems with TOP speed, but the suggestion that they made this decision for stats or some such in simply nonsense. Anyone with any knowledge of events surrounding this knows that TOP worked harder than anyone to try and stop this war. They have allies on both sides, and they were forced to make a very ugly decision. There was no decision that wouldn't anger people. There is absolutely no announcement they could have made that wouldn't have gotten trolled to death.

They made a very difficult decision, and I think they made the right one. I can understand people disagreeing with their decision, but if you suggest their motives were anything but honorable, then you simply show a complete ignorance of the events surrounding this war and TOP itself.

Edited by Trinite
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Didnt realise we were hurting LoSS and Nemesis this much. ^_^Welcome to the war, you will never hear the end of it that Citadel chose us as a priority target.

Perhaps another DoW (optional offensive) will piggyback on yours.

Not unexpected.

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You guys were along with FAN and GOONS the only TI alliance I used to respect. Now you're on the right side as well so not only do I respect you, but I :wub: you from the bottom of my heart.

o/ TOP

o/ TOP

o/ TOP

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