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Republic of Mariehamm goes to War


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OOC: Good idea.

Also, I'd totally be for some sort of Continuity Cop for the community, though it would be a full time job :P

OOC: Trust me, you don't want Continuity, otherwise your friend Martens would be facing a full on revolution, as would all the other Nords in Scandinavia (Minus Denmark).

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OOC: Trust me, you don't want Continuity, otherwise your friend Martens would be facing a full on revolution, as would all the other Nords in Scandinavia (Minus Denmark).

OOC: If there was continuity, this whole issue wouldn't be happening, as the Baltic would have done the same against Slavorussia, stopping ze war.

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OOC: If there was continuity, this whole issue wouldn't be happening, as the Baltic would have done the same against Slavorussia, stopping ze war.

oocfestfortehlulz: If there was continuity the baltic would have never belonged to Prussia/Poland/Deutchland/Nordland because in October of 2007 it was part of Slavorussia, as was the Garretian Fed, Caucasian Russia, Timor Island. UAE and Qatar. But then again maybe KM had claim to that the baltic states before that. I don't really know.

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OOC: a mix of the "invaders" and those who had inhabited the area already. I have a feeling if I hadent supported the Nordlanders you wouldnt be on me so much about this. Either way our "rise" was very realistic.

OOC: Maybe so...but your near-universal support and gratitude to the NC was not. Sorry for the OOC, but it needed to be said.

Edited by Subtleknifewielder
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OOC: This doesnt seem relevant to the argument against the Eastern Reich since they are not a completely Nordic nation. Thats my understanding.

Actually, it has no relevance, as that argument was directed at KM, not you. How do you explain the conquered people suddenly loving unconditionally their conquerors?

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Twenty cargo ships sit only a days sail from Europe. To most nations they would be small or medium class cargo ships, but to their home port they were the largest. Of course what home port that was had been scoured off the ship with fire along with the painted name.

The ships were in two evenly divided groups. Both facing each other. At the bow of each an apparent infantry officer looking across at the counterpart standing at the bow of another ship.


Spoken in unison. Twenty voices on the ocean. Then the captains went back into the bellys of the ships, the two groups divided. One group headed North North East, and the other directly East.

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***Private, Presidential Residence***

"Ugh, another Nordic Confederacy war? See what the Imperial Alliance has in Norfolk. I want all their military assets out of there. No need having someone like ComIntern go and attack Norfolk and us being part of the collateral damage."

OOC: The Imperial Alliance is not a member of the NC, it is treatied to one of its members as are others.

IC: The Imperial Alliance is committed to the defense of its European territory and the safety of its ally the CSSR. Territories external to Europe shall continue to function as independent sub administrative zones under indirect control of the Imperial government and shall not be considered part of the war or used in a strategic way should war occur. This policy shall remain so unless offensive action is taken against any territory of the IA external to Europe.

Edited by iamthey
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  • 2 weeks later...

OOC: Dice rolls. 5 20 sided dies. Evens means you saw them, odds means you didn't see them.

3rd Division: 9 (Not seen)

1st and 2nd Divisions: 10 (seen)

7th Division: 11 (not seen)

4th and 5th Divisions: 14 (seen)

6th Division: 4 (seen)

I made you a nice map.


Sorry for the delay, had some stuff to get done at school.

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