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An Imperial Announcement from The Legion

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We also recognize that when The Legion signs a document, we have made a pledge to our allies.
To our allies who support Karma, we will not be activating any of the mutual defense clauses within our treaties.

Are they all ODPs then?

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As someone who bled and was pretty much ZI'ed for Orrple in the past it is saddening to see us on opposing sides, i hope to see you again when the dust settles.

No worries, we'll be back together after this little romp in the woods. We can have cake and lemonade and crackers.

mmm... Cake....

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Are they all ODPs then?

The treaty in question is suspended due to other treaty obligations which were activated compared with the treaty in question which was not activated.

ie. Alliance R DoW on alliance N. Alliance N has a MDoAP to alliance L, making that MDP activate. Alliance O has a MDoAP with alliance L, but has no need to activate the treaty. This means only the activated treaty takes priority in comparison with the not activated treaty. If the treaty between alliance O and alliance L is forced to become active, then, unless both parties agree to suspend the treaty until after the war due to fighting on opposite sides (Yet still remain the bestest of best friends), both should follow through on their obligations.



Edited by njndirish
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Legion, it saddens me to see one of my old alliances step in front of the CN equivalent of a freight train for an alliance (if you remember) that I don't care too much for. ;) With that said you made a tough and honorable decision here, and I wish you the best of luck on the battle field, and we'll see you after the war.

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Legion, it saddens me to see one of my old alliances step in front of the CN equivalent of a freight train for an alliance (if you remember) that I don't care too much for. ;) With that said you made a tough and honorable decision here, and I wish you the best of luck on the battle field, and we'll see you after the war.

"honorable"?? I see nothing honorable here. When VL Empire sacrificed his nation for all their lives they hailed him as a hero and enshrined him in their "Legion Hall of Fame". How do they repay that sacricfice...by kissing the $@! and sucking at the teat of the very cow that removed their hero from the game. Legion, you disgust me.

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"honorable"?? I see nothing honorable here. When VL Empire sacrificed his nation for all their lives they hailed him as a hero and enshrined him in their "Legion Hall of Fame". How do they repay that sacricfice...by kissing the $@! and sucking at the teat of the very cow that removed their hero from the game. Legion, you disgust me.

VL would have done the same. If you remember, Hobgoblin, and I know you do, VL believed in honoring treaties even when he disagreed with them. See: the GWIII defense of GATO. He believed that if you gve your word, no matter what the reason, it's binding.

Please, don't sully VL's name by using it for flaming.

EDIT: Spelling.

Edited by Lincongrad
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VL would have done the same. If you remember, Hobgoblin, and I know you do, VL believed in honoring treaties even when he disagreed with them. See: the GWIII defense of GATO. He believed that if you gve your word, no matter what the reason, it's binding.

Please, don't sully VL's name by using it for flaming.

EDIT: Spelling.

Man.....that is well said LG.



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that is repulsive, saying AVE VL in a thread where you support the NPO. How do you live with yourself?

By knowing that I continue to do everything I can for The Legion. You sit here and try and lecture me when you left The Legion before the real trials even began. I went through them with the alliance and am proud of what she has become. Did you try and assist? No. Go back to your hole troll and keep you freeze frame stilted memory of The Legion to yourself.

Edited by jacosby
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