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Imperial Decree from the New Pacific Order

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Well I opened to reply...got in read the post again...started to click back when I realized I really didn't know what to say. Decided to post this to ask you:

What? Who?

We have been in this situation before. During the Great War, we were attacked by foes who outnumbered us, and against all odds, we prevailed. Still to this day, many veterans of the Great Patriotic War remain in Pacifica, and it is their strength that we call upon this day to defend Pacifica.
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All the NPO is evil crap, the ZI stuff they loved talking about, ending evil policies, Free GATO, Free FAN, C'mon man tell me your serious and I'll ignore you as not knowing what has been going on for 3-4 months.

They just don't wanna respond to someone who knows what they are talking about and can argue a point. OOC:If my style is aggressive I'm trying to RP the part of an enraged leader here :) I'm a mostly good dude outside magicninja/ooc

What is the question if you want to debate.

Were many people who may now be part of karma saying these things? Yes...and the point is?

NPO was offered PREWAR surrender terms lets not forget, NPO style GWII style reasonable terms right? And the problem is?

This war will end with gracious terms I have no doubt. There will be no calls for disbandment, no 2 year crushings, no viceroys.

Looks like freaking change to me from what I have witnessed over the last 3 years.

What was the problem again? (besides all the allies jumping ship)

Edited by Paradigm
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What is the question if you want to debate.

Were many people who may now be part of karma saying these things? Yes...and the point is?

NPO was offered PREWAR surrender terms lets not forget, NPO style GWII style reasonable terms right? And the problem is?

This war will end with gracious terms I have no doubt. There will be no calls for disbandment, no 2 year crushings, no viceroys.

Looks like freaking change to me from what I have witnessed over the last 3 years.

What was the problem again? (besides all the allies jumping ship)

Offered? Is that what you call it?

Karma started on the wrong foot if you ask me. The way they handled those peacetalks could have showed they really were for change. I mean really for change. Seems to me it was all a plot to be able to gang up on Pacifica. All talk. A means to an end. They aren't any different. They proved that last night.

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Offered? Is that what you call it?

Karma started on the wrong foot if you ask me. The way they handled those peacetalks could have showed they really were for change. I mean really for change. Seems to me it was all a plot to be able to gang up on Pacifica. All talk. A means to an end. They aren't any different. They proved that last night.

Tell me in detail how you would have handled it then. Compromised? Easier terms that NPO WOULD agree with? Have you ever been on the other end of NPO surrender terms?

Otherwise this is just spin and you dont want to actually debate anything. You just want to make out karma to be the new evil. And you know what - if that makes you sleep well at night so be it. The rest of us know what this is about.

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Tell me in detail how you would have handled it then. Compromised? Easier terms that NPO WOULD agree with? Have you ever been on the other end of NPO surrender terms?

Otherwise this is just spin and you dont want to actually debate anything. You just want to make out karma to be the new evil. And you know what - if that makes you sleep well at night so be it. The rest of us know what this is about.

You're not evil, just dishonorable.

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Seems to me it was all a plot to be able to gang up on Pacifica. All talk. A means to an end. They aren't any different. They proved that last night.

Whether they are different or not is no concern of mine. However, you are using the word Karma as poetic justice, and some see it as much. But Karma bears no allegiance. It is the Boomerang of Fate. The Order to Chaos. And in the end, this group you find yourself against is living up to the full representation of their name. However, the fact that Pacifican tactics were turned so quickly against them, the fact that this mirrored so ideally what has gone on so often before... It makes me laugh.

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Tell me in detail how you would have handled it then. Compromised? Easier terms that NPO WOULD agree with? Have you ever been on the other end of NPO surrender terms?

Otherwise this is just spin and you dont want to actually debate anything. You just want to make out karma to be the new evil. And you know what - if that makes you sleep well at night so be it. The rest of us know what this is about.

Why offer them anything softer? They were ready to accept almost anything. They had accepted every single term up until that point.

"We can do it because NPO used to do it."

Yeah I'm sure you all do know what it is about. It's just not about what you told everyone else.

Edited by magicninja
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Why offer them anything softer? They were ready to accept almost anything. They had accepted every single term up until that point.

"We can do it because NPO used to do it."

Yeah I'm sure you all do know what it is about. It's just not about what you told everyone else.

Dude - Archon modeled it on the most lenient terms NPO has offered in 2.5 years. Get a grip.

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The fact they were even being offered terms after less than one day is almost unprecented.

It is unprecedented bieng offered terms for your surrender less than won day into winning a war, and then being amicable to accepting them knowing what the future held. KARMA in no way wished for those peace talks to work. They wanted to attempt to "pay the NPO back" by committing the same shameful acts they perceive us as having committed themselves.

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The fact they were even being offered terms after less than one day is almost unprecented.

Which shouldn't happen in my opinion. It's far too soon to see if they have any tricks up their sleeves. But..same should have gone for TORN

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They shouldn't have been offered terms, period, before they even got attacked.

This isn't the 1940s. You don't get to attack people and have the world go "oh, well... just don't do it again".

You open a war against someone, expect them and their friends to shove it down your throat. Don't like it? Stop declaring lame-$@! wars with lame-$@! reasons.

You find someone that can push back and you whine that they aren't giving you enough of a chance to get away with something you started.

Edited by deja
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OV to protect the NPO?

Now there's a joke if there ever was one. If the surrender just doesn't cancel any treaties the NPO is better protected for the next year than OV can ever succeed in.

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It is unprecedented bieng offered terms for your surrender less than won day into winning a war, and then being amicable to accepting them knowing what the future held. KARMA in no way wished for those peace talks to work. They wanted to attempt to "pay the NPO back" by committing the same shameful acts they perceive us as having committed themselves.

You were offered peace terms because you begged for them - don't act like you were "winning" a war that had only just begun as we all know you wouldn't be looking for terms if you did't know you were about to get rolled. Last I checked, your terms were fair and included none of the "shameful acts" committed by the NPO - viceroys, ZI for Peace Mode, ZI for Leaders, etc.

But I don't expect you to understand - it will take time for you to take the blue and black sunglasses off that shade your vision and to see the world as it really is.

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Why offer them anything softer? They were ready to accept almost anything. They had accepted every single term up until that point.

"We can do it because NPO used to do it."

Yeah I'm sure you all do know what it is about. It's just not about what you told everyone else.

I believe you should rest assured that, while not immediate, the effects of karma are felt by everyone. Everyone will reap what they have sewn in this conflict, and whether they stand for or against NPO is not important in this regard. Justice knows every man's name.

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It is unprecedented bieng offered terms for your surrender less than won day into winning a war, and then being amicable to accepting them knowing what the future held. KARMA in no way wished for those peace talks to work. They wanted to attempt to "pay the NPO back" by committing the same shameful acts they perceive us as having committed themselves.

Karma has what they believe is the superior force in this conflict. Time will prove that right or wrong. Believing they will win in a military conflict they offered terms that would be less damaging to the NPO than this conflict most likely will be. Say what you will about the negotiations, but Moo could have accepted every term the moment it was given. Telling Karma "you are acting like us" is not likely to gain you sympathy or leverage.

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It is unprecedented bieng offered terms for your surrender less than won day into winning a war, and then being amicable to accepting them knowing what the future held. KARMA in no way wished for those peace talks to work. They wanted to attempt to "pay the NPO back" by committing the same shameful acts they perceive us as having committed themselves.

I mean, NPO leadership must have known they were going to be attacked by a large coalition if they didn't accept terms. I doubt if Moo accepted the terms, Archon would have tried to make them harsher or anything like that.

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I mean, NPO leadership must have known they were going to be attacked by a large coalition if they didn't accept terms. I doubt if Moo accepted the terms, Archon would have tried to make them harsher or anything like that.

Probably because they counted on their Allies honor,If anything we served as example to any alliance approached by the CoC in the future.

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