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Imperial Decree from the New Pacific Order

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Someone help me out here, cause I'm just confused.

I read that entire log dump, and no matter how I look at it, it's unfair how the NPO was given a minute to give an answer that would bear more than 900 lives. I was under the impression that peace talks didn't have a set time limit, and since it mentioned that update was hours away, why the sudden end? So for all the flaming and trolling towards the NPO itt, just where did they go wrong in the peace talks?

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Keep up with the bandwagoning and rhetoric guys. Let's see where this thing is in a week.

o/ The New Pacific Order!

Do you have any idea how many people are sitting behind the stage waiting for NPO's allies to come in, too?

Do you really wanna see where this is in a week?

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Someone help me out here, cause I'm just confused.

I read that entire log dump, and no matter how I look at it, it's unfair how the NPO was given a minute to give an answer that would bear more than 900 lives. I was under the impression that peace talks didn't have a set time limit, and since it mentioned that update was hours away, why the sudden end? So for all the flaming and trolling towards the NPO itt, just where did they go wrong in the peace talks?

Karma is controlled by those in power.

Welcome to the new era.

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I will say one thing. From reading those logs, it seems very clear who was trying to get the war to end and who was rushing negotiations along. Archon, Tygaland, you guys have my respect but NPO was bending before your will to agree to your terms and you are taking advantage of the situation to continue a war. Its a choice you have made and its unfortunate how transparent your bloodlust was in those logs. That said, the NPO made a huge mistake and will apparently pay for it this time.

Mercy would have been a nice thing to see, though. This hive mentality is disturbing..

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Keep up with the bandwagoning and rhetoric guys. Let's see where this thing is in a week.

o/ The New Pacific Order!

Unoriginal, disgraceful, distasteful, and most of all, unfunny. In a week, I'll be surprised if one of you will even be posting on the OWF.

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What I'm amazed with is the NPO leadership's ability to sit there, with a straight face, acting annoyed that Archon, Karma & Co. don't feel like negotiating up to the update when they would obviously be hitting them. NPO seems to think if they can stall and um and uh long enough about semantics, then the other party across the table should be completely understanding and hospitable to this.

Oh, and I've seen Pacificans get tattoos of the flag. How about one of you chips in and starts paying for Moo's connection so he can get something decent enough to work with.

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Yeah, and setting up a 1 minute to respond to terms marks the start of the "new" era mirite? Some precedent this is going to be.

After an hour and a half of delaying and getting nowhere, yes. Should they give you 90 days with interest-paid late options?

Edited by Nobama
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Do you have any idea how many people are sitting behind the stage waiting for NPO's allies to come in, too?

Do you really wanna see where this is in a week?

Talk to me when the percentage of nations my alliance in anarchy leaves the single digits.

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Wow Moo. Just wow.

You basically did what you’ve condemned alliances to death for many times, and all in a single chat.

You reap what you sow and the demise of NPO will be a sweet one for me and many others.

Do you remember how you used the same tactics you used on OV to myself? While I was in an allied alliance even. How does it feel watching the world descend on you with the only goal of watching your alliance burn to the ground? How does it feel knowing you won’t win this war? Remember this feeling Moo and NPO. It is one that will be burned into your history until NPO ceases to exist.

And I read those logs. The only thing I could think of was “LOLIRONY”. You are feeling the events you have done to many people reign down on you.

When you make enough people hate you, eventually you are outnumbered by your enemies. Your oppression ends with this war. The world will be free from any of your tyranny and strong arm tactics.

This is the end of the NPO as we know it.

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How about one of you chips in and starts paying for Moo's connection so he can get something decent enough to work with.

If not, then I suggest Moo get a library card. They are usually free or "cheap as free" and most have free access to the internetz. CN shouldn't be blocked, neither should the forums. If he's worried about the whole 1 nation per IP rule, then he can complain to Admin how his internet connections ruined 2 of his attempts at peace. Either way, I hope he lets us know how that works out.

Edited by Gn0xious Jr
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either they were terms you would never ever accept, or they were terms you were considering and needed more time for. if you're saying things like "they're offering us terms they know we'd never accept" it strikes me as being a fairly definitive statement of "we don't accept these terms."

if those terms that they will "never accept" are also the terms that the other side insists on for peace, then there doesn't seem to be much more room for debate. Or, should the alliance who is suing for peace be the one to expect that the one to whom they are surrendering to bend? Should NPO get to dictate under which terms their surrender would be acceptable to others?

Not saying that it needed to be ended so quickly, or that it wouldn't have at least looked nicer to have stretched out longer, since it most certainly would have. But to be honest, if you say "not taking that, what else do you have" and we don't have anything else to offer in its stead...well, what else is there to say?

EDIT: also:

Talk to me when the percentage of nations my alliance in anarchy leaves the single digits.

come on, there is a long history of amusing and/or well thought out smack talk in this game. And a long history of BAD smack talk. Choose carefully which you contribute to. "Wow you didn't anarchy more than 10% of us within 30 minutes" is not up to snuff. Try something like "Man, your FACE is stilling behind the stage." if you must go for the more formulaic burns. At least that sort of thing is entertaining.

Edited by CaptainImpavid
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My Dear Emperor Revenge, I do not wish to clutter up your announcement with superfluous matters, but I was wondering: Is the Ottawa Empire still on your EZI list?

I am hoping that perhaps the two of us could arrange a meeting where we might discuss....

An aide approaches kingzog and whispers in his ear. After a slight pause, kingzog turns to the aide.

Really? When?

kingzog leans toward the aide, whose reply is unintelligible to others in the room.

So, this is happening right now?

The aide nods.

Oh. Well....

kingzog throws his prepared notes to the ground. His eyes narrow and he scratches his head with his left hand, a perplexed look on his face.

Emperor, it would appear that you have other things to worry about. I won't trouble you any further as I'm sure you *snort* really need to *guffaw* focus on....

Tears begin to well in kingzog's eyes. He stands up straight and looks directly at the assembled reporters before him.


He pounds the lectern, shaking uncontrollably. Gradually, he calms down.

OK, OK....whew!....right, where was I? Oh yes, the EZI thing. We really need to....

Hmmm....y'know what? Whew! Forget about it.

As of now my people are free.

kingzog leaves the room. His aides follow. Laughter echoes down the hallway.

Edited by kingzog
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Revenge, you honestly thing the world cares? This is the world's revenge on Pacifica for three years of oppression and the destruction of so many alliances. For individuals, this is revenge for the deaths of CIS, GOONS, LUE, and the fight for the liberation of FAN and all other 'suppressed' alliances.

Man up and stop trying to worm out of it, for the dogs of war have been unleashed.

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