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Imperial Decree from the New Pacific Order

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A lot of falsehoods in this OP. Shame you have to resort to lies and deceit once again.


The last gasp of a dying colossus is truly pathetic.

Pacifica, I beg you, I beseech you, attack us. Gather up whatever you've got in war mode, and bloody damn well deliver what you promised for so long. The people we were going to attack surrendered.

OOC: My balls probably look like a Smurf's at this juncture.

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i find the attitude that this sentiment:

[22:11] <Zhadum> Indeed, the reason for this is the terms were never intended for us to accept them

displays to be a mixture of disappointing and disturbing.

Why on earth should it be out of the question for someone to have to face responsibility and admit wrong doing, especially when they were cognizant enough of those things to have been the ones to sue for peace in the first place? Or was it simply concern for the numerical losses you'd face if you didn't seek early resolution?

Considering the sheer brutality of terms offered to various alliances in the past, not to mention the active participation in schemes designed to DENY alliances peace, like the assistance and even guidance in the formation of TF! (or in the "violations" evinced by FAN when their peace was sundered), how does a simple requirement for humility and decency become "unacceptable?"

If penance for past actions is unacceptable, perhaps one should examine more closely those actions, rather the motives of the people taking issue with them.

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Hypocrisy all around. NPO for being outraged when people treat them the way they treated OV last night, and Karma for treating NPO in the way you were so outraged about earlier. Loss of respect all around.


You do realize what karma is, right? NPO had this coming to them, and if you honestly think they are innocent why dont you do something about it. You hold a treaty with them.

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Oh, and the IRC pingout was overused with one use, two is really stretching it.

Yeah, this. No one cares that you put up with a bad provider, maybe you should've handed the reigns over to someone with a machine that could handle the strains of internet relay chat.

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We have been in this situation before. During the Great War, we were attacked by foes who outnumbered us, and against all odds, we prevailed. Still to this day, many veterans of the Great Patriotic War remain in Pacifica, and it is their strength that we call upon this day to defend Pacifica.

if im not mistaken im pretty sure you guys got obliterated but your enemies in that war

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Hypocrisy all around. NPO for being outraged when people treat them the way they treated OV last night, and Karma for treating NPO in the way you were so outraged about earlier. Loss of respect all around.


Very true but it was obviously a pay back lesson for Moo and his merry men. Its time they knew what it feels like.

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Hail Pacifica! o/

Still we fight.

your sig? if you're fighting a fight where the odds are against you, and you have the money, putting yourself into anarchy is actually a useful tactic. You deploy all you have, you increase your odds, you increase the chance you win and take land/money/tech.


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We have been in this situation before. During the Great War, we were attacked by foes who outnumbered us, and against all odds, we prevailed.

The thing is, most of us have been in that situation as well. Due to you...so reap what you sow.

My Admin have mercy on their souls, for we shall have none.

You better hope Admin is merciful, because you arent about to recieve any mercy from your enemies anytime soon.

Perish well NPO

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