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The Explanation as to why Soldier Picked TPF


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I believe KM was on GOD's PZI list for ordering the ZI of Xiphosis. That aside, TPF does not use PZI, and as far as I've been a member we haven't used PZI against anyone. The official policy may seem ambiguous, but a lot of gov members in TPF, myself included, feel very strongly against PZI.

The last time I remember someone being on "list" was barakady and I was the one to ZI him. Then we forgot about him when the wars ended as far as I remember. He got taken off the list a little bit later too I think.

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Hey, war is an option for me too. We should form a club being the only two people in CN not in peace mode.

Make that three ;)

Also, to all the other comments attacking The AUT. Solider and TPF have developed a pretty good friendship over the months, you don't want to believe it, fine. But calling The AUT names and what not is pretty petty.

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I will not divulge logs. But the alliances of Ragnarok and ARES were gearing up for an attack on us due to issues we had.

So I was scared.

I LOL'D a hard six. I don't remember trying to roll you, but I do remember us having a treaty which we didn't cancel when everyone else backed out on you, and offered to help rebuild you after TPF's one day war.

Talk about thrown under the bus :/

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I LOL'D a hard six. I don't remember trying to roll you, but I do remember us having a treaty which we didn't cancel when everyone else backed out on you, and offered to help rebuild you after TPF's one day war.

Talk about thrown under the bus :/

*coups joe as he gets rolled by the bus*

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