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TORN Announcement

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good job learning how attack ranges work

we got nobody between 861 and 484 ns to sic on him

again congrats bro, great job

Your reading techniques are truly amazing:

who could have taken him out before the threat of war

Before you all went into peace mode there were *8* people within his range who were within the 900 to 480 range who I had saved in my Nations List and was planning to attack.

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funny how u say that, in peace mode, and a good 40k ns stronger then me. Not to mention i never once said that i would be attacking Valhalla.

I said after I left peacmode but im sure i can find some one in your range if your so adamit about calling some one out put your money where you mouth is. I understand the joke about peace mode but it really is getting old if anyone is thinking that were staying here for ever they dont know us very well. RV explained it too very well in the other Loss Thread I get it there is some h ypocrisy there I understand. But people like you just jumping that wasnt even around for the noCB war(unless your a reroll) is nothing short of bandwaggoning, a trend nobody likes. Eternally protected by NV some how i doubt that I think Raasaa PA and Nel have better taste than that.

Edited by Buds The Man
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While I agree this cancellation was necessary, I do find it in poor taste the way in which this announcement was worded. I expected better from TORN and especially from Quinoa as I believe this is her first announcement as MoFA. I sincerely hope TORN takes the high road in the future when making such decisions and their subsequent announcements.

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I said after I left peacmode but im sure i can find some one in your range if your so adamit about calling some one out put your money where you mouth is. I understand the joke about peace mode but it really is getting old if anyone is thinking that were staying here for ever they dont know us very well. RV explained it too very well in the other Loss Thread I get it there is some h ypocrisy there I understand. But people like you just jumping that wasnt even around for the noCB war(unless your a reroll) is nothing short of bandwaggoning, a trend nobody likes. Eternally protected by NV some how i doubt that I think Raasaa PA and Nel have better taste than that.

What? All I heard was "I'm in Valhalla, lol at me."

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I said after I left peacmode but im sure i can find some one in your range if your so adamit about calling some one out put your money where you mouth is. I understand the joke about peace mode but it really is getting old if anyone is thinking that were staying here for ever they dont know us very well. RV explained it too very well in the other Loss Thread I get it there is some h ypocrisy there I understand. But people like you just jumping that wasnt even around for the noCB war(unless your a reroll) is nothing short of bandwaggoning, a trend nobody likes. Eternally protected by NV some how i doubt that I think Raasaa PA and Nel have better taste than that.

Wow buddy, b4 you go ingame and just look at my bio, maybe YOU should take a step back and think. Yes i believe that people cracking on your for the peace mode thing gets old. But as honour stand point i would not go into peace mode. And as far as my nation age dont call me out for being young when i do happen to be a reroll, actually 100 days older then your current nation. (dont kno if yours is a reroll or not(i dont automatically assume its not like you)) And yes im more then sure you can find some on my range to hit me, there are a lot members in CN,(some that i would assume and know dont like me) So, you can stereotype "people like me" but please make sure its a correct statement. I my statements about Valhalla and TORN being in peace mode are only to those that pop off in OWF forums while in peace mode. I have nothing against Valhalla, and for that fact nothing against TORN(Besides a little think with Lord Boris that i hope we have finally gotten over).

Have a good day man,

my views are that of me and not of TFO

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Let's calm things down. We cannot retract our own words without further losing face, we are in a situation where we are forced to weather the storm of people questioning our words, our motives, and our future actions. We'll wait for the opportunity where we can reestablish friendly relations with LoSS, if they desire to have us again.

We are pragmatists at heart, but friendship is in a different class from that. I hope that relations between our alliances can be eventually patched up, and that we can let bygones be bygones eventually.

and we don't need chin-chan here, hahaha

(regular member speaking, etc.)

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I know nothing about why Sparta left but I find the timing convenient. You enjoyed the protection of the "Hegemony" for over a year and then when things may get rocky you pull the bait and switch. You were ok with all previous Q actions now your not. Really sir probably the best thing for you is to go back to your calculator and make sure you made the right move.

You can't really be this ignorant...

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And your entire alliance is less than 1k ns. Come back when you mean something.

And this right here pretty much sums everything up. Thanks for putting it into one neat package for us. I look forward to your alliance getting pounded to smithereens. I wonder if you'll think you "mean something" when you're a fraction of your current size.

Edited by pezstar
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Once it was politically expedient?

It's laughable to see anyone from Sparta try and criticize the hegemony or whatever, when you were and still very nearly are the hegemony.

What is your personal definition of the hegemony?

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It's a shame how this was originally worded but it's nice to see Bigwoody apologising and setting out TORN's intentions clearly. Whilst Nemesis is allied to LoSS I can see the difficult situation LoSS' recent actions will have put TORN in. Although I would be more inclined to believe this was a treaty LoSS had every intentions of honouring should they have been asked to otherwise it would have just been included in the other thread as another cancellation.

Shame to see friendships end.

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And your entire alliance is less than 1k ns. Come back when you mean something.

Seeing as you're in peace mode and therefore irrelevant in every way this game allows, I'd say I mean about 1000 times more than you do. Come back to me when you and your filthy alliance are relevant again - in other words, don't come back.

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