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Everything posted by Oberfuhrer

  1. No mercy. So far as I'm concerned, you should be forced to disband for the damage you've caused to this game. In fact, I hope you are.
  2. You. Are. Done. Tonight, Pacifica died. Good bye, Pacifica.
  3. What?! I can't hear you over the lolwall of peace mode!
  4. Like anarchying two of their nations? http://www.cybernations.net/search_wars.as...arch=oberfuhrer Way ahead of you. Wake up - everyones doing something about it now.
  5. Half of the alliances they've killed have at some point stood through some situation with them or another. At some point, "honor" turns to stupidity. To half the people in CN who have been on the receiving end of their nonsense, last week marked that point.
  6. You can't send money. You're in peace mode. If you would prefer we turn this into a "TORN sucks" Topic, I'm sure that can be accomplished seeing as the OP itself has been widely recognized as fail from both TORN officials, and the rest of CN.
  7. Seeing as you're in peace mode and therefore irrelevant in every way this game allows, I'd say I mean about 1000 times more than you do. Come back to me when you and your filthy alliance are relevant again - in other words, don't come back.
  8. http://www.cybernations.net/nation_drill_d...ation_ID=155445 You can't. Your entire alliance is in coward mode. The chinless wonders strike again.
  9. What? All I heard was "I'm in Valhalla, lol at me."
  10. Your reading techniques are truly amazing: Before you all went into peace mode there were *8* people within his range who were within the 900 to 480 range who I had saved in my Nations List and was planning to attack.
  11. You shouldn't be so rude to your future Overlords...they may remember it.
  12. The chinless wonders in TORN Have about 8 people within his range - all in peace mode of course - who could have taken him out before the threat of war - but I s'pose this entire situation was all part of their master plan to get someone to take care of that pesky little guy. I oblige.
  13. Well I'm sure even if you had someone small enough, they wouldn't be able to do much seeing as they're all in peace mode. You kinda limited my options there - but thanks for the tech anyways! Same goes to you Hahahalla.
  14. Oh btw TORN, I'm attacking one of your nations and put him into anarchy. Same goes for Valhallas little guy.
  15. There's not going to be a war tonight....goddamnit.
  16. I propose we nominate Mpol the Leader of the New World Order! ALL HAIL!
  17. Then why was Slybomber still posting as a Director and telling people that "any talk behind anyones back will be punished with expulsion." Or would you like the screenshots posted here? I could provide them with your permission. See above. That to me is a new government - seeing as their actions will hopefully have vastly different consequences than the ones of those by the three named. Everything in my post can be verified if necessary. So basically, you should feel embarrassed.
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