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Freeing FAN


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I've made several points.

All of which you effectively said NO U to.

Oh the sweet smell of smug! Your original "point" is a meaningless platitude at best. Your second "point" is moot because what you refer to happened quite some time ago and FAN has since then shown a very aggressive face towards the NPO, and your third point...well, that wasn't really a point at all, just some more "holier than thou" drivel.

If FAN is going to get out of this one, they will need a much more effective advocate. Might I recommend a hamster?

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Did you not read the post you were responding to? Terms were laid out, FAN knows what they have to do to end the war, FAN has shown no signs of recant, thus the ball is in their court, thus the NPO is not "eternally" at war with them. Although I guess you can now say that Pacifica is conducting an overseas contingency operation if it makes you feel better.

You do know what happened the last time FAN accepted terms from NPO, don't you? Then why don't you go ahead and tell us why FAN would want to open themselves up to such treacherous manipulation again? They have learned from history, apparently you have not.

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Oh the sweet smell of smug! Your original "point" is a meaningless platitude at best. Your second "point" is moot because what you refer to happened quite some time ago and FAN has since then shown a very aggressive face towards the NPO, and your third point...well, that wasn't really a point at all, just some more "holier than thou" drivel.

If FAN is going to get out of this one, they will need a much more effective advocate. Might I recommend a hamster?

My original point is not meaningless platitude and yes, I can go NO U as well. It's the truth. If someone was at war with you and wouldn't give you peace, wouldn't you wish for their destruction?

Wanna know why FAN has since then shown a very aggressive face towards the NPO? Because NPO won't let them surrender. They say come out and fight. Update for anyone who isn't in the know, FAN has been fighting for the last 2 years.

My third point still stands. You still have no clue what your talking about.

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Derek, with all due respect, FAN isnt fighting right now, save a few guys. I just checked the "Federation of Armed Nations" Alliance Affiliation. 4 in war, 68 in peace. As of now, they appear to not be - or making an attempt to - come out and fight. I believe that's what NPO means by fighting, actual war mode again, etc

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Derek, with all due respect, FAN isnt fighting right now, save a few guys. I just checked the "Federation of Armed Nations" Alliance Affiliation. 4 in war, 68 in peace. As of now, they appear to not be - or making an attempt to - come out and fight. I believe that's what NPO means by fighting, actual war mode again, etc

They've already done that. They still couldn't surrender. They then went to peace. What's the difference between the last time they did that and now?

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It's just NPO trying to act like God and try to control who plays the game and what happens; therefore, I have signed it.

Also, it'd be simpler for NPO to just declare white peace or whatever, because at the moment FAN seems to be winning; they are, after all, annoying the NPO by just staying in peace mode.

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Regarding the original post (I've chosen not to read the ensuing discussion):

FAN has no honor and has resorted to continually "participate" in CN by forming fake nations and spying on other alliances (amongst other devious and underhanded acts such as theft and various acts of espionage). As a result, I personally would never sign anything but a death warrant for them. NPO is in the right on this one.

Edited by Skail
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Regarding the original post (I've chosen not to read the ensuing discussion):

FAN has no honor and has resorted to continually "participate" in CN by forming fake nations and spying on other alliances (amongst other devious and underhanded acts such as theft and various acts of espionage). As a result, I personally would never sign anything but a death warrant for them. NPO is in the right on this one.


Look like someone got his cookie jar broken into. :awesome:


Yep, thats you, second from the bottom. :v:

What did you expect? You try to keep an alliance in eternal war, you get a bloody nose, so you come to the OWF and cry about it? Man up buddy. This is war. :ehm:

<EDIT> On another point, It appears that Enewetok is (obviously) a FAN nation. In war mode. And nobody is on him. Give you guys the chance and you still FAIL to act. :jihad:

Edited by Bad JuJu
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Derek, with all due respect, FAN isnt fighting right now, save a few guys. I just checked the "Federation of Armed Nations" Alliance Affiliation. 4 in war, 68 in peace. As of now, they appear to not be - or making an attempt to - come out and fight. I believe that's what NPO means by fighting, actual war mode again, etc

If that screen is the only information you're basing your perspective on, your understanding of modern warfare on Bob is woefully naive, and I think it's also pretty definite proof that that at least one of your nine brain cells is seriously considering leaving, but just hasn't told you yet.

We have quite a few more than 4 nations fighting even right now.

Edited by He Who Has No Name
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Look like someone got his cookie jar broken into. :awesome:


Yep, thats you, second from the bottom. :v:

What did you expect? You try to keep an alliance in eternal war, you get a bloody nose, so you come to the OWF and cry about it? Man up buddy. This is war. :ehm:

<EDIT> On another point, It appears that Enewetok is (obviously) a FAN nation. In war mode. And nobody is on him. Give you guys the chance and you still FAIL to act. :jihad:

For the record, you're not going to gain much sympathy when you're not only openly admitting your alliance is a band of thieves and brigands, but you're actually bragging about it. On the contrary, you're proving that you deserve nothing more than hanging.

Note that I'm not complaining. It was a flaw in our system that will be rectified. But it reflects poorly upon your alliance and will likely convince many neutral parties out there that your alliance is not worthy of compassion.

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For the record, you're not going to gain much sympathy when you're not only openly admitting your alliance is a band of thieves and brigands, but you're actually bragging about it. On the contrary, you're proving that you deserve nothing more than hanging.

Note that I'm not complaining. It was a flaw in our system that will be rectified. But it reflects poorly upon your alliance and will likely convince many neutral parties out there that your alliance is not worthy of compassion.

How this post reflects on your alliance, based on your representation: IRON is a self-centered one-trick pony alliance that becomes a petulant, sniveling coward of a child when faced with somebody who will not play ball the way IRON wants people to play (ie, with rigged rules).

IRON: The Orange Colony of NPO...

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And what compassion has anyone shown FAN by keeping them in a state of eternal war?

I think you're deliberately missing the point. The point is that compassion is not being shown precisely because they continue their underhanded and ultimately futile methods. Sure, they steal a few million here and there, but it doesn't really accomplish a significant purpose and instead only results in the extension of their oppression. However, in this case, because of their methods they're bringing it upon themselves. If they chose to stand, fight, and accept their beatings with honor and/or dignity, their resolution would probably come much faster.

However, if they find joy in finding time between applying Clearasil and getting rejected by women to create these schemes and extend their virtual-world beatdown, well, more power to them.

I think I'm done here, now. Any more input from me would simply be more useless noise. Whatever the ultimate outcome, I've said my piece.

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I think you're deliberately missing the point. The point is that compassion is not being shown precisely because they continue their underhanded and ultimately futile methods. Sure, they steal a few million here and there, but it doesn't really accomplish a significant purpose and instead only results in the extension of their oppression. However, in this case, because of their methods they're bringing it upon themselves. If they chose to stand, fight, and accept their beatings with honor and/or dignity, their resolution would probably come much faster.

However, if they find joy in finding time between applying Clearasil and getting rejected by women to create these schemes and extend their virtual-world beatdown, well, more power to them.

I think I'm done here, now. Any more input from me would simply be more useless noise. Whatever the ultimate outcome, I've said my piece.

You missed the part where they already fought. FAN took their licking in the 1st war. The mere fact that they're still around speaks volumes to their honor.

Edited by OmahaHusker
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I think you're deliberately missing the point. The point is that compassion is not being shown precisely because they continue their underhanded and ultimately futile methods. Sure, they steal a few million here and there, but it doesn't really accomplish a significant purpose and instead only results in the extension of their oppression. However, in this case, because of their methods they're bringing it upon themselves. If they chose to stand, fight, and accept their beatings with honor and/or dignity, their resolution would probably come much faster.

However, if they find joy in finding time between applying Clearasil and getting rejected by women to create these schemes and extend their virtual-world beatdown, well, more power to them.

I think I'm done here, now. Any more input from me would simply be more useless noise. Whatever the ultimate outcome, I've said my piece.

This guy gets it.

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I think you're deliberately missing the point. The point is that compassion is not being shown precisely because they continue their underhanded and ultimately futile methods. Sure, they steal a few million here and there, but it doesn't really accomplish a significant purpose and instead only results in the extension of their oppression. However, in this case, because of their methods they're bringing it upon themselves. If they chose to stand, fight, and accept their beatings with honor and/or dignity, their resolution would probably come much faster.

However, if they find joy in finding time between applying Clearasil and getting rejected by women to create these schemes and extend their virtual-world beatdown, well, more power to them.

I think I'm done here, now. Any more input from me would simply be more useless noise. Whatever the ultimate outcome, I've said my piece.

You sound like the kind of guy that uses a magnifying glass to cook anthills and then blames the ants for not following fire code.

Should also point out here that an aggressor blaming their victim for the attack is a classic symptom of sociopathic disorders. Especially if they get angrier when the victim defends themselves.

Might be a good idea to see somebody about that, maybe get some little pills that take the hate and angry away. Just a suggestion - y'know, before it gets worse and the neighbor's dog starts telling you it needs blood.

Edited by He Who Has No Name
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You sound like the kind of guy that uses a magnifying glass to cook anthills and then blames the ants for not following fire code.

Should also point out here that an aggressor blaming their victim for the attack is a classic symptom of sociopathic disorders. Especially if they get angrier when the victim defends themselves.

Might be a good idea to see somebody about that, maybe get some little pills that take the hate and angry away. Just a suggestion - y'know, before it gets worse and the neighbor's dog starts telling you it needs blood.

ha ha ha ha ha. Thats awesome. :awesome:

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Should also point out here that an aggressor blaming their victim for the attack is a classic symptom of sociopathic disorders. Especially if they get angrier when the victim defends themselves.

But you're not defending yourselves, so I guess we'll never know if that's the case, will we?

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But you're not defending yourselves, so I guess we'll never know if that's the case, will we?

Of course we are. Where do you think all that money you're pouring into your lower ranks is ending up?

They're not bringing it back home from the battlefield, that's for sure.

Oh, hey, you've got some Kool-aid dribbles on your shirt.

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