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Ex-Nordreich members


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Can't ever let stuff go, eh? Shocking.

That was a different time. I was still bitter. But, as the world converged on NoV over flimsy evidence (that probably was a manufactured CB), I felt sympathy for them. After evaluation, they really weren't as bad the world painted them. It boils down to that people can't ever separate Germany and those 12 dark years it was under tyranny.

Your old buddy-buddy Kaiser "crusaded" against them because he was bitter. As I remember, you expressed the same hatred and bitterness. Probably just so he would put you in power. It wouldn't surprise me in the slightest.

Don't call me out on hypocrisy and crash my party when you are just as equally guilty. Good day, miss.

Well, my my. Let stuff go? I was simply having fun.

First of all, my 'buddy-buddy' Kaiser isn't very much so a 'buddy', as we don't speak. Second, I expressed no hatred, and was threatened multiple times to get thrown out for talking nicely to them. And while you sit here and parade around about how wonderful the old days were and how you've changed, there's no evidence of such. I've at least taken the time to get to know quite a few of them.

And that's funny, I didn't see this as your party. I must be missing something.

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You should really join us on the community boards. I believe some people were asking about you.

I can hardly keep activity in my current alliance (scratch that: any community I'm a part of online) up, but I'll check it out again and definitely say hello.

Thanks to you and Toku for the heads up. o/

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Can't ever let stuff go, eh? Shocking.

That was a different time. I was still bitter. But, as the world converged on NoV over flimsy evidence (that probably was a manufactured CB), I felt sympathy for them. After evaluation, they really weren't as bad the world painted them. It boils down to that people can't ever separate Germany and those 12 dark years it was under tyranny.

Your old buddy-buddy Kaiser "crusaded" against them because he was bitter. As I remember, you expressed the same hatred and bitterness. Probably just so he would put you in power. It wouldn't surprise me in the slightest.

Don't call me out on hypocrisy and crash my party when you are just as equally guilty. Good day, miss.

Hai Conrad!

Anyways, just to point things out to you, I stated my reasons a page or so before this. Good to see you, well, I am off, you two can have a lovely chat.

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Nordreich was a unique wild ride - I was glad to have been a part of it. It's funny - years later I've talked to a few of our ex-commie LSF and SWF adversaries and we've agreed that the ieological rivalry we had between us was an enjoyable element that brought some depth and chacater to our respective alliances - something not really found anymore apart perhaps from the tiresome and bland 'NPO is bad, m'kay' baiting.

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I left NoR just before it's end, then came back for a while in NoV. Good times were had - the Maroon War, Great War II and all the rest. NoR was frightening to watch in full-scale war mode!

I take that as a very powerful and gracious complement. We did our best to maximize the activity of our membership, I was always impressed with our activity levels and the level of commitment shown by our membership as well as our allies during times of war.

Edited by Wartides
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Are you for real bro?

Not far from the truth. I distinctly remember being at war with 6 alliances during the UJW. I forget the numbers for the commie wars though, but it certainly wasn't a numerical advantage.

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Not far from the truth. I distinctly remember being at war with 6 alliances during the UJW. I forget the numbers for the commie wars though, but it certainly wasn't a numerical advantage.

Yeah pretty sure ~ had the unjust outnumbered 2:1 in that war as well.

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At the end, yes. In the beginning before alliances started to bail out the odds were far from 2:1.

Especially in NoV's case... 6 alliances DoW'd on us then, backing us into a corner which lead to the tactical use of nukes.

I started it, btw :D 2 guys from BAPS sent me surrender offers, so I taped them to nukes 1 & 2 and sent them back.

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Yeah pretty sure ~ had the unjust outnumbered 2:1 in that war as well.
At the end, yes. In the beginning before alliances started to bail out the odds were far from 2:1.

Most NoV members were engaged in three defensive wars along with the 1-3 offensive wars they had declared. That continued almost to the very end of the war, as the alliances NoV fought were among the last to surrender. (R&R, BAPS, EotRS, uhhh.... GOD, ummm.... I'm probably forgetting someone.)

By the end of the war NoV was in very real danger of hemorrhaging members. After fighting on so many fronts we were out of cash. None of our opponents showed any signs of surrendering, and those who were prepared to surrender were jerking us around with regard to terms. In the meantime, fighting continued and our guys were just tired from being in a war we hadn't prepared for.

Did the High Command's decision to launch nukes hurt the reps we received? Of course it did. But it kept the alliance together and proved to be a devastating blow to our enemies' morale, which was the point of the exercise. NoV would live to fight another day.

EDIT: And yes, Hizzy started it. (Sort of.) His actions were unapproved, but he was retroactively forgiven. Those were my terms for staying with NoV.

Looking back, that was an incredibly dangerous gambit. But man was that ever fun.

Edited by kingzog
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Most NoV members were engaged in three defensive wars along with the 1-3 offensive wars they had declared. That continued almost to the very end of the war, as the alliances NoV fought were among the last to surrender. (R&R, BAPS, EotRS, uhhh.... GOD, ummm.... I'm probably forgetting someone.)

By the end of the war NoV was in very real danger of hemorrhaging members. After fighting on so many fronts we were out of cash. None of our opponents showed any signs of surrendering, and those who were prepared to surrender were jerking us around with regard to terms. In the meantime, fighting continued and our guys were just tired from being in a war we hadn't prepared for.

Did the High Command's decision to launch nukes hurt the reps we received? Of course it did. But it kept the alliance together and proved to be a devastating blow to our enemies' morale, which was the point of the exercise. NoV would live to fight another day.

EDIT: And yes, Hizzy started it. (Sort of.) His actions were unapproved, but he was retroactively forgiven. Those were my terms for staying with NoV.

Looking back, that was an incredibly dangerous gambit. But man was that ever fun.

I thought we were talking about Nordreich

I put on my thinking cap and reminisced extra super hard and can't seem to remember a single war in which Nordreich fought in which they were completely outnumbered. Come to think of it, it was quite the opposite. In virtually every war Nordreich was fighting on the side that had a noticeable numerical and nation strength advantage.

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I thought we were talking about Nordreich

I put on my thinking cap and reminisced extra super hard and can't seem to remember a single war in which Nordreich fought in which they were completely outnumbered. Come to think of it, it was quite the opposite. In virtually every war Nordreich was fighting on the side that had a noticeable numerical and nation strength advantage.

From your perspective, that may well be. However you should read the posts above and become more illuminated. I can personally attest to this truth, but Hizzy, Random, and Zog pretty much summed it up.

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I thought we were talking about Nordreich

I put on my thinking cap and reminisced extra super hard and can't seem to remember a single war in which Nordreich fought in which they were completely outnumbered. Come to think of it, it was quite the opposite. In virtually every war Nordreich was fighting on the side that had a noticeable numerical and nation strength advantage.

I can personally attest to the fact we were outnumbered. I sat down and planned many of the operations down to the very last nation to be attacked and who would do what, not only for my division but for entire Wehrmacht. Honestly, I am not making light of our past foes, most were very tenatious fighters and/or defenders. But our activity levels were almost 99% in our peak months and we used every last nation in Nordreich to its fullest. We often requested the impossible from our comrades and in some cases required that each nation be able to anarch at least 3 nations each while defending against 3 attackers with slim chance of support if all didn't go according to plan.

Thankfully, strategic operations went according to plan although tactically, we often changed things to suit the conditions that developed. We NEVER lost a war.

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I can personally attest to the fact we were outnumbered. I sat down and planned many of the operations down to the very last nation to be attacked and who would do what, not only for my division but for entire Wehrmacht. Honestly, I am not making light of our past foes, most were very tenatious fighters and/or defenders. But our activity levels were almost 99% in our peak months and we used every last nation in Nordreich to its fullest. We often requested the impossible from our comrades and in some cases required that each nation be able to anarch at least 3 nations each while defending against 3 attackers with slim chance of support if all didn't go according to plan.

Thankfully, strategic operations went according to plan although tactically, we often changed things to suit the conditions that developed. We NEVER lost a war.

This is likely the true CB for NoV's destruction... in my opinion at least (other than, you know, boredom and an easy target). Nordreich (and to a somewhat lesser extent, NoV) was truly frightening to watch when fighting a war, anyone who had fought as a member could attest to that. It was as you said, every nation gave until it could give no more, we hit our targets as hard as we were getting hit ourselves. Imagine if the alliance grew to something the size of NPO and still fought like that... I remember when I first joined up and being amazed at the efficiency of the NoR war machine, and being terrified about being a member of an alliance on the receiving end. I was scared of not being a member! ;)

NoR was made up of good people, though. Martens, Striderwannabe and so many others. It's just a shame that neo-Nazi elements did make their way in, at the end. I remember just before leaving the many arguments that were beginning to fracture the alliance from the inside.

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I can personally attest to the fact we were outnumbered. I sat down and planned many of the operations down to the very last nation to be attacked and who would do what, not only for my division but for entire Wehrmacht. Honestly, I am not making light of our past foes, most were very tenatious fighters and/or defenders. But our activity levels were almost 99% in our peak months and we used every last nation in Nordreich to its fullest. We often requested the impossible from our comrades and in some cases required that each nation be able to anarch at least 3 nations each while defending against 3 attackers with slim chance of support if all didn't go according to plan.

Thankfully, strategic operations went according to plan although tactically, we often changed things to suit the conditions that developed. We NEVER lost a war.

Though I enjoy watching you toot your own horn I can't help but remind you that Nordreich never went to war alone and was always allied with the side that had superior numbers and NS. Nordreich had a good battle record because Nordreich had a sound military doctrine: Go to war when you have more friends than your enemy.

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Though I enjoy watching you toot your own horn I can't help but remind you that Nordreich never went to war alone and was always allied with the side that had superior numbers and NS. Nordreich had a good battle record because Nordreich had a sound military doctrine: Go to war when you have more friends than your enemy.

Now now, lets not be Trite here. I never said that we were ALWAYS out numbered, but more often than not, that was the case and our activity levels simply had to make up for the difference. More often than not, we fought numerically superior foes, especially against the leftist bloc and we won. Lets not decrease our merits on the basis of personal bias.

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