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The Goose Has Landed

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"All governments suffer a recurring problem: Power attracts pathological personalities. It is not that power corrupts but that it is magnetic to the corruptible. Such people have a tendency to become drunk on violence, a condition to which they are quickly addicted."

~Missionaria Protectiva, Text QIV

This could not be any truer. A few weeks ago, there was a knock at the door. Who was it? Well, let's just saw it was a sight for sore eyes. This fellow left long ago to fight a war in the good name of... well, some holy deity up above. Nevertheless, he left the Commonwealth of Sovereign Nations to slay the infidels. For months he waged his war against infidel after infidel bloodying his saber... savoring the stench of madness... corrupting the sanity of Democracies all around... and quoting every single line of Dune possible.

With open arms we embraced this lad. Why we did such a thing I will never personally know, but something about Armageddon and complete destruction for our alliance seemed natural. Doomsday loomed over his head, and it was just too hard to resist and say no. Not even minutes went by until we promoted this man to the second highest position in the alliance: Deputy Head of State.

The prophecies foretold were correct. Allied_Threat, Warmonger of the West, Preacher of Goose's Good Name, Grand Patriarch of Maroon, and the Slayer of Infidel Scum was promoted and given power beyond imagination. Everyone congratulate Allied_Threat in this momentous occasion! :awesome: And yes, we do realize that we are doomed to all die in the infernos of nuclear Hell... but we welcome it with open arms. :nuke:

Now for a more solemn note:

The Black Watch... a leader who paved the way for the Commonwealth of Sovereign Nations to progress forward. There is no doubt in anyone's mind that he did nothing to serve the Commonwealth with pride, but there always comes the day when Real Life takes out the metal bat and knocks on your front door. We thank TBW, though, for his time and service in the greatest of gratitude because without him we would have indubitably fallen apart.

Ultimately there is no happy ending to this story. The Coroner's office said he died instantly, but we all knew those seconds of suffering were... beyond awful. In his dying breaths, he named an heir. Well, at least I know he did. He gurgled out "Spa...cing...out...man", but alas the courts stated otherwise... stopping my quest for global domination and slavery. :gag:

So who to replace The_Black_Watch? Who? We wondered that for a whopping five seconds when this man's name came up. A dedicated member who is especially liked around Thanksgiving, this fellow loved using the whip, hated being huggled, and has this for an avatar: oldmann.jpg

If it isn't obvious already, this man is the manliest of all men. His service to the Commonwealth has honored him with the highest seat in the land: Head of State.

This manly man will no doubt lead the Commonwealth of Sovereign Nations into greatness not because of his dedication, determination, felicity, graciousness, diplomacy, activity, eloquence, epicness, or invincibility. No, he will feed the other 135 (and growing) Commonwealth members.

So who is this man of mystery? Goose, Manly Man of Men, Champion Goose of All Geese, Teller of the SOM Beward, Maroon Gigolo, and Maroon Warmonger was given the charged task of leading us into greatness. Ladies and gentlemen, I present to you Head of State Goose.


Courtesy of KaitlinK. And yes ladies and gentlemen, this picture was taken Goose while getting out of the shower, no lies. This is a picture, so it did happen.

<SpacingOutMan> And yea

<WickedJ[Fark]> dear god

<WickedJ[Fark]> CN is going downhill quick

<WickedJ[Fark]> whens the punch and pie?

I told you this ultimately didn't have a happy ending.

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I assure you that Maverick is 100% on board with this move.

I'd like to thank the all the members of The Commonwealth for their faith in me, and I'd like to thank our friends and allies for their well wishes.

My retirement was rather short lived, it seems, but at least I get to delegate much more work from this position.

I have been a member of The Commonwealth for over 14 months, and have known them for far longer. My friendship with this fine group dates back to my days at USN and our involvement in GUARD. They have always been a great ally and friend to me, as such I decided to join them after my first retirement. Gino The Roman soon guilted me into serving as the Minister of the Interior.

I only hope that I can live up to the performances of Gino, AT, and TBW in their prime as we all move forward together. Expect a few announcements to come as I get settled in and start my oppression leadership of The Commonwealth.

Goose of Turkeybowl, Opressor of the People, Hater of Huggles, and Old Man with a Cane.

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We love you too Bob.

Goose? Realllllly? He's such a fool I hate him >_>

Congrats to CSN on the selection of a great leader to succeed TBW. Goose will lead you well in the coming months.

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