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A Joint Announcement from Yukon Confederacy and ARES

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A Joint Announcement by Yukon Confederacy and ARES

As our alliance matures, so too does the friends that surround us, although time may slow as we work away, content and yet ambitiously focused on the future, the world continues to spin and the international community moves relentlessly forward. Among the many friends we have made in this great endeavor, our relationship with ARES stands out in both longevity and intensity. Now, officially, and for the first time, we honor our longstanding inter-alliance relationship with a treaty to solidify what has always existed informally. We hope that this treaty can set the stage for future relations as well as ensure a sound future for existing ones.

In conclusion, ARES has proven to be loyal and a good friend, and has always worn warm socks. So, this Treaty of Amity will make it official.

Hail the Confederacy!

Hail ARES!

Hail the bonds of friendship that brought us together.

Ascended Yukon Treaty

Article 1: Friendship

Both alliances agree to treat each other with respect and courtesy in all public and private channels of communications, and will refrain from public comments that are harmful or hostile toward the unity and strength of ARES and The Yukon Confederacy. Any differences may be discussed between private channels and all conversations are to be confidential until revocation of this treaty. No hostile or aggressive acts shall be committed by either alliance against the other.

Article 2: Non-aggression

ARES and The Yukon Confederacy will refrain from coordinated military action against other signatories. Any signatory found to be engaging in military action against a fellow signatory will be subject to immediate expulsion from this pact and full military retribution.

Article 3: Economic Aid

Both alliances may request economic aid from each other. However, this is completely optional and refusal of sending aid will not detrimentally affect the bonds of friendship and loyalty.

Article 4: Military Defense

Any alliance that is engaged in an open defensive war may request the other to provide military support and defense. However, this is completely optional and will not detrimentally affect the bonds of friendship and loyalty.

Article 5: Intelligence

Both alliances agree to share any and all relevant information concerning the welfare of either signatory or any information determined detrimental to the unity and strength of ARES and The Yukon Confederacy. Giving false information shall be considered a delinquency of this treaty, making it void.

Article 6: Cancellation

Should either alliance wishing to leave this treaty peacefully may do so after giving a 48 hours warning through private channels beforehand.

The Yukon Confederacy

-PremierJames, Lord Protector of the Confederacy

-Rooivaulk, Chancellor of the Confederacy


President- Joe Stupid

Vice-President- Lord Kresden

Director of Foreign Affairs- Barix9

Director of Internal Affairs- v0.0v

Director of Finance- Perandori

Director of Defense-

Director of Recruitment- Lord Hood

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We do appreciate the attention and effort. We welocme you all for a celebratory slumber party where warm socks must be worn and cocao will be served. Each to his own igloo though, the palace is, unfortunately full of dikplomats at the moment, so temporary sleeping arrangements had to be made (this message was delayed due to the polar bear construction workers union negotitions)....

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