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Announcement from the Viridian Entente

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To the VE: pity to see it come to this. That said, I have absolutely no clue what happened or what instigated this announcement, so I'll leave it at that.

I have to agree with the sentiment expressed above. But I wish Viridia the very best, and there's always some babies here in Enigmathena, even if just for old times sake :(

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And this is dictated by......you? Anyway, I think I've made my position clear. I'm quite fond of Viridia's balls.

If this isn't included in the signature of every Viridian... I'll... I'll... well, my actions will be crazy and drastic.

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I still love all my Green brethren

Best of luck in your future en devours.

Last time GGA had a treaty canceled with VE, and still loved them, you attacked them.

Also, I wonder what's going to happen. Thankfully, VE has some better allies thanks to Bastion anyway.

Edited by MegaAros
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I'm quite confident IRON doesn't portray any of the traits described in your opening.

I would like to highlight this for emphasis. As for the other two alliances in the OP, I will bite my tongue.

VE, I must say based on what I know, you just politically outmaneuvered the ones who were going to do it to you.


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What, does my alliance affiliation prevent me from making a parody of a mere observation? I didn't mean to make a statement, just a joke.

It's just that you are, in essence, parodying the endless number of peons, affiliated to your alliance and various allies and lackeys, who basically follow the same rules. You know, the same people that made "o/" as ubiquitous as it is. It's not kosher to make fun of your own buddies.

EDIT: "*grammer"

Edited by Mussolandia
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You know, we've done our fair share for the NPO, including being one of the first to treaty with them in the land of a long long time ago. The least you can do is cut the sarcasm.

He already said it was a joke, as tasteless as it may be.

Anyways, I really doubt he was around "back then" to know what past ties between NPO and VE were.

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Did the real VE just stand up?


Wow, this is quite a surprising set of moves! Glad to see people put their money where their mouth is.

And this.

It is always sad to see allies diverge, but I'm very glad to see VE taking some independent steps. Good luck.

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