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Global Alliance and Treaty Organization Announcement

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I do know he's a troll but I found the irony pretty entertaining.

I am not a "troll". I was just remarking on the fact that people like Janova love to fight against injustice with their OWF posts yet are in alliances allied to the very people who take part in these sort of tactics.

Everyone has a right to speak their minds, but if your words don't match your actions expect someone to also speak their mind and point it out.

OOC: Or in Mogarspeak: I AM NOT TROWLIN'

Edited by Jake Erics
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Oh...lookie here...a member of Soldier...

You don't want me hostile. Hell I don't want me hostile, it usually gets me in trouble, but I may make an exception here.

Posturing your alliance's weight around really makes you feel good, doesn't it?

edit: I will be leaving this thread immediately, as it is getting off track. Good luck to GATO, no matter how much I may dislike them and their government structure.

Edited by youwish959
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Posturing your alliance's weight around really makes you feel good, doesn't it?

Now how exactly was that posturing Ragnarok's strength? Don't take one of our members counter-trolling you to be us wanting to attack you. If we did, we would.

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no matter how much I may dislike them and their government structure.

Oh disappointing good thing most of us knew who you were or even cared....but Ill try to make sure I remember your opinions!!

Back to teh GATO love, its been awhile....


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Oh disappointing good thing most of us knew who you were or even cared....but Ill try to make sure I remember your opinions!!

Back to teh GATO love, its been awhile....


I agree, this thread got really interesting for a while.

Back to the boring mindless hailing of GATO... wait, what?

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Also Barb what are you talking about. It hasn't taken them a month to set up the MoFA. It's taken them ~5 months and 74 days to set it up after the first NPO viceroy disbanded it.

I guess I could say... a month since NPO has decided that GATO would be allowed to have their own partial MoFA then? :P

As everyone else has been saying, free GATO! Its been damn long enough.


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I think I remember you guys.

I heard that you guys were like the Worst Alliance Everz and that the reason you guys are on brown is because you all smell like something brown. Could it be brownies, could it be fudge, or could it be something that rhymes with hit???

You guys should just give up now and save yourselves the embarrassment.

Just Kidding nice update and hardy salute to my former but still very much loved Alliance.


I would very much not doubt that you guys will make it back into the elite 12 a year from now.

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The Global Alliance and Treaty Organization has a very active history, where we have struggled, pushed and succeeded. However, today, for many GATOans we look to the future, for us as an alliance must move forward, plan for the future, prepare for the future, embrace the future. As we surpass our two millionth NS, it shows how we have not just been idling by with NPO as our parents, we have been taking the initiative to improve and work with our counterparts to not only maintain our old ideals and values, the community which is envied upon by the rest of the CN world and democracy with the re-introduction of the highcourt and our elections for the Assembly Chairman, but modernize, organize, restructure ministries and advance in the CN world.

We are on a new path that will prove to the international world that we are the Global Alliance and Treaty Organization, we are the very example of Strength in Unity and Honour in Justice we will achieve our goals and only then, will we not only be seen independent by the eyes of the world, but will officially become our own.

Edited by sixers33
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Why anyone would want to free GATO is beyond me.

Because they have more than paid enough for any 'perceived' crimes, but you would not really know about any of that would you. You mentioned that you disliked their govt strucutre but which aspect? is it the democracy of old or the current occupation? if your going to troll then try to be less vague mate ;) you neve know it might not come across as trolling but more of a discussion, hell you might even end up looking a lot less silly :P

Edited by Cataduanes
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