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Start your own or join a young Alliance

Minilla Island

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This is a HYPOTHETICAL question, and not a question of intent.

Let us say you are a veteran of a large Alliance. You feel that you cannot go any further where you are. Even if you could, you wonder if your heart is still there. You have rarely been active on IRC, but have been on when it was needed to be on. You don't have many IC or OOC friends on Bob. But, you have a lot of experience in war and knowledge to give. Let's also say that you have ideas of making an Alliance strong both militarily AND economically, with an emphasis on economics. Again, hypothetical question, would you:

A: Start your own Alliance?


B: Join a newer Alliance?

State your reasons why or why not? Again, this is a HYPOTHETICAL question and NOT a question of any intent.

Edited by Minilla Island
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Join a newer alliance. The structures would already be set-up (to some extent, at least) and there'd be a bunch of people ready and waiting to learn from your experience. If you chose to make your own alliance you'd have a lot of other things to think about, like recruiting, setting up forums, working foreign affairs, finding people to appoint to positions, and so on. All of which would get in the way of what you really want to do - pass on your specific economic and military knowledge to help mould a group of players into a well-oiled machine.

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I'd take option B because you don't have to spend time recruiting members, probably won't have competition for your position, (If you were high up, you'd probably have a following of friends just like you) you're pretty inactive so you don't have to be the main man for getting recruiting up and running, and you don't have to go through as many hassles involved in making a new alliance.

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You have rarely been active on IRC, but have been on when it was needed to be on. You don't have many IC or OOC friends on Bob.

Both these statements would suggest you either don't have the the required activity level, desire or 'people-skills' to successfully lead a large group of players, and that is something that no amount of war experince or knowledge could make up for. I know the first part cannot be concluded for certain, but it's highly likely.

...and by 'you' I mean 'one'. Of course :)

Edited by Chairman Cao
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If you don't have many friends, don't start an alliance. Stay where you are unless you absolutely hate it. If you do leave, join a MID-range alliance.

Though one would wonder how you could have so much knowledge of the game without having friends.

Some people quickly call somebody else a friend. He probably doesn't, if you read this boards and your own alliance boards for half a year or so you'll get more than enough knowledge of how the game works. You probably don't have the diplomatic experience to start your own alliance.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Go with B. If you're not very well known then you won't develop a membership base large enough to be interesting. And there's too many new alliances out there already.

However you could be a huge addition to a young alliance and probably get a gov position pretty quickly. From there you can make a name for yourself.

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Both, I would most likely join a starting allaince and take part in its founding if I had to. I feel really at home in DT though, everyone I have known best in recent years are in it, I would most likely not play as much anymore if it came to that and things just didn't work anymore.

Edited by Gabriel Carver
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the only time i went searching for a alliance, i completely ignored all the well known ones or the ones that sent me ingame messages saying "join us and we will give you cash" i went on the forums, started looking at alliance updates, found a group that just made a 500k announcment, lurked thier IRC for a few days, and joined them as soon as i could afterwords.

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