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My thoughts, perhaps, that his Imperial Majesty would not deign to exchange words with terrorists and rabblerousers. :rolleyes:

When you stand on the shoulders of giants, Mr. da Silva, you need not lower yourself to address them.

edit: or I suppose in this case, not to address them (because he would be addressing me to answer my question) but to be around them.

Edited by Sal Paradise
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But, I don't quite understand all the concern over supposed threats over the computer. This may be because I am old but I don't think so.

If only Comrade Ivan Moldavi and Comrade Bilrow (and all who enabled their OOC-morality crusades for their own purposes) had shared your ability to separate IC and OOC perhaps we wouldn't have this culture of IC/OOC mixing most people agree is damaging to the game. Sadly we are in a world in which laughing at the wrong thing has landed people on perma-ZI lists. In which one offensive comment by a leader has caused alliances to disband. In which the totality of your behavior on the internet is fair game for building a CN casus belli.

Even then if your crusade for imposing OOC behavior standards was true and honest you could argue you were working to improve the community or something like that. But no. The lesson that the Ivans, Moos and Bilrows of the world have taught us is not "Don't cross the line or you get rolled" but rather "If you want to cross the line, you must be one of us or you get rolled".

Edited by Jake Erics
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I don't keep up with much here. I am a bit of a showboater and blowhard and I just pipe in on occasion to either stir the pot or piss people off.

But, I don't quite understand all the concern over supposed threats over the computer. This may be because I am old but I don't think so.

If someone tells me on IRC that they hope I die in RL I will say "good, one day I will" and move on. If someone says they will kill me I say "now I have to launch my IGNORE bomb at you". If someone says you live at X address and I am going to come over and $%&@ your wife then I will probably contact the appropriate authorities.

At no point would coming onto the forum to !@#$%* and moan and whine about it be an option. So why do so many of you do it?

OOC: For the record, I have gotten over it, I've moved on, and I could give a rat's $@!. But I'll be damned if I'm going to stop people from bringing it up every time my in-game political opponents are trying to get a footing on the moral high ground with the "OMG OOC ATTACKS" crap. It's a double-standard and it's ridiculous. I've voice numerous times that I don't think any of that belongs here; have I made transgressions? Probably, and I regret them. But as I've also said numerous times, we'd all go a long way to grow some thicker skin. As has been suggested, there was more to that exchange between Zah'ha'doooom and myself; I can't help but wonder what you'd say to the rest. We'll never know.

To conclude, I'll echo Mussolandia: I was here in July 06 and you seem to have significantly shifted your view. This is your legacy at work!

Back IC:

My thoughts, perhaps, that his Imperial Majesty would not deign to exchange words with terrorists and rabblerousers. :rolleyes:

Much as rabblerousers and terrorists even would not deign to associate with pseudo-intellectual, egomaniacal wannabes.

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The thing you people don't get is that if Zhadum wants to delete my post, he can and there's nothing I can or want to do about it besides from answers and if I don't get those then hey, guess what like a normal company I can either quit or get on with it.

I choose in that instance to get on with it.

Also the OP doesn't have permission to post my photos, so please remove, thanks dear.

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OOC: For the record, I have gotten over it, I've moved on, and I could give a rat's $@!. But I'll be damned if I'm going to stop people from bringing it up every time my in-game political opponents are trying to get a footing on the moral high ground with the "OMG OOC ATTACKS" crap. It's a double-standard and it's ridiculous. I've voice numerous times that I don't think any of that belongs here; have I made transgressions? Probably, and I regret them. But as I've also said numerous times, we'd all go a long way to grow some thicker skin. As has been suggested, there was more to that exchange between Zah'ha'doooom and myself; I can't help but wonder what you'd say to the rest. We'll never know.

To conclude, I'll echo Mussolandia: I was here in July 06 and you seem to have significantly shifted your view. This is your legacy at work!

Back IC:

Much as rabblerousers and terrorists even would not deign to associate with pseudo-intellectual, egomaniacal wannabes.

You can't regret something that you're not willing to admit you did. Probably made transgressions? I'm not saying you've made any, and I'm not saying you haven't, but you can't be sorry about anything if you're not actually going to own up to anything.

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She can try to contact the only relevant authorities (OOC: the image hosting service) and get brushed off if she'd like.

OOC: Simply cutting off the relevant pieces of the image is hardly too much to ask, it's not like you're losing anything. I'm sure you wouldn't like pictures of you on some random forum you didn't put there and have no control over. It has no bearing on the game or the information in the OP whatsoever, it's hardly going to have people claiming it's shopped.

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It is my recommendation that the offending photo be covered with one of a howler monkey or perhaps a 1971 Volkswagen bus so that the world will be freed of the presence of Sarai's visage which so offends her, and we'll all be free of the hideous specter of the dreaded Oh Oh See.

OOC: Yeah like anyone would really know or care that that is you, Sarai. Get over yourself. I recommend to Schattenmann that he edit out your mug so you don't have to feel like you are being harassed for a picture of yourself that you put into your own signature showing up in a screenshot where no attention was drawn to it.

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God so easy to knock a thead off-topic... Does the picture matter? Not really. Did what I say about Zhadum matter, yes... which did you guys go for? :)

See, this is why I stick with the NPO, not a bunch of side-trackers.

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You can't regret something that you're not willing to admit you did. Probably made transgressions? I'm not saying you've made any, and I'm not saying you haven't, but you can't be sorry about anything if you're not actually going to own up to anything.

OOC: I have a long history, I've said a lot of things. I know I've made mistakes (with respect to the IC/OOC line) and I'll own up to them. I can't do so in a specific manner if I don't remember them, though. Only human.

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And now the shambling corpse of legality has joined our parade, taking his place along side the OOC attack , Francoism and the ghosts of Pacifican past. We're still missing GW1, and the Moldavi Rebellion. No doubt they'll be along shortly.

OOC: It would be a good gesture to cover up Sarai's pictures in the OP, but Sarai, if you don't want your pictures on the internet... don't put them on the internet.

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God so easy to knock a thead off-topic... Does the picture matter? Not really. Did what I say about Zhadum matter, yes... which did you guys go for? :)

See, this is why I stick with the NPO, not a bunch of side-trackers.

Your right, if anything the NPO have always tried to keep this topic on point and not distract attention away from their various actions by focusing on minor details.

In fact I think I'll apply to this fine alliance right now.

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God so easy to knock a thead off-topic... Does the picture matter? Not really. Did what I say about Zhadum matter, yes... which did you guys go for? :)

See, this is why I stick with the NPO, not a bunch of side-trackers.

but you brought up the picture, not them :v:

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God so easy to knock a thead off-topic... Does the picture matter? Not really. Did what I say about Zhadum matter, yes... which did you guys go for? :)

See, this is why I stick with the NPO, not a bunch of side-trackers.

You didnt say anything about Zhadum that everyone didnt already know and you brought up the picture not everyone else. If you didnt want the picture to be seen perhaps you shouldnt have posted it on an internet forum where anyone who signs up for an account can see it.

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I'm sure you wouldn't like pictures of you on some random forum you didn't put there and have no control over.

The ruler Hizzy of Sooners has now chosen to use his true likeness rather than a giant talking penguin to address the people of Digiterra.

Oooo god forbid should this wind up photoshopped on a fat chick's body. I might have to step on a scale and double check my weight (among other things).

Edited by hizzy
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