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Nintenderek's 1000th day playing Cybernations


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I think my favorite memory is when I asked you why you only had 1 improvement and 900 infra. Your response (paraphrasing) "I'm focusing on buy infra and tech now so I don't want to spend money on improvements." That pretty much sums up your entire CN career, complete and utter failure in every aspect.

Blaming Purge's problems on anything other than god-awful leadership and decision-making is ridiculous. TPF's job as a protector among other things is to prevent their protectorates from jumping off a cliff. Unfortunately for Purge the sheer force of stupidity in leadership made the cliff jumping an inevitable result.

As far as SOAP goes their biggest problem was you not so subtly trying to take over the alliance in a series of inept power grabs.

Also I was in GOLD, it sucked after the sanction, I left. There are still quite a few ex-GOLD members around including 3 ex-GOLD nations in the top 20 nations of CN and one ex-GOLD member is #2 in total casualties. :P

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if you really collected and paid bills a 1000 times you fail at this game on an epic scale, stopped reading right there ..... :rolleyes:

if you really posted and trolled the thread without reading you fail at posting on an epic scale, stopped reading right there ..... :rolleyes:

Edited by MegaAros
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I happen to think making huge grammatical mistakes is much worse than making an in game mistake. I suppose I'm Polar really too stupid to play.

ZOMG, a guy in my alliance is getting made fun of for being a total failure, why don't I talk about a typing error made 6 months ago. That should throw everyone off the scent. :unsure:

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ZOMG, a guy in my alliance is getting made fun of for being a total failure, why don't I talk about a typing error made 6 months ago. That should throw everyone off the scent. :unsure:

ZOMG a person made an error a long time ago. I should mock him with an in game error to troll him!

No seriously, you've already done it 6 months ago, and people still remember it, and even have it sigged still. Don't mock a person if you can't handle being mocked yourself, ESPECIALLY for the failure that you had.

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I like how you say this isn't a Vox Propaganda piece, but then you go and attack NPO with low-blows (calling their Military "terrible" and their leadership "incompetent" among other things)

Other than that, I have no problem with you aside from your IC disdain for my alliance and it's allies and I honestly hope you enjoy another 1000 days here in CN.

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ZOMG a person made an error a long time ago. I should mock him with an in game error to troll him!

No seriously, you've already done it 6 months ago, and people still remember it, and even have it sigged still. Don't mock a person if you can't handle being mocked yourself, ESPECIALLY for the failure that you had.

I was ripping you for changing the subject, not for remembering the quote. In case you haven't noticed this thread is not about me, it is about Nintenderek. You simply chose to ignore what I posted and instead brought up a completely unrelated incident in some lame attempt to discredit me.

The fact of the matter is that Nintenderek made some inflammatory and grossly inaccurate accusations in the OP and I called him on it. If you would like to challenge me in that area please feel free.

If you would like to discuss my mad typing skillz please pray that my head swells up enough that I post a 1,000 day anniversary thread in 180 days. Its not gonna happen but you can always hope. :rolleyes:

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ZOMG a person made an error a long time ago. I should mock him with an in game error to troll him!

No seriously, you've already done it 6 months ago, and people still remember it, and even have it sigged still. Don't mock a person if you can't handle being mocked yourself, ESPECIALLY for the failure that you had.

Nintenderek is the definition of fail when it comes to CN while Bob has been fairly successful. If the best thing you have on him is a typo then you seriously need to find something new.

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I think my favorite memory is when I asked you why you only had 1 improvement and 900 infra. Your response (paraphrasing) "I'm focusing on buy infra and tech now so I don't want to spend money on improvements." That pretty much sums up your entire CN career, complete and utter failure in every aspect.

Considering I've never had 900 infra in my life, keeping my NS low on purpose, I find this hard to believe.

Blaming Purge's problems on anything other than god-awful leadership and decision-making is ridiculous. TPF's job as a protector among other things is to prevent their protectorates from jumping off a cliff. Unfortunately for Purge the sheer force of stupidity in leadership made the cliff jumping an inevitable result.

If that was the case, wouldn't you be the worst leader of them all? You leaving was what allowed for the new leadership leading to all these events. If you hadn't left, the leadership you hate so much wouldn't have gotten into power. The irony is amazing, isn't it?

As far as SOAP goes their biggest problem was you not so subtly trying to take over the alliance in a series of inept power grabs.

Also I was in GOLD, it sucked after the sanction, I left. There are still quite a few ex-GOLD members around including 3 ex-GOLD nations in the top 20 nations of CN and one ex-GOLD member is #2 in total casualties. :P

I originally asked for no government power in SOAP. I was given it anyway. I started using it when I saw how unorganized the alliance really was. Personally, I think it was their protector's fault for not getting them on the right road to begin with ;)

Trust me Bob, if not for me, SOAP would have fallen to inactivity and disbanded way before it actually did.

Also, I meant people who were in GOLD at the same time as me, from about right before Thomas left to the end. Not many of those people are left. There's EB and the ones who've posted in this thread, and that's about it that I know of. A huge portion of them joined other alliances after UJW, but couldn't get that involved in their new alliances like they were in GOLD, so they just flat out left. Patty Roy, Wing Zero and Sylterix being good examples if I remember right.

"I shall be collecting taxes and paying bills for the 1000th time"

Yeah, really...In 1000 days you should've collected taxes a maximum of 100 times, heh.

Closer to 55-60 probably...

Damnit people, it's called a joke.

Nintenderek is the definition of fail when it comes to CN while Bob has been fairly successful. If the best thing you have on him is a typo then you seriously need to find something new.

Coming from the man who several months ago tried to defend why posting gross to get banned would be a good thing, I feel pretty good about my CN career.

Edited by Nintenderek
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