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Joint Statement

Mergerberger II

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Within a large encampment in the southern Mexican jungle, Comandante Marcos, studies over global events and affairs with his Generals.

Zapatista 1- (heavy accent) The so call powers of these world continue to trow their weight aroun fooleesly. How mush more could be done, rader then to make pointless destruction, no?

Comandante Marcos- This is true my friend...sadly, this is true. That is why we must continue our fight, and carry on our revolution. A revolution not just in politics, or government, but in the mindset of the world.


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After the three nuclear launches by the large Gebivian artillery piece, the First, Second, Third, and Fourth armies felt very fortunate that the large number of mobile SAM units they had brought with them during the invasion had worked so well. The SAM managed to locate a rather large artillery piece flying a very long distance over the Alps. As scouting probes and drones had shone that there was plenty of artillery right in front of the Five Armies to bomb the hell out of them, the SAMs targetted this abnormality with numerous misisles. Two were shot down, however the the third, aimed for Grenoble, made it through, decimating the center of the city and ten thousand Dutch soldiers stationed within. The remainder of the soldiers within the city suffered from radiation sickness, and were sent back home to be treated. With forty-five thousand remaining in the Fifth army, they pressed on.

The First, Second, and Third Armies, now called the Middle Army, were to press South until they came to a major fork in the roads, where the Third army would continue south and the First and Second armies would move West. The First and second moved towards the city of Saint-Etienne, while the Third went at a swifter pace towards Valence. Both armies began to meet increasingly powerful resistance from the Gebivian Army, however none of it was much of a problem due to the sheer size of the Five Armies and the degree to which they were advanced over Mannelig's forces. Upon arriving in Valence, the Third Army had lost 5,000 men and 200 armored units. The Western Army (First and Second) had lost a total of 6,000 men and 200 armored units upon arriving in Saint-Etienne and securing the city. Few men wanted to risk being in the city, as they did not want to suffer the same fate as the Fifth Army stationed at Grenoble had.

Meanwhile, the Fourth Army moved south from Clermont-Ferrand to the next major town on the map, the town of Issoire. From there, they were to continue heading south until they reached Polignac, where they rested until the Western army combined with them and they would move West. They also met increasingly heavy resistance as they moved southwards, losing nearly 5500 men and 175 armored units along the way. They arrived in Polignac on schedule, however, after much fierce fighting. They, too, camped themselves outside the city, spread relatively thinly to avoid major damage from air strikes and any massively destructive weapon.

The Fifth Army rolled out of Grenoble with, instead of a gross lack of morale a massive boost to their passion. They charged southwards with blazing speed, killing everything in their path. They shot their way into La Mure, killing every Gebivian soldier they could find with brutal efficiency. They lost a mere 3,000 from the 45,000 that rolled out of Grenoble, and only seventy five tanks. They could not wait for their next assignment, their passion running high and their blood boiling at the loss of their comrades.

The Air Force stationed in Genéve was awake as well. A hundred more from the original five were activated, and began bombing runs on the cities of Avignon and Montpelier. The original five hundred began orchestrating stealth attacks on the Iberian line in the West. They were to clear holes and eliminate things like anti-tank positions and machine gun outposts, as well as take out the Mobile Command Headquarters for the Iberians. With the massive technological and numerical advantage that they had over the Iberians, accomplishing this was relatively easy, despite losing thirty aircraft in the process. They did, however, manage to take out many Iberian fighters as well as several major anti-air positions. Long-range artillery units also began to fire on the Iberian Line, beginning to punch holes in it, forcing the Iberians to be spread thinner than they originally were, which would allow the Five Armies to have an easier time with the Iberian forces.

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Public Broadcast of the Administrator

"It has come to my attention that the German homeland has been struck by weapons from the Rebel Army. We find this to be an increasingly more prominant problem.

No longer do nations simply wish to defend their own soil from foreigners. They feel they must do unto others to the letter. Now we will be activating our MDP with the German Empire as well as the Ordinance for the Grand Army of Europe. The Union of Eastern Soviet Republics declares war on the belligerents aligned against the Greater German Empire and the Dutch Empire."

At that, the assault began. The forces that had been mustered crossed the border from Serbia and Bulgaria into Macedonia, supported by tanks, APC's, and AAV's. Helicopters spilled over and harrassed border stations as fighters launched air-to-surface missiles from their side of the border.

No towns were captured as there were none of significance near the border, but several border stations were captured and converted into field HQ's. Rocket artillery was brought into the theater and set up in easily advanceable defensive positions. Towed artillery came next and in more fixed positions.

The flak guns [self-propelled] that were stationed on the Serbian side were advanced into the back lines of the new frontier, defending the new field HQ's.

Helicopters continued patrolling the outskirts of the Soviet-controlled area. There had not been many casualties for either side yet, but it would be a long drawn out battle yet.

The Reds would also face heavy resistance, in the form of many, many scattered Antitank and Antipersonal landmines hidden through any roads and paths, meaning that they would have to use the worst terrain in order to move, but even then, there still were mines to be found, it was impossible to advance without substaining moderate to medium casualties unless they slowed down greatly to sweep them. The army proper was employing a large amount of FLAK 120s which doubled as AA and Antitank, the army was not grouped up like traditional ones would, but rather scatterd in tiny pockets of resistance, using either bunkers or terrain to achieve these effects, and heavy chamo. Czech Hedgehogs were also scattered all throughout the areas, Now and then there'd be small counterattacks consisting typically of Tanks, which had been given enhanced armor, in a rather desperate, improvised, but effective manner. The idea was to delay them, and to inflict a decent amount of casualties without using many troops. Mobile artillery was somewhere far away unseen, they rained fire onto the incoming enemy but retreated constantly so they would never be in their range to reply, hitting and running. Antitank Dogs were also used in the conflict, to a lethal effect, faster and smaller than a human, and definately more sneaky they'd make a terrifying target for all vehicles.

"..Communications in half the Country are going down.."

"..How long will it take to get them back up..?"

"..depends on the spares..and how much time.."

"..just do it.."

The Reich had been hit by a EMP strike, putting 45% of the country in the dark. All over, tech crews attempted to restore the vital systems, those being mostly Military and other systems. At home, millions of citizens were effected, but this only made their resolve even greater. On the home front, Morale soared as they now knew who the enemy really was. The Reich would strike back.


On the ground, German Troops were heavily effected by the strike. Most of their vehicles were down and out; however, they would continue on, and in some cases, even hold back, not moving forward anymore. They attempted to repair their engines, replacing them with new ones instead. In place of heavy armour, they were simply given MANPAD systems. This attack did not weaken their spirits, it only strengthened them, and before long, they would respond with their own attack.

The Germans did not have any time available to "stop", sit and repair the engines, unless for those who were far from the front and as such were not participating in the struggle (yet). Providing the troops with MANPAD systems was, for the most part, extremely difficult. Since the nuking began, Gebivian troops had struck back, not giving the Germans physical time needed to sit and regroup, and in many cases breaking supply lines. The only safe mode of supply would be the air.

Not only that, just after the first Raiding Parties were successful, further reinforcements came, the surviving German Invaders would be hit by barrages of constant, yet not properly coordinated fire. Since everything was being done in a hurry, numbers were relied on rather than proper accuracy, tanks and infantry, which were even bolstered further by Militia sprang out of nowhere to push the Germans back. Although the Gebivians had only used minimum troops to the other front, the Germans had been specifically been targetted by bigger formations and had been more fiercely hit by the rest, determined to not allow them to recover from either the EMP or the nuke that easily.

The German Invading Forces would simply put need to do one of the following: Surrender, Retreat, or suffer (again) massive casualties until a major relief counterattack force could be sent from Germany. Even the remainders of the Gebivian Airforce were annoying them, and even civilian planes were packed with explosives and used as improvised Bombers or Sucidal Aircraft, the Italians were literally throwing all they had.

The 813mm Artillery Piece was of course, silenced. It got out several more (Normal) shots that hit the Germans as well, all in a hurry, producing an extremely devastating effect, before it itself was hit by enough bombs to turn it into a puddle of metal.

A group of Militia rushed to aid the Iberian Lines, using a hurriedly assembled group of Armored Cars - Formerly in the services of Banks or the Government - as surprisingly effective APCs, and all kinds of trucks and jeeps to tow 155mm Artillery and 120mm FLAK, which would soon provide Support Fire to the Spaniards.

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The Reds would also face heavy resistance, in the form of many, many scattered Antitank and Antipersonal landmines hidden through any roads and paths, meaning that they would have to use the worst terrain in order to move, but even then, there still were mines to be found, it was impossible to advance without substaining moderate to medium casualties unless they slowed down greatly to sweep them. The army proper was employing a large amount of FLAK 120s which doubled as AA and Antitank, the army was not grouped up like traditional ones would, but rather scatterd in tiny pockets of resistance, using either bunkers or terrain to achieve these effects, and heavy chamo. Czech Hedgehogs were also scattered all throughout the areas, Now and then there'd be small counterattacks consisting typically of Tanks, which had been given enhanced armor, in a rather desperate, improvised, but effective manner. The idea was to delay them, and to inflict a decent amount of casualties without using many troops. Mobile artillery was somewhere far away unseen, they rained fire onto the incoming enemy but retreated constantly so they would never be in their range to reply, hitting and running. Antitank Dogs were also used in the conflict, to a lethal effect, faster and smaller than a human, and definately more sneaky they'd make a terrifying target for all vehicles.

OOC: The only thing I have a problem with are the ubiquitous landmines. There was never a fortification RP from what I saw, but the rest makes sense. Also, I'm not communist, just a misleading name.


With attacks beginning to befall the Soviet Army, a full offensive was launched. Soviet Artillery, including self-propelled mortar tanks and cannons, in addition to towed pieces, began a steady barrage in the direction of the counter-artillery from Gebiv. Soon after, land based cruise missiles began firing out of poistions from the Bulgarian and Serbian borders, targetting the sources of the enemy artillery, specifically AAbatteries and constructs. This was supported by high-altitude F-22's flying recon.

Once the artillery was either broken or on the run, a flight of F-60 Hailstorms flew out of Serbia, escorting a half squadron of Tupolev Bombers. Another half squadron of B-2 Spirits flew out of Bulgaria, stealthily bombing known enemy positions.

The F-60's, along with the Tupolevs commenced bombing enemy positions in the mountains, some of the F-60's flying fast and low, the others staying in formation around the disengorging bombers. On the ground, the infantry were forced to take hard paths, but through the process of elimination and using canon fodder, mechanized infantry divisions rapidly advanced past the lines of entrenched defenders, hoping to encircle them. There would be casualties, but the new Juggernaut tanks made sure to keep them at least even, if not inflicting more than were recieved.

Those positions that were rather heavily defended were simply tagged for cruise missile barage. Indeed it was slow going, but going it was.

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OOC: The only thing I have a problem with are the ubiquitous landmines. There was never a fortification RP from what I saw, but the rest makes sense. Also, I'm not communist, just a misleading name.

OOC: Welcome to the world of people getting information about your nation wrong in IC.

Edited by Gebiv
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OOC: That is fine. As a compromise, I won't use any more mines here in this zone. New mines will require being mentioned previously.


The Gebivian Artillery didn't seem to stand in one spot still. Almost the totality of the artillery so far used in this front was mobile: They shot a few times, then changed position, this means that they get to shoot at the enemy without them being able to hit many of them in return, however, the rate of fire does not qualify as constant, "suppressive" fire.

FLAK had been plotted farther away, as they figured the enemy would try to disable the Artillery using Air Strength, when their own Artillery failed. The Stealth Aircraft seemed at first undetected, but then the massive scattered AA batteries opened fire, using both Rockets and some regular FLAK (But modern, more range) shells. A few non-combatant aircraft were also in the area and apparently had been responsible for the spotting of the aircraft, these were, of course, sacrificed hopelessly, but their efforts combined with some Portable Detection Arrays were just enough to fire back at the enemy. The artillery was sitting then beyond the lines, right by the firing AAs. There may more than likely be heavy casualties on both sides of this part of the combat unless they pulled back. A single squadron of (outdated) Gebivian Fighters added to the confusion by rushing forwards to fire onto the enemy.

The Static Positions and Fortifications were another thing. Most of them were targetted and had little means to fire back, the lucky SAM or FLAK ones shot back, others were wiped out, a few others weren't discovered until later when the Infantry ran into them.

Mannelig knew that their best chance to stop the Soviets would be there in the horrible mountain terrain. Once in the open field, defense would be a problem. In the mountain battlefield, he orders forwards very, very great numbers of Infantry. For the enemy, this Infantry seemed to be all professional soldiers and professionally equipped, however, 50% of them were in fact Militia. Trained Militia, but Militia still. He "empties" the region from defences, as people even from towns or cities nearby also go towards the mountains to fight the enemies, armed with close-range Panzerfaust Antitanks, which were enough to take on Armor in this terrain effectively. The Soviets were outnumbered, many Mechanized Transports were destroyed by this counterattack, as it was policy to bring these down, so even assumingly that they got to fields, they would be stuck on foot. Some of the people even commited Suicide Bombings in the zone, and a few low-flying Civilian Aircraft would do the same, causing small seas of fire within valleys. Soon the whole front was engulfed in fog of war, in some areas the combat was so close it degenerated into hand-to-hand, or rather in swords, knives and Bayonettes versus anything the Reds could muster. To add up to it all, a few more civilian aircraft were used as improvised (Very low capacity) paradroppers.

It didn't look like either side could "win", at this point chaos was such that commanders would have little say in the outcome, it was a massive meat grinder.

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Decree from the Supreme Command of the Ferrous Pacific and the Grand Army of Europe

Ferrous Pacific and her allies hereby declare unconditional and total war on Rebel Army, Federacion Iberia, and Gebiv. Evidently the enemy thought it would be wise to start a shooting war with nukes. That was dumb.

Operation Holy Inferno Batman Part I

SDIs were deployed for defense:

The United Francoist Empire's arsenal went live as it targetted Iraq and Kuwait. Kuwait City, Baghdad, Basra, and Kirkuk were each targetted by four thermonuclear MIRVs ICBMs. These weapons were based off of the advanced Naboo design and thus carried even more powerful packages than normal. An additional four warheads were targeted at enemy troop bases to take them out.

Imperial Union:

At 17 PM all Continental and Naval Nuclear Weapons were ready after final authorization the Launch procedure commenced The 3 Submarines part of the Combat Fleet that had moved to the Middle East had locks on several key positions in Northern Iraq and Syria however before the Actual Nukes were fired one of the Submarines the IDNS Subliminal fired 154 Cruise Missiles configured to serve as E-Bombs were fired at the targets while expecting many to be stopped most would hit. 5 Minutes later the IDNS Atlantica and Karabe fired 10 Trident Missiles each keeping 14 for later use.

And for South America if needed.

At the same time the missiles were fired in the Middle East the land based silos went to firing procedures for the colony of Rebel Army taking it once and for all. In a similar procedure as with the Middle East 500 Cruise Missiles were fired followed by 20 Minutemen Missiles designed to take them out once and for all, these were targeted 4 on Mosul, 4 on Syria, 4 on Damascus.


The Wighton Arsenal was unleashed on the enemy in Persia, the targets were as 4 nukes were fired at Tehran, 4 nukes at Mashhad, 4 nukes at Esafhan, and 4 nukes at Tabriz

Dilberian Empire:

The Dilberian Empire unleashed 6 neutron MIRV nukes on the enemies defensive lines in Persia. 4 nukes on Najaf. 4 nukes on Shiraz. 2 Nukes on Jerusalem. 2 Nukes on Damascus.


From the governmental district of new Zurich, the regent, Michael Devereaux fulfilling the necessary legal requirements signed off on the nuclear strike of rebel army’s south western territories, traditionally known as Egypt and Israel. He also placed the newly created SDI systems on alert, as well as all internal defensive systems. Furthermore he authorized the deployment of 200k soldiers along with 5000 tanks to North Gibraltor to aid in the operations there.

In Jerusalem, Tel Aviv, Cairo, Alexandria, and Suez (4 nukes each) Imperium nuclear strikes occur causing mass devastation. All communications, major military facilities, and infrastructure are crippled. Large scale damage to the civilian populace is expected. Shortly after specialized EMP war heads are detonated above the cities permanently damaging all electronic resources.

*In the UFE*

All civilian and military were on there way out of the major cities into the country side, making targeted nuking extremely challenging, Beijing which would not be fully able to be evacuated in time would have part of its civilians ordered to go to the Beijing Underground.

The Pushback:

*In France*

UFE intel agencies would be hard at work hitting the enemy with a massive denial of service attack.

Sky-Hawk C drones were used to perform high altitude recon of the enemies position. These stealth drones would seek out enemy positions and use monitoring of the enemies location to triangulate battalion, brigade, and division HQ positions. This was sent to Coalition command in the Netherlands.

Missiles were launched from IRBM sites in the Dutch Republic delivering fuel air explosive bombs on the advancing Iberian forces. A total of thirty missiles, were fired tactically at these position sites along with enemy armor positions to attempt and knock them out of the fight early.

Wighton and UFE forces would target the enemies forces would be their opponents today. Advanced Naboo surface to air missiles would be used to intercept the Iberian air force in the initial engagements. Enemy bomber squadrons and strike fighters would be the primary targets, to knock out.

10 Squadrons of F-50 Bs and 10 Squadrons of F-23s would engage the enemy then using the new Ferrous Pacific highly accurate air to air missiles, from over the Netherlands, to shoot down enemy planes from far beyond visual site on the enemies air superiority fighters. This surprise attack would be followed up upon by 5 squadrons of the brand new F-65 swarming in towards the enemy force.

F-65s would fire off their large missile pay loads from long range, using the same new highly effective air to air missiles to help down the enemy fighter squadrons. Then the highly manueverable craft, would begin engaging the enemies squadrons in dogfighting (they would be joked by the F-50 Bs and F-23s).

8 Squadrons of stealthy F/A-47 Sino fighters would fire off JDAM precision munitions on enemy communications, radar, and anti-air mobile positions to knock them out. These fighters would then move to aid their air superiority fighter brethren in engaging the enemy air force.

4 B-8 stealth bombers squadrons would simoultaneously move towards enemy rear line radar and supply lines. They would drop high altitude MOAB bombs on these targets to bust utterly destroy the enemies ability to move supplies through the Pyrenees and target the enemies air defense detection grid. Two Seawolf (s) class would also target the enemies air defense grid, firing bunker busting tomahawk missiles at their major air bases and air defense sites.

Over head of the enemies position, GLI-133 Super Heavy Bombers (1 squadrons, 12 planes) would saturate the enemies forward position using cluster munitions agains the enemies infantry divisions to tear them to pieces. After these high altitude strikes. 4 AC-130 Gunship and 5 Super A-10 squadrons would be used to target the enemies front line divisions with direct fire support.

Tactical UAVs and predators would be deployed towards the enemies position providing recon, as Titan and NLOS-C cannons positions throughout the rear of the UFE/Wighton line would fire GPS guided air burst shells on infantry battalions and armor piercing shells down on enemy armor positions. Fast forwards moving unmanned UGVs would advance first, along with BLOS Mounted Combat Systems, Juggernauts, M1A3s, Ogres, Strykers, and NLOS-Ms would move forward. The UGVs would move in close, as UGVs would move forward to engage the enemy force using wire guided missiles and anti infantry guns. NLOS Mortars would deliver air burst shells on enemy positions with even more accuracy than artillery from about 13 clicks away. The BLOS cannons on the tanks would be used as well targeting enemy armor and vehciles. A portion of the NLOS mortars would also be used to fire land mine shells on the enemies rear line (as would a portion of fixed artillery in the rear of the line.)

Wighton force recon troops and UFE force recon troops would advance slowly under this heavy fire support. Other forces would advance cautiously along with the armored force.

Force recon troops with UAV helicopter support to help cover them from any surviving enemy armor, would be tasked with identifying and targeting enemy officers and begin decapitating the enemies command structure.

War At Sea:

The UFE and Wighton joint taskforce in the Western Mediterraean would target the Iberian navy. From Gibraltar hundreds of hypersonic cruise missiles would launch towards the targets to surpress their missile defenses.

Meanwhile the UFE and Wighton navies F-60 and F-35 strike fighters would deliver deadly anti ship missiles, rail gun fire, and kinetic energy missiles to send the enemy fleet to the bottom of the sea.

Edited by Triyun
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OOC: Triyun, I'm calling shenanigans on that, hard. You can't rp the military forces of your allies. Also, I didn't see your Imperial Break-up thread to go along with the mod announcement of the end of mergers, could you please provide me a link? Also, gotta wait for GM to calculate the success of all those Nukes and such.

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OOC: Triyun, I'm calling shenanigans on that, hard. You can't rp the military forces of your allies. Also, I didn't see your Imperial Break-up thread to go along with the mod announcement of the end of mergers, could you please provide me a link? Also, gotta wait for GM to calculate the success of all those Nukes and such.

OOC: He was allowed to keep most of his Empire as it was given to him as a gift.

Also, you can't RP military forces of your allies. Sorry, please do try again.

Also, you all suck. I was about to go to bed.

Edited by MercyFallout
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OOC: Err... Just a note here, I'm not involved in the war with Gebiv. I'm only involved with the war in the Balkans that Germany started. I haven't launched any nukes ether, only EMPs. I'll post tomorrow night, I'm too busy now to deal with this...

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This was it. The beginning.

Of the destruction of the Rebel Army and its allies.

From this moment on, the Republic of Byzantium henceforth declares war on the Rebel Army and its allies. Immediately after this declaration, the nuclear silos all over the country went into effect and the missiles were readied, locked into their targets. Their targets?

Beirut, Damascus, Tel Aviv, and Yerashalaim, the capital. Soon, these missiles were up into the air, steaming toward these targets. If they hit, these cities would be radioactive craters, hopefully. The SDI were in full alert, ready to intercept any counter strikes, should they happen.

At roughly the same time, squadrons of bombers, fighters, and interceptors lifted off their bases all over Byzantium and swarmed over the northern parts of the RA, dropping their bombs and the like. The cities of Kars, Igdir, and Halab, among with others, were visited upon with destruction and chaos unlike ever experienced before. In northern Greece, squadrons of bombers and fighters also flew over Macedonia and Albania, raining ruin and destruction upon RA and Gebivian forces in the region. Overall, the bombers targeted RA military bases, installations, industries, warehouses, and anything that would contribute to their war effort. Hopefully, that would cripple the RA, even if only temporarily.

The Army in southern Byzantium and northern Greece, thus, initiated Operation Liberation, crossing the RA border, heading toward the cities of Halab and Alexandretta. At the same time, Byzantine and UFE forces crossed from Van and southern Georgia, heading for the cities of Kars and Idgir. In northern Greece, they crossed the border, heading into Macedonia and Albania.

In the Black Sea, the Navy began blockading RA ports; bombers began flying over them, dropping bombs upon their docks and bases, and with the intent of destroying the RA fleet there. In the Mediterranean, the Navy began moving into positions, with the intent of dealing with the RA Navy.

Hopefully, everything else would go well.


As a safety precaution, the Government ordered civilians to go into their cellars, basements, shelters, whatnots, to protect themselves from the inevitable nuclear reliteration.

Edited by JEDCJT
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IC: From the governmental district of new Zurich, the regent, Michael Devereaux fulfilling the necessary legal requirements signed off on the nuclear strike of rebel army’s south western territories, traditionally known as Egypt and Israel. He also placed the newly created SDI systems on alert, as well as all internal defensive systems. Furthermore he authorized the deployment of 200k soldiers along with 5000 tanks to North Gibraltor to aid in the operations there.

In Jerusalem, Tel Aviv, Cairo, Alexandria, and Suez (4 nukes each) Imperium nuclear strikes occur causing mass devastation. All communications, major military facilities, and infrastructure are crippled. Large scale damage to the civilian populace is expected. Shortly after specialized EMP war heads are detonated above the cities permanently damaging all electronic resources.

OOC: Re-posted to legitimize Triyun. Everyone satisfied now?

Edited by iamthey
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ooc: Requesting all interested parties hold up critical pieces of combat and missile launching til tomorrow. The GM's are getting a bit burnt out for good reason and need a break. I'm not a GM (in cnrp) of course, but I'm only asking the community respect their exhaustion. Conversations in IRC have indicated this would be very useful. so maybe *pause* for now?

Some rulings on these attacks are required and will be pending tomorrow from my understanding.

Edited by Maelstrom Vortex
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ooc: Requesting all interested parties hold up critical pieces of combat and missile launching til tomorrow. The GM's are getting a bit burnt out for good reason and need a break. I'm not a GM (in cnrp) of course, but I'm only asking the community respect their exhaustion. Conversations in IRC have indicated this would be very useful. so maybe *pause* for now?

Some rulings on these attacks are required and will be pending tomorrow from my understanding.


This is a freeze, ladies and gents, before the nukes started flying *exactly when that is will be determined by GMs* GM Mercy or Sargun can unfreeze this, but at the moment, this thing stops right now. Give yourself some breathing and thinking time, read a book, but this is off until GM unlocks it or this ruling is overruled.

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OOC: I realise it is frozen before the nukes flying, but in the case that they are continued, this was intended to be posted early alongside Triyun's post.

Whilst the UFE was making their devastating first strike, final preparations were being made within Naboo. All civilians had been withdrawn from North African Naboo and the military had dispersed to the many short term nuclear bunkers.

Naboo Nuclear Command, Omni Island, Level 0.

The aged man sighed, creases on his forehead belied the long and stressful carrier this job had given him, the sweat gave away the intensity of the current situation. It was a job that he somehow found enjoyment in though. He was highly ranked within the Naboo Aeronautics sector of the military but once the nuclear command became part of the space agency his title had merely become "The Angel of Death" - a title he found both pleasing but mildly disturbing. Today he knew he would truly earn that title.

The room was only dimly illuminated from the light of the many LCD screens positioned around the room; the silence was unnerving to those unaccustomed to it. A siren sounded and a flash of light. The main screen suddenly alight with warnings. Information on the screen informed all in the room that 25 Bassilisk heavy ICBMS had been loaded with active warheads. It gave a brief run-down - four had been armed with a MOD82 layout, also known informally among the team as "PENAID city killers", one was loaded with a MOD24 package, known as "PENAID Death's Hand" among the crew for it was a particularly dirty army killer. The remaining twenty warheads were MOD72 packages, the so called "PENAID Mountain Busters". The screen gave a read out for a combined total power of three hundred and thirty-five megatonnes.

PENAIDs is the term denoting heavy usage of "Penetration Aids" - devices designed to assist in penetrating strategic defence systems. The H-ICBM was particularly suited to this, with its throwing weight it was capable of carrying a payload with upto 50 multiple independent (targetable) re-entry vehicles. MOD packages labled with "PENAIDS" used at least 75% of its space in the form of Penetration Aids. Penetration Aids are dummy warheady warheads - they appear identical to real warheads to defence systems. All warheads, both real and fake contain chaff and heavy jamming systems in a PENAID system.

In the particular loadouts chosen for this mission, all missiles had 49 dummies and one real nuclear warhead - a grand total of 1250 MIRV warheads.

The phone rang and the aged man answered, spoke not a word and hung up. "It is time" he muttered. Several other men entered the room at that time and they all moved to a special console. Each pulled out a key and simultaneously inserted and turned them. They then entered a code into their respective parts of the console and then sat back. All targeting information had already been loaded into the missiles it was time. The UFE offensive was just finishing. He spoke several commands and codes into the council, ensuring that each was clearly enunciated before finally withdrawing a cartridge which he inserted into the console and locked in. A timer flashed onto the screen, satisfied that it need not be adjusted, the commander opened the hatch protecting the launch button and depressed his right index finger upon it. The timer started flashing, counting down from 10 minutes.

The whole room just stared in silence, as crews around the base scrambled to complete their tasks. As it finally reached zero, a rumbling bang was heard throughout various areas of Omni Island as 25 missiles were ejected from their silos with powerful pistons. Their powerful rockets fired when they were already well clear of the silo, quickly accelerating the weapons of mass destruction into the atmosphere, arcing westward. They arced over the United Francoist Empire and within thirty had nearly passed over the Dilberian Empire. It is here the packages separated from 25 missiles, relatively easily tracked into 1250 warheads re-entering the atmosphere, a number that would be impossible for even the most advanced systems to track, let alone attack. In many cases it was common for systems merely to overload and fail just attempting such.

As the warheads descended upon their targets, like screaming fingers of light and death, the world would see that SDI's are far from infallible.

The needles of light falling from the sky just kept coming - it looked like a meteor shower to those on the ground, but far more deadly. The mass of jamming nearly blanked out radar systems all over RA.

In the command room, they all followed the progress on the screen. The four city killers streaked towards their targets, Riyadh, Jiddah and King Khalid Military City in the Arabia and Nicosia in Cyprus. These were each 30MT warheads; quite enough to leave them as rubble.

The dirty, "death's hand" streaked towards Mannelig's large army in the mountains. It was hoped Mannelig might even be there himself but he would have a way of surviving even if he was no doubt. Most interesting though, the remaining twenty warheads, army with nuclear bunker busters were aimed at every oilfield with more than 10 billion barrels of oil remaining in them. If they were all hit, about 459 billion barrels of oil would go up in a nuclear blaze. Everyone continued to watch intensely to see what hit, and what, if anything was intercepted.

OOC: targets

Saudi Arabia



King Khalid Military City



Oil Fields

Ferdows/Mound/Zagheh Field

Esfandiar Field

Azadegan field

Ahvaz Field

Marun Field

Gachsaran Field

Aghajari Field

Rumaila Field

West Qurna Field

Majnoon Field

Burgan Field

Mesopotamian Foredeep Basin


Ghawar Field

Shaybah Field

Abqaiq Field

Berri Field

Manifa Field

Faroozan-Marjan Field

Safaniya-Khafji Field

Total 459 billion barrels of oil

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OOC: Likewise, this was intended to be posted earlier, but my internet gave me problems and I couldn't send the PM to Triyun. Also, stopping every RP for review is getting old fast


Deep inside Tahoe National Strategic Command headquarters somewhere under the Sierra Nevada Mountains, nearly a mile and a half of solid granite and thirty feet of steel reinforced concrete protecting the nerve center of Tahoe's nuclear program. Dozens of screens in a semi-circle around a bank of huge screens in the front of the communications center showing real time satellite information in a variety of visual and nonvisual spectrums from dozens of Tahoe's and her allies satellites.

Towards the back of the room in a glass enclosed office sat a man, speaking into a phone. Since the office was soundproof, none of the men working in the communications center knew what he was saying, yet they all still knew what he was saying. The man hung up the phone, and pressed a button on his desk. Instantly, sirens began blazing as information rushed onto the various computer screens.

"Protocol Caladbolg completed. Initiate launch sequences at locations two, three and seven."

On a map showing the Tahoe Republic, twelve small red dots appeared in three clumps. Two on the California coast, one deep in the mountains of Utah. Men rapidly spoke into secured telephones with operators at the three locations, coordinating the launch of a dozen nuclear missiles. One by one they lifted out of their silos and streaked towards their targets. Eight raced towards Asia, four at Rebel Army positions in Asia Minor, four at RA positions in Persia. Two more raced towards RA positions in the Balkans and the final two sped south towards Equador to hit the hated colony.

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OOC: He was allowed to keep most of his Empire as it was given to him as a gift.

Also, you can't RP military forces of your allies. Sorry, please do try again.

Also, you all suck. I was about to go to bed.

OOC: MercyFallout it was communicated by PM I can show you them if you want

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OOC: MercyFallout it was communicated by PM I can show you them if you want

OOC: If you are in a war, and find it SO hard to get on the forum and post for your soldiers yourselves, then you shouldnt be in the war. Whats the fun in RP if you dont do the RPing?

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OOC: If you are in a war, and find it SO hard to get on the forum and post for your soldiers yourselves, then you shouldnt be in the war. Whats the fun in RP if you dont do the RPing?

OOC: You couldn't be more wrong, there was a plain reason for communicating by pm and that is to do it all at once. Also we wrote the text ourselves if you know actually read it you should have noticed the differences.

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OOC: You couldn't be more wrong, there was a plain reason for communicating by pm and that is to do it all at once. Also we wrote the text ourselves if you know actually read it you should have noticed the differences.

OOC: I read it, and know that it went through PM. But thats a PM, that I honestly dont care about. Its RP for a reason and you should RP your own internal and exteral moves...yourself. (Why I hate merges) In CN, a joint DoW is typed by all those participating, even if the OP says more than one name, the others are there to verify. I know planning goes into attacks, that doesnt mean the people involved cant RP thier own stuff happening. If you actually RPed the stuff yourselves then we wouldn't be here in the first place.

If say you went away and an ally RPed your forces that would be fine, but 6 people I believe? Come on, do it yourself or dont RP at all.

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