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Operating Expense Ratios

Gen Lee

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Ah, I think I see what you're saying Gen Lee. You're measuring wealth in terms of days of bills you can pay. Indeed using this metric having a smaller expense ratio would be better. However, once you have an epic (relative to your size) warchest then what? Sitting on boatloads of cash for the rest of your CN career is no fun. Big nations continue to buy infra not because it is a good investment, but because there is nothing else to spend it on (and to increase the size of their e-peen).

are you saying i have a small e-peen? :jihad: :awesome:

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Well if you want to hear the ratio of a nation smaller than yours, then I'll throw mine out there.

Sitting at a mere 4.6k infra, with an infra cost reducing guild (broken atm), and LC swapping, I have the following stats (approximately):

Taxes: 4,850,000

Bills: 1,330,000

Difference: 3,520,000

Ratio: 27.42%

Looks like I have the smallest e-peen of them all, but the sexiest ratio. ;)

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How meaningful is it to measure war effectiveness in terms of bill-days payable though? If bills were the majority of wartime expenditure then fair enough someone with a low ratio would have the advantage, but in general the costs of daily replacing tanks, aircraft, nukes, navy (?) let alone infra at the end of it all will be so great that the advantage will lie with whoever has the best profit margin relative to their size and therefore has the biggest warchest to begin with.

Edit: I should say some compromise between the two, depending on the relative contributions of daily bills and other wartime costs.

Edited by Chairman Cao
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It's not a big jump, but it's there.

Infrastructure Purchase Cost:

0-19.99 = 500

20-99.99 = 12 X Infra Level + 500

100-199.99 = 15 X Infra Level + 500

200-999.99 = 20 X Infra Level + 500

1000-2999.99 = 25 X Infra Level + 500

3000-3999.99 = 30 X Infra Level + 500

4000-4999.99 = 40 X Infra Level + 500

5000-7999.99 = 60 X Infra Level + 500

8000-14999.99 = 70 X Infra Level + 500

15000-????? = 80 X Infra Level + 500

Infrastructure Upkeep Cost:

20-99.99 = 0.04 X Infra Level + 20

100-199.99 = 0.05 X Infra Level + 20

200-299.99 = 0.06 X Infra Level + 20

300-499.99 = 0.07 X Infra Level + 20

500-699.99 = 0.08 X Infra Level + 20

700-999.99 = 0.09 X Infra Level + 20

1000-1999.99 = 0.11 X Infra Level + 20

2000-2999.99 = 0.13 X Infra Level + 20

3000-3999.99 = 0.15 X Infra Level + 20

4000-4999.99 = 0.17 X Infra Level + 20

5000-7999.99 = 0.1725 X Infra Level + 20

8000-14999.99 = 0.175 X Infra Level + 20

15000-????? = 0.1755 X Infra Level + 20

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Let me try to rephrase what i am getting at here - and im still not sure whether it makes sense so bare with me.

So far I don't think anyone has posted a ratio lower then mine, that means that I can save for example a 50 day warchest faster then another nation. If you have the same military wonders/military ability can this make a nation with less of an expense ratio more effective?

Now there are some factors that are definitely positives for the large nations like the cost of war equipment compared to warchest total, the advantage of greater population (assuming conventional warfare), and the ability to hit relevent nations and not opposing cellar dwellers, this weighs in favor of a large nation. Both nations would take considerable damage to infra lowering their bill payments.

The increase in net income is obvious but you have to weigh the cost of depleting your warchest compared to the benefit of higher collections in the future. This is why I wanted to figure out if there is a point where you can maximize your infra purchase advantages while still keeping your operating expense ratio as low as possible.

not sure if im making sense or answering my own theoretical question :P

Consider the case where someone has a worse ratio than you, but makes more money than you.

After he made enough extra money than you to pay off for all the money spent on the extra infra, then for every day after that he is collecting more money than you. When war comes, he can simply sell his infra to the level of your infra, and have the same operating expense as you. However, he has saved up more money than you.

Edited by XRCatD
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Consider the case where someone has a worse ratio than you, but makes more money than you.

After he made enough extra money than you to pay off for all the money spent on the extra infra, then for every day after that he is collecting more money than you. When war comes, he can simply sell his infra to the level of your infra, and have the same operating expense as you. However, he has saved up more money than you.

Very true, there are definitely flaws here. But I can't make up for months of not purchasing infra now....so shhh let's pretend I'm right and you guys all wasted your money. ;)

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My ration is about 46% at 18700 inf. Keep in mind i maintain an extremely limited military though. I'm still netting 21m so even if my ratio is higher i still net a very nice amount, which means that purchasing things like a navy, nukes, etc... is relatively less expensive. I'm not interested in war whatsoever so there was really no reason for me to stop buying inf. until i hit my wall (it was at about 18,500 inf but somewhere somehow something changed without me knowing and it's now about 19,100). I would recommend at least getting enough inf. so that you can purchase all the economic wonders but after that there is really no point in buying more unless you just want a higher ranking.


That's interesting. I just read this, and I'd happened to notice earlier tonight the same thing. Part of this is due to low radiation levels, but that is a big change. I was chalking it up as an expired event I forgot about or something, but if you noticed it too, than perhaps there's more going on here. I smell conspiracy! :P

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That's interesting. I just read this, and I'd happened to notice earlier tonight the same thing. Part of this is due to low radiation levels, but that is a big change. I was chalking it up as an expired event I forgot about or something, but if you noticed it too, than perhaps there's more going on here. I smell conspiracy! :P

Well, push back the infra wall is good in one regard: donations for huge nations.

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