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Museum of Religion Completed


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Today marks the opening of an ambitious project--a museum of current, developing, and historical religions throughout the world. It is located near Melbourne, just outside the city limits on Promised land's side of the border.

While already a land of religious tolerance, approximately six months agout several wealthy individuals (who have chosen to remain anonymous) decided that toleration wasn't enough. The people needed a place to go and actually learn about these beliefs, and more importantly, the history behind them.

"Tolerance is all well and good," said one of the benefactors, "but it alone is not enough. Tolerance can wither away and die at the slightest excuse, if it is not coupled with understanding. People often fear what they don't understand, and fear can erode the boundaries of tolerance. Therefore, we have established this museum as a method of bridging the gap between those of widely differing beliefs." And true to his word, EVERY possible belief system is covered, even the controversial Norse religion and related beliefs, which have been under suspicion ever since the rise and fall of Greater Nordland.

The Museum, in addition to containing relics and icons belonging to several different religions, contains a library and bookstore, where information in the form of books, pamphlets, videos, and other forms of media can be rented or purchased.

"However, despite our opening," pleads another of the contributors, "we are not complete. We never will, with the constant evolution of many world religions, our task is never to be fully complete. We can only be as up-to-date as possible. I ask representatives from around the world, please contribute whatever you can to this noble cause. We can assure you that all relics and sacred icons will be treated with appropriate care, and watched over by members of your own belief system."

OOC: Got a great Temple today. Oh yeah!

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A small delegation of Ile de Noir scholars will visit the museum shortly after it opens. While paying particular attention to the sections on Europe & the Middle East, they will examine all that the museum has to offer. The spokesman of the group had this to say, after hearing the benefactor's speech;"We have taken a different approach in our country, and it is very interesting to see Promised Land's attempt to reconcile as many faiths as possible. In Ile de Noir, religion is a private matter and a taboo subject in public speech, but I think we both have the same ends in mind. We feel however that some religions just cannot coexist together, so we try to avoid direct conflicts as much as possible."

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Arctica congratulates Promised Land for what it sees as a good step towards religious tolerance. We see plenty of potential, though, for wealthy benefactors to try and bring the museum to favor a certain religion. What are you doing to prevent this?

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All responses are from one or more of the benefactors, unless stated otherwise. Their views may or may not reflect the government's.

A small delegation of Ile de Noir scholars will visit the museum shortly after it opens. While paying particular attention to the sections on Europe & the Middle East, they will examine all that the museum has to offer. The spokesman of the group had this to say, after hearing the benefactor's speech;"We have taken a different approach in our country, and it is very interesting to see Promised Land's attempt to reconcile as many faiths as possible. In Ile de Noir, religion is a private matter and a taboo subject in public speech, but I think we both have the same ends in mind. We feel however that some religions just cannot coexist together, so we try to avoid direct conflicts as much as possible."

"Indeed, some will plainly never agree on anything. However, this is a completely neutral look at all religions. Even atheism, though not technically a religion, is given representation...as a side note, public discussion of religion is encouraged here, so long as it remains cordial at least, and doesn't interfere with anyone attempting to do their job. Not a week goes by where there isn't some large debate between two or more religions somewhere in the nation. Your scholars will be welcomed."

OOC: Wow...congrats! :D

IC: Byzantium watches this with mild interest. We do, however, congratulate them on this.

OOC: Congratulations. I love my Great Temple....and my Great Monument. :D

IC: We congratulate the Promised Land on their opening of more public buildings to educate the masses further in all matters.

"We thank you both for your congratulations."

Arctica congratulates Promised Land for what it sees as a good step towards religious tolerance. We see plenty of potential, though, for wealthy benefactors to try and bring the museum to favor a certain religion. What are you doing to prevent this?

"Believe it or not, each of us contributors is from a different religion. I myself am Jewish, one of us is a Roman Catholic, another a Protestant Christian (Methodist, to be precise), a fourth is from Islam. We even have one among us who is of the Norse persuasion. Each of us has an equal say in the running of the facility, as per the building charter, giving us no chance for any one of us to favor one religion over another."

*Official Government response*

While we will not reveal the names of these men and women unless they should opt to do so at some future date, we vouch for the accuracy of this statement.

Holy men from the Marscurian Empire are willing to offer small trinkets, as well as knowledge and history of how Judaism and Islam have evolved in Marscury.

"Your contributions are welcomed, and will be treated with due respect."

Edited by Subtleknifewielder
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Religious leaders of all denominations from New Cymru are planning on visiting in the near future. No doubt they will all gain significant insight into each others religions as a result.

In any case, we pray that this wonderous achievement will begin a new era of religious harmony.

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Religious leaders of all denominations from New Cymru are planning on visiting in the near future. No doubt they will all gain significant insight into each others religions as a result.

In any case, we pray that this wonderous achievement will begin a new era of religious harmony.

"Each will be welcomed personally when they arrive. And yes, we too hope this will usher in a time of, if not actual friendship, peace between all faiths."

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Father Dmitar Osterski has volunteered to be a liason to the Promised Land Museum of Religion regarding the Bulgarian Orthodox Church. We have given him the official power to do so, and he will be allowed to journey to Promised Land at our expense whenever necessary to accomodate the archiving of information about the Bulgarian Orthodox Church.

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Father Dmitar Osterski has volunteered to be a liason to the Promised Land Museum of Religion regarding the Bulgarian Orthodox Church. We have given him the official power to do so, and he will be allowed to journey to Promised Land at our expense whenever necessary to accomodate the archiving of information about the Bulgarian Orthodox Church.

"As we have said concerning others, he will be welcomed personally. We are glad to have him provide this information. He may come whenever he wishes.

Edited by Subtleknifewielder
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News Update: In addition to the already established buildings in this project, more land has been set aside for future construction, should the information and items contained within outgrow the current capabilities to display them, or store them when not in use.

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The Republic of Altea congradulates you in this building of a building to all religions. The University of Akronae has in it's possession a Gutenburg Bible, which we happily give you as a gift commemorating this grand opening.

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While the Federation does not have a national religion and a majority of the people choose not to practice one, the Federation nevertheless congratulates Promised Land on the construction of this Temple. May it provide enlightenment for those who willingly wish to be enlightened for many years to come.

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The Republic of Altea congradulates you in this building of a building to all religions. The University of Akronae has in it's possession a Gutenburg Bible, which we happily give you as a gift commemorating this grand opening.

"I-I'm ecstatic! A Gutenburg Bible is more than I'd hoped for! It will hold a place of honor in the section for the Christian faiths."

While the Federation does not have a national religion and a majority of the people choose not to practice one, the Federation nevertheless congratulates Promised Land on the construction of this Temple. May it provide enlightenment for those who willingly wish to be enlightened for many years to come.

"Thank you. We hope that when we're gone, this is wht people will remember us for. Not anything else but this momument to peace and understanding."

The citizens of the Dragon Empire look forward to vacationing near this tourist attraction to learn more of other faiths.

"They will, of course, be quite welcome. And their business, too." *A chuckle is heard over the transmission.* "We would be perfectly willing to run this with our own funds, as this is a non-profit thing, but eventually, even our large sources of funds would dry up without anyone else contributing to them."

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Mr. Arfreick from the University of Arfreick publically stated, "If interested, we can produce a replica of the skeleton of Jonah's big fish for this museum for a reasonable price. We have the real skeleton stored safely in our storage. Please contact me privately to negotiate the price of the replica."

**Private to Promised Land from Mr. Arfreick**

We are interested in a replica of all the Biblical artifacts that you may have or come into receiving. We realize that they may be worth more than a replica of the fish, and we are willing to pay additional money for it. Please consider our offer. A replica of Jonah's fish plus money, in exchange for a replica of the Gutenburg Bible and possibly a replica of any Noah's Ark that the Western Republicans find.

However, we realize that money may not be of such a major importance to a museum if it relies on donations. Thus as a different option, we can also offer a real-time replica of the Holy Clock in place of the money. It will be in the form of a hologram projector that projects the entire clock, including its insides.

Edited by XRCatD
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"We have discovered Noah's Ark. Would you like us to donate it?"




"What the hell is this?"

"Looks like.. ancient wood."

Sarah slapped Johnny.

"What? I'm not making a jo--"

She slapped him again.

"Look, we gotta tell someone, this looks.. old.. and there's more!"


Several archeologists arrived at the scene, surveying the wood and with photographs found that pieces seemed to fit together in a strange way. They were also found to have been in two large "piles", almost as if a ship was split in half and then broken down. There was no way to judge the length until it was brought in to put back together.

"The ship seems to be.. much larger than almost any other ancient ship we've seen.."

Edited by Sargun
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Somewhere in South Arabia

"Sir I coulda swore I saw something shiney in the dune over there."

"Soldier, go get your eyes checked. There's nothing there."

"But sir-"

"No buts. Go, right now befor- wait, now I saw it. Carter and Neilson, take Ford and Eckerman and go check it out."

"Sir! You might wanna call Columbis!"


"I think we've finally found it!"

" What?!?!"

" *static*"

"Carter?!?!?!?!? Come in! Carter!"

"Neilson here sir. Carter touched the gold thing, and she just fell over dead. No obvious wounds."

" I think I knw what it is. Gunny! Get the men ready to move out! We're gonna go get the Ark of the Covenant."

Three months later

***Classified-Above Top Secret: Yankee White Check Rquired to View***

To the curator of the Museum of Religion,

Altean soldiers ave found the best artifact you could have hoped for. Archaeologists have confirmed it's authenticity. It is none other than the Ark of the Covenant, Perhaps the holiest oblect in Judaism, and one of the most holy in Christianity. This letter is never to be declassified, and you are never to tell where you got it from. An unmarked cargo plane will be landing shortly in a nearby airport. It will have various items in it, but in a crate near the front of the cargo area, there will be a crate, with Altean Marines guarding it. Inside is the Ark. I repeat, never reveal where you got it from. This deserves to be displayed for the entire world to see.


President Arkantos of Altea

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OOC: I'm not going to recognise that without some more RP behind it. A replica, go ahead. You want to do the full RP for it, I would love to read it. (In fact, I've thought of doing a nice big one myself). So, I'd rather a full RP go into this, rather than a single post. Please.

EDIT: Whoops

Edited by Il Terra Di Agea
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Viniland both congratulates and commends Promised Land on the construction of the museum. Like others have done, we will send a small committee headed by Archbishop José Cardoso Sobrinho, mostly to assist in providing information regarding Catholicism in Viniland, but also contributing facts about the role of smaller religious groups in our country.

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