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I never did care about my ops. My issue with that channel is that there is little to no consistency in the way things are done. Consistency is a must for any channel. I'm quite tired with the lack of professionalism in the way that channel is run. I was subtle and polite about for too long. I'm done. I will see that that channel is replaced by one that is professionally run.

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Some (not all) nations that are rerolls have official exemptions to this.

Frankly I'm against exemptions. There is no way to provide stats for them to play by exempt by making them up. And nobody can seem to agree to that. And since Baron is creating a new nation, he may need to play by his stats. Frankly I think all should. Exemptions just complicate things.

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I don't mind that much using two channels, but quite honestly, I think we'd be better off if there was a single OOC channel, then an IC one. People just need to cut off chitchat and spam when we've got a hot topic going on.

There should be a way to cut down on OCC in active roleplaying.

Edited by Generalissimo
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I don't mind that much using two channels, but quite honestly, I think we'd be better off if there was a single OOC channel, then an IC one. People just need to cut off chitchat and spam when we've got a hot topic going on.

I thought that we already had two channels: #cnrp for OOC related stuff, and #cnrpic for strictly IC related stuff, as indicated in the OP for the guidelines thread?

Edited by Imperator Azenquor
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I don't mind that much using two channels, but quite honestly, I think we'd be better off if there was a single OOC channel, then an IC one. People just need to cut off chitchat and spam when we've got a hot topic going on.

I disagree, I have seen almost no IC talks in #cnrp, other then people referring to threads ongoing in the news section. I haven't really spent any time in the other channels, so I don't know if much gets done there. #cnrp has basically been a place to go and chat with the other people from CNRP, it's a good place to find someone if you need to discuss IC things. Most IC stuff gets handled one on one I think.

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If you haven't noticed, only Ice and deSouza are banned, and that's because they were flaming and insulting people and being racist/sexist !@#$%^&.

Which the OPs in CNRP are most of the time anyway. Besides, don't play stupid, you banned me once for it. Then you let me back in, was explaining to someone else why you did it, and banned me again for no reason. Day 6 my friend. I'm going with RV; #CNRP is to be avoided from now on

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Besides, don't play stupid, you banned me once for it.

I explained why you were banned. I don't tolerate that !@#$%^&*, that was too far for anybody, no matter who they were. I agree with RV that sometimes the ops are a little immature, but that can be in any channel and if someone abuses their ops just tell me and I can downgrade them. It's as simple as that.

As for the exemptions, I think if it really warrants one it should be granted but they should not be given out lightly.

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Navies are directly proportional to the IG navies of each nation. This is also the case for merged nations (ie two nations capable of supporting 50 ships, one has max, one has half would be 75, not 100).

Nations not willing to maintain a navy ingame may roleplay a greenwater navy.

Let it be so.

Did we just put an enforced multiplier in?

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Alright King Kevz and I were having a discussion. He asserts that if a plane was designed in 1980, and he has 1980 tech, then he can rp using those planes. He also asserts that since Ford designs his own planes that they should be superior.

Well, no. I'm willing to possibly give in that you can use planes if their first flight was in your tech year, but I thought the general consensus was that you can use a plane when you have the tech year it came into full service.

Also, why should Ford's planes be superior than everyone else's because he designs them? I'm more willing to trust avionic engineers design skills.

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I didn't say they were better becuase he designed them grrrr..... Now you taking it from Sargun's example whats to stop any nation's purchasing aircraft components from other nations and having them built in their or someone elses territory?

Also another question how do we handle arms trades?

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I didn't say they were better becuase he designed them grrrr..... Now you taking it from Sargun's example whats to stop any nation's purchasing aircraft components from other nations and having them built in their or someone elses territory?

Also another question how do we handle arms trades?

In my opinion, a nation with 1970 tech can buy weapons from a nation with 2010 tech. However, the nation with 1970 tech is unable to repair the weapons nor maintain the weapons.

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Also another major problem Aiden is actually creativer and designs his own fighter craft so to be honest he could use what ever tech year he wanted to a degree as he could always say he just buys in the parts needed from another nation.

Direct quote from the thread.

Honestly, he should have crap planes because he never bothered to put his stats in the database, and he got raided. Now he's trying to keep that tech.

I also agree with HHAYD. You can buy those planes, but once you're out, you're out.

Edited by Cody Seb
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I second that.

If you don't have any evidences (the tech/infra/land data keeping or pictures) to prove that you have the amount of tech/infra/land, then you are stuck with your current amount of tech/infra/land. That is why it is important to frequently update your tech/infra/land data when your tech, infra, or land amount increases.

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Direct quote from the thread.

Honestly, he should have crap planes because he never bothered to put his stats in the database, and he got raided. Now he's trying to keep that tech.

I also agree with HHAYD. You can buy those planes, but once you're out, you're out.

My reference was to the fact that he designs aircraft and that he could buy the tech parts he needed from other higher tech nations not that he could make it himself. I never said he had the ability to make the parts he needed just that he was able to design them and buy them in.

As for not being able to maintain them thats why if say im 1980 tech and buy a number of 2016 aircraft then I would just set up a deal with whoever, i bought the aircraft from to send me replacement parts as and when I need them thus I could keep the aircraft maintained.

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My reference was to the fact that he designs aircraft and that he could buy the tech parts he needed from other higher tech nations not that he could make it himself. I never said he had the ability to make the parts he needed just that he was able to design them and buy them in.

As for not being able to maintain them thats why if say im 1980 tech and buy a number of 2016 aircraft then I would just set up a deal with whoever, i bought the aircraft from to send me replacement parts as and when I need them thus I could keep the aircraft maintained.

But then your repair crew wouldn't know how to repair those 2016 airplanes properly, unless if your seller sends in their own repair crew.

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