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[quote name='Kevin Kingswell' timestamp='1342523102' post='3011145']
For those wondering yes I messed up slightly with Atlanta city and I know it is landlocked in RL but for those involved just imagine this Atlanta city is on the coastline okay.
No. We all know what happened last time Atlanta tried to be on the coast.

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[quote name='KaiserMelech Mikhail' timestamp='1342576247' post='3011352']
No. We all know what happened last time Atlanta tried to be on the coast.

lol, I mean you could switch the city to Savannah instead of Atlanta to help you avoid rearranging the geography of your country but thats all up to you.

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[quote]02:52 Maelstrom_Vortex[NPO] You may send me a forum message with an apology for failing to clarify the intent in your OP at any time and I'll be glad to take you off ignore, til then you can sit there.
02:52 Maelstrom_Vortex[NPO] If I get anything else you'll also be ignored on the forum.[/quote]

I don't apologize to people who jump into a CNRP thread without bothering to check if it was regular canon, pure fantasy, closed RP, etc. The fact that we had an OOC thread for almost a week (with a blatant subtitle) makes it pretty certain exactly who owes an apology to who.

For that matter, has the average IQ of CNRP degenerated to the point we need to mention the intention of the thread when it isn't closed or fantasy? I mean really, Fantasy RP (IC) is basically a CNRP forum, and with clear references to CNRP nations within the RP, the supposed excuse of ignorance only makes things even more pitiful.

Okay rant over. For anyone who wishes to RP in Gotham, please read the following thread: http://forums.cybernations.net/index.php?showtopic=112174

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[quote name='Kankou' timestamp='1342605728' post='3011559']
I don't apologize to people who jump into a CNRP thread without bothering to check if it was regular canon, pure fantasy, closed RP, etc. The fact that we had an OOC thread for almost a week (with a blatant subtitle) makes it pretty certain exactly who owes an apology to who.

For that matter, has the average IQ of CNRP degenerated to the point we need to mention the intention of the thread when it isn't closed or fantasy? I mean really, Fantasy RP (IC) is basically a CNRP forum, and with clear references to CNRP nations within the RP, the supposed excuse of ignorance only makes things even more pitiful.

Okay rant over. For anyone who wishes to RP in Gotham, please read the following thread: http://forums.cybernations.net/index.php?showtopic=112174

Is it hard being the only homo superior trying to bring light to the simpletons of the world?

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Lol, you guys, just...lol

Now, I've noticed something...the nation locking thread needs a bit of a refresher. Someone else needs to take the job and start a new thread, since Cent is already busy with the map thread. (No, this is not sarcasm, or deriding Cent--I have no doubt that updating the map is time-consuming.)

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Frankly, I don't think we need someone to constantly update the lock thread. There are just too many possibilities for changes of schedule and such, and it'll be an annoyance to have to update every single small changes. The current system of letting people be self-regulating seems to work more effectively.

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Really hoping this is true and there's a few comments in there that I like.

Since we've been on a batman kick, I figured I'd weigh in. Honestly, in terms of cinematics, I think Batman Begins was a better movie than Dark Knight. In my opinion, I think Dark Knight was only as popular as it was for two reasons; one being that Heath Ledger was an amazing actor in the movie, he played a great Joker who was equal or perhaps better than Jack's in the older Batman movies. The second reason, and this is probably debatable, is because Ledger died, the same way that someone like John F. Kennedy was one of our greatest presidents. You die, you get a hundred percent approval rating.

I have my doubts on Dark Knight Rises and this is coming from someone who watched the Batmobile drive down the center of the University of Pittsburgh. From what I heard they took out Venom and made it into a painkiller or something, which is kind of sad. Not saying I liked the mammoth Bane who was jacked and ran around grunting, but there was a kind of fascination with that character. Bane's supposed to be intelligent, but he's also supposed to be massively jacked. That's why he's the only person to 'break the bat' because he's super intelligent and super strong, trust me, I'd be all over Venom if someone came up to me on the street corner and was like...here you go...that said it would mess up my curves...so...that's out.

I'm saying all this because it's apparently Dark Knight Rises Day in Pittsburgh, it's also storming like hell. Thor must be around...he should hit me with a thunderbolt.

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Personally I still think of the 1989 Batman movie as like [i]the[/i] Batman Movie. Like the Nolan Trilogy's first two were good, but in the second I feel like you started to go for a bit too much realism and lost the feel of Gotham as Gotham, it just became Batman in Chicago. It was a good movie, but like it wasn't quite the same as the first one or even Batman Begins which maintained some fiction at least that it was Gotham. I'm hoping this next one returns a bit too that.

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[quote name='Triyun' timestamp='1342636412' post='3011687']
Personally I still think of the 1989 Batman movie as like [i]the[/i] Batman Movie. Like the Nolan Trilogy's first two were good, but in the second I feel like you started to go for a bit too much realism and lost the feel of Gotham as Gotham, it just became Batman in Chicago. It was a good movie, but like it wasn't quite the same as the first one or even Batman Begins which maintained some fiction at least that it was Gotham. I'm hoping this next one returns a bit too that.

Well one of the things I think that the Dark Knight failed on, was that the Joker had no real back story. He had those quotes about, oh my father did this, or my mother did this, but it wasn't like Nichelson's Joker. He was a mobster who had a want for revenge and power. The acting may not have been as stellar as Ledger's, but I think it fit together better, plus, you really can't beat the Waltz for the Death. Ledger's Joker was too philosophical for my tastes, he was crazy and he was cool, but he wasn't funny and I think that's what the Joker's supposed to be. Ledger could never date Harley Quinn, Nichelson could.

As to Gotham itself, I agree, I think there's a problem where Gotham becomes New York, or London, or Pittsburgh. Because Batman is himself unrealistic as he's a costumed guy running around with gadgets strapped to him. I definitely think he's better than Superman, as I hate Superman, but like Iron Man is cooler, Downey Jr. is also a far superior actor than Christian Bale so that might have something to do with it as well.

I mean I'm waiting for the cheapies to see Batman anyways, but I'll hold my breath for Venom and the Pit.

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I mean I think thats true, you have to question if your talking about hyper realism how both the Joker and Batman avoid just getting mowed down at some point by bullets. You also have to question how neither of them get turned in, I mean I would think you'd need lots of support people to do both of their operations. Its a real shame there isn't more hyper realism in movies :awesome: .... or people could just enjoy fiction.

As for Robert Downey Jr. I mean is there even a contest on whose the awesomest super hero actor ever?

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[quote name='Triyun' timestamp='1342637427' post='3011699']
I mean I think thats true, you have to question if your talking about hyper realism how both the Joker and Batman avoid just getting mowed down at some point by bullets. You also have to question how neither of them get turned in, I mean I would think you'd need lots of support people to do both of their operations. Its a real shame there isn't more hyper realism in movies :awesome: .... or people could just enjoy fiction.

As for Robert Downey Jr. I mean is there even a contest on whose the awesomest super hero actor ever?

I can't begin to explain my love for RDJ. :melts:

Edited by Sarah Tintagyl
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Being a fan of the Killing Joke, I find Ledger's Joker to fit my taste more than Nichelson's Joker. While Nichelson's is closer to the DCAU Joker, at the same time I always found the leap from cold-hearted sarcastic killer to a clown to be a bit beyond my understanding. The various backstories that Ledger's tell without ever confirming which one of them is true is closer to what the Joker has come to be in modern day comics, and for that I have to say Ledger's did a favor to the fans of the grittier and darker interpretations.

That being said, DKR will be a riot for the lovers of Knightfall and the No Man's Land Arc. Can't wait to see this scene being done:


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@ Sarah: Nah, its understandable, I got a George Costanza style man crush on the guy. He's pretty awesome.

@ Kankou: You do know that Nicholson's portrayal predated Batman the Animated Series right?

Edited by Triyun
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