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[quote name='Centurius' timestamp='1301530128' post='2680975']
The current issue is in what category attack helicopters are counted and/or should be counted.

I myself understood it as a common sense rule - attack helicopters are strategically useless in the CNRP way that battles are fought (spam everything), so I never saw the need to make any sort of concrete rule about it. For anything that's more of a conventional aeroplane, I typically just took my existing number of planes (max in-game x 12) and then applied that to every non-fighter / bomber plane in my air force as a cumulative cap.

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[quote name='Sargun' timestamp='1301531573' post='2680994']
I myself understood it as a common sense rule - attack helicopters are strategically useless in the CNRP way that battles are fought (spam everything), so I never saw the need to make any sort of concrete rule about it. For anything that's more of a conventional aeroplane, I typically just took my existing number of planes (max in-game x 12) and then applied that to every non-fighter / bomber plane in my air force as a cumulative cap.

x12 or x24 for squadrons?

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[quote name='Fizzydog' timestamp='1301531276' post='2680989']
Making everything exact numbers makes CN instead of RP. Sure, we need to follow the game on some things, but if we go to far then will we even be RPing? We use the calculator enough, give some writers freedom.

I keep hearing this argument, but no one has yet given me any examples of the treasure troves of RP we'd be suppressing with more regulation.

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[quote name='HHAYD' timestamp='1301518595' post='2680857']

To get an idea of how cheap the aircraft would be, their on-board computers would consist of late 1990's and early 2000's computer systems, consisting processors such as Pentium II/III and Duron/Athlon XP/MP processors or any other cheap processors. Their skin would consist of low quality cast iron, aluminum, plastic, or iron mixed with slag. The engines would only have about 60 to 180 of operating hours before needing service or replacement. Flight control systems would be cheap and crappy at best, the aircraft would fly very erratically though still capable of flying through severe storms without being knocked out of the sky. There will also be minimal sensors as there's no need due to their lack of ability to change courses. Stealth is non-existent.

They are expected to be easily mass produced with minimal costs and to be disposable.
Reconnaissance UAVs don't have any limits if that's what your wanting to use.

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People have too many characters. Sarah for instance has like, a million, and this makes my scrotum hurt. I think we need an equation that limits the number of ic characters because as we all know there are no characters ingame. Here is my proposal:

As we all know ingame infrastructure determines the population of your country, so I propose that we take half the number of your total population add 3 and take the cubed root of that number times the number of years it takes light to reach Planet HD 217107 in the Pisces Constellation (I chose Pisces because fish is gud.) then you calculate the amount of time it takes a train leaving from Chicago going at 55 mph to reach Mexico City, Mexico, taking into account the drug wars in northern Mexico. Then you take that number and divide it by 0.

I think this will limit Sarah’s ability to use her characters to conquer cnrp, because I don’t have that many characters and it huts my butt. Also Sarah is a girl so she shouldn’t be allowed to be as good as the men of cnrp, but we should also try to keep down people who aren’t white Christian Americans, because america is being killed off by the liberal media.

Also I vote for Triyun to be our official ambassador to Fox News, because I want Glenn Beck to start playing cnrp for realsies (and we all know Triyun does the best Glenn Beck). Also I vote for JED to be our ambassador to Comedy Central so that we can lure Stephen Colbert to cnrp too. Finally I vote for Kaiser Martens to finally destroy Norway.

EDIT: Also Yawoo should be the ambassador to the You Kay because I love Kween Elizabef.

The end.

Edited by Justinian the Mighty
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[quote name='King Timmy' timestamp='1301537074' post='2681078']
Reconnaissance UAVs don't have any limits if that's what your wanting to use.
I forgot to mention that they are meant to distract enemies by pretending they are actual lethal aircraft by emitting radio signals and being non-stealthy as much as possible (such as venting the heat in a way where it would be easily detected).

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Make it a Cypher.

If your enemy's army is full of Metal Gear Solid fans, they will cower in fear. And put a speaker on it that does this: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ThIBvsml_us

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[quote name='Vedran' timestamp='1301607743' post='2681641']
Make it a Cypher.

If your enemy's army is full of Metal Gear Solid fans, they will cower in fear. And put a speaker on it that does this: [url="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ThIBvsml_us"]http://www.youtube.c...h?v=ThIBvsml_us[/url]

God that made me jump and hide under a desk!

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[quote name='Triyun' timestamp='1301600320' post='2681555']
Comcast took away my MSNBC (I want me some vertical integration back)! :( Now I have less liberal outrage to focus on Fox News.

sad to hear :(

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[quote name='HHAYD' timestamp='1301606484' post='2681631']
I forgot to mention that they are meant to distract enemies by pretending they are actual lethal aircraft by emitting radio signals and being non-stealthy as much as possible (such as venting the heat in a way where it would be easily detected).

Wouldn't they need to be pretty big to do that, around the size of the plane your trying to imitate? Then they'd count against your squadrons as normal planes.

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[quote name='iKrolm' timestamp='1301612568' post='2681684']
Wouldn't they need to be pretty big to do that, around the size of the plane your trying to imitate? Then they'd count against your squadrons as normal planes.
The distraction aircraft would have onboard devices to determine what radio frequency they're being hit with and then command the signal jammers to blast the radio frequency channel. The enemy's radar receivers would be fooled into classifying the origin of the received signals as full-sized lethal aircraft instead of miniature harmless aircraft.

For thermal detection, the miniature aircraft would have similar thermal signatures as a full-sized stealth aircraft thanks to its extremely unstealthy thermal exhaustion design. A F-22 emits more heat than a slower, smaller and lighter civilian propeller-powered aircraft, but the civilian aircraft is easier to detect since it doesn't hide its thermal signatures very well compared to a F-22.

The only way to tell the difference between a squadron of stealth aircraft that can inflict harm and a squadron of harmless aircraft is visual detection. However, that's extremely inefficient and risky in checking dozens or hundreds of different suspicious aircraft.

Edited by HHAYD
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[quote name='HHAYD' timestamp='1301606484' post='2681631']
I forgot to mention that they are meant to distract enemies by pretending they are actual lethal aircraft by emitting radio signals and being non-stealthy as much as possible (such as venting the heat in a way where it would be easily detected).

In an era where pretty much everyone uses fifth generation stealth and national militiaries know that wouldn't using this system in itself be ineffective?

Also what iKrolm said, there's more to airplane detection than heat and radio.

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[quote name='Centurius' timestamp='1301613732' post='2681696']
In an era where pretty much everyone uses fifth generation stealth and national militiaries know that wouldn't using this system in itself be ineffective?

Also what iKrolm said, there's more to airplane detection than heat and radio.
If your radar/thermal screen reports dozens of different unknown aircraft signature, you're going to either have to send a recon aircraft to check it or spam AA missiles that are more expensive than the distraction aircraft per unit. The more targets you have to deal with, the less likely you're going to detect and shoot down the actual threatening targets.

What other detection systems are used other than visual?

EDIT: An [url="http://www.robotshop.com/gorobotics/the-news/hobbyist/the-sub-500-uav-and-the-worlds-cheapest-autopilot"]autopilot UAV[/url] for $440 and is much larger than an adult. I think my distraction aircraft would cost a little over $500 despite being slightly smaller than an adult, not including explosives.

Edited by HHAYD
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[quote name='Centurius' timestamp='1301613732' post='2681696']
In an era where pretty much everyone uses fifth generation stealth and national militiaries know that wouldn't using this system in itself be ineffective?
It would work on me. :awesome:

Edited by KaiserMelech Mikhail
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[quote name='HHAYD' timestamp='1301613953' post='2681701']
If your radar/thermal screen reports dozens of different unknown aircraft signature, you're going to either have to send a recon aircraft to check it or spam AA missiles that are more expensive than the distraction aircraft per unit. The more targets you have to deal with, the less likely you're going to detect and shoot down the actual threatening targets.

What other detection systems are used other than visual?

EDIT: And if you decide to ignore it and my military notices the ignorance, they'll strap cheap half-pound explosive onto each distraction aircraft and program them to crash into predetermined targets. Ignore the "false warnings" again and your going to be in a world of pain when the aircraft's explosives and remaining fuel ignite on stuff that you don't want to get blown to bits.

An individual explosive rigged distraction aircraft would do little damage compared to other weapons, but squadrons of them?


One word: Flak, and if the things are as crap as you say they really can't do much damage, also that would be using them for bombing purposes which makes them fall under the normal rule again.

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[quote name='Centurius' timestamp='1301614737' post='2681711']
One word: Flak, and if the things are as crap as you say they really can't do much damage, also that would be using them for bombing purposes which makes them fall under the normal rule again.
Who use flaks to take down aircraft that fly at high speed, or even use them in the first place? Their damage individually is less than a 90mm mortar round and aircraft bombers typically aren't one-time use.

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The scenario HHAYD has described is quite possible. A UAV could be made to show a radar cross section that would normally be had only by a fighter/bomber. Fire a couple of them in unison, control them to fly in close formation and yes any radar system would try to shoot it down.

The RL advantage for such a tactic would be that valuable SAMs would be sent interdicting them, much effort spent to find them that the real attack could get in while the Air Defense Controllers are distracted and attack the targets while the SAM batteries are still only reloading.

But then again, this is CNRP. Every rifle can fire gazillion rounds of bullets without overheating. The value of UAVs as a potent distractor during war time would be quite high.

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