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[quote name='Sal Paradise' timestamp='1296197663' post='2607072']
Enough with the "world stage" crap. It's a dead dead dead metaphor. Let's come up with something fresh: the global deep fryer, or international trombone.
I think I was the first one to use 'world stage', at least from what I remember. I did it before it was hip.

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[quote name='Lynneth' timestamp='1296200663' post='2607148']
I think I was the first one to use 'world stage', at least from what I remember. I did it before it was hip.
My first post, over two years ago, I said that my nation was new on the World Stage. Don't ever try to out-hipster me, I'm a Midwestern Republican!

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[quote name='KaiserMelech Mikhail' timestamp='1296232603' post='2607504']
My first post, over two years ago, I said that my nation was new on the World Stage. Don't ever try to out-hipster me, I'm a Midwestern Republican!
I just found out it was used way before me.
Back in '08, they were throwing around with it like mad already.

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[quote name='Kevin Kingswell' timestamp='1296605279' post='2615250']
Would anyone be willing to let me set up a civilian mining company in there nation. I just can't seem to do well as a nation and would rather try something a little smaller.
When I DoE tomorrow you have my permission to be said company.

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[quote name='Kevin Kingswell' timestamp='1296605279' post='2615250']
Would anyone be willing to let me set up a civilian mining company in there nation. I just can't seem to do well as a nation and would rather try something a little smaller.
I would...but most operations like mining are operated by the military in the Xinyan Republic :v Though the current administration is working to change that.

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[quote name='Kevin Kingswell' timestamp='1296605279' post='2615250']
Would anyone be willing to let me set up a civilian mining company in there nation. I just can't seem to do well as a nation and would rather try something a little smaller.

Yeah, sure; the philippine islands have pretty good coal and metal reserves if you're interested. PM me if you're interested.

Edited by iKrolm
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[quote name='Kevin Kingswell' timestamp='1296605279' post='2615250']
Would anyone be willing to let me set up a civilian mining company in there nation. I just can't seem to do well as a nation and would rather try something a little smaller.

I would. That is, if your company is willing to put up with countless government regulations, and accepts that its assets within the URSR could be nationalized without compensation whenever the Party sees fit. If so, you're all good. :ph34r:

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[quote name='Kevin Kingswell' timestamp='1296605279' post='2615250']
Would anyone be willing to let me set up a civilian mining company in there nation. I just can't seem to do well as a nation and would rather try something a little smaller.
Sri Lanka is very capitalist. As long as you have decent health, safety and working standards, you're good. You can't be nationalised, though there's still potential competition from other corps if your corp does well.
You can also hire mercs and the like to protect your operations (which I would recommend; small battles between corps are going to be daily soon enough, if I can get the inspiration to RP that :v: )

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[quote name='Executive Minister' timestamp='1296649217' post='2616067']
Can someone explain to me why Japan is being labelled as if its a sovereign nation RP'd by someone? Apparently it isn't, and thus, is being denied to new people on the basis that they'll believe its owned and not a protectorate.
Because it's apparently not "free" territory and being held by...Not sure. Lavo, Amy and someone else I think, until Richt (or whoever RPd Japan) comes back from wherever.
The same why Lavo has his 'Special Administrative Zone', being held in Africa for Gebiv if he ever comes back (which I doubt).

So even if Japan was made white, nobody would be able to RP there until the old RPer comes back - if ever.
Thus denying newbies the location indefinetely through OOC motives.

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[quote name='Lynneth' timestamp='1296655383' post='2616118']
Because it's apparently not "free" territory and being held by...Not sure. Lavo, Amy and someone else I think, until Richt (or whoever RPd Japan) comes back from wherever.
The same why Lavo has his 'Special Administrative Zone', being held in Africa for Gebiv if he ever comes back (which I doubt).

So even if Japan was made white, nobody would be able to RP there until the old RPer comes back - if ever.
Thus denying newbies the location indefinetely through OOC motives.
It's for EvR who's away at the Air Force.

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[quote name='dotCom' timestamp='1296659528' post='2616185']
It's still against the rules. They are holding on to it for a purely OOC reason and when he gets back it will be OOC gifting.

Technically that's what every protectorate holder does, he saves the land for ooc reasons and selects who gets to roll in it thus ooc gifting, however the rule about ooc gifting has always been interpreted as gifting the land to a currently established nation for ooc reasons, not setting up a new one. That was the spirit of the rule too and still is.

The mentioned cases are nothing more than a protector holding land but with only a select view reaching the requirements the protector has for the land, thus it is very much within the written and unwritten rules of cnrp.

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[quote name='KaiserMelech Mikhail' timestamp='1296657117' post='2616143']
It's for EvR who's away at the Air Force.
...wait, so he can serve in the air force but can't handle losing some pixels?

Do we have any method for verifying what somebody says? What's to stop me from pretending to be depressed and claim that CNRP is my last refuge and thus nothing bad can happen to my pixels? I know nobody likes to doubt friends or think the worst of people, but it's fully possible and I find it odd that somebody can serve in the air force and yet freaks out when they lose land in an online game. Maybe I'm just a heartless cynic, I admit I'm ignorant of the details of the situation. I'm just saying that it isn't uncommon for people to lie and such online. Anyone else remember when Nikanor* faked his death?

*I may be misspelling his name. He was in NoR and made claims to being in the US Airforce.

Edited by BaronUberstein
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Why is it fair that such large areas of land as Northern Africa and Japan have to sit around waiting for their owners to make an appearance? Honestly, Japan needs to be made a protectorate. And if someone decides they want some or all of it they should be allowed to take it. You can keep old players from expanding there, but you shouldn't keep new players/rerollers confined to the few places we have left (ie. Landlocked areas of Asia, Antarctica, Africa and some of North America. Europe seems to always be occupied.)

Antarctica is the worst RPing zone there is. Sitting down south all your cnrp days while other nations ignore you can't be fun. Sure, Africa is a great RPing zone, but why must we be limited to Africa? Land gobblers need to settle down and give away some of their land. It seems all CNRP is about is who has the most map pixels.

Wait, was Nikano the one who started the huge arguement with the mods?

Edited by Fizzydog
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You do realize that Keshav and Centurius keep protectorates in southern Spain and Portugal, respectively? Also, with some of these "land gobblers", all you need to do is ask and they'll most likely give away some of their land. Case in point: Yawoo gave Scotland to Sargun. Shadowsage gave Curristan his old state. All you need to do is ask and realize that you aren't limited to only protectorates.

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[quote name='iKrolm' timestamp='1296624335' post='2615681']
Yeah, sure; the philippine islands have pretty good coal and metal reserves if you're interested. PM me if you're interested.

[quote name='JEDCJT' timestamp='1296627168' post='2615761']
I would. That is, if your company is willing to put up with countless government regulations, and accepts that its assets within the URSR could be nationalized without compensation whenever the Party sees fit. If so, you're all good. :ph34r:

[quote name='Lynneth' timestamp='1296635810' post='2615981']
Sri Lanka is very capitalist. As long as you have decent health, safety and working standards, you're good. You can't be nationalised, though there's still potential competition from other corps if your corp does well.
You can also hire mercs and the like to protect your operations (which I would recommend; small battles between corps are going to be daily soon enough, if I can get the inspiration to RP that :v: )

Wow just wow. Thank you for the many and quick responses. I don't want to upset anyone so I think I will have the HQ in Sri Lanka due to its capitalist ideals, whilst also maintaining a philippine and URSR branch if that is okay with you all?

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[quote name='Kevin Kingswell' timestamp='1296691604' post='2616708']
Wow just wow. Thank you for the many and quick responses. I don't want to upset anyone so I think I will have the HQ in Sri Lanka due to its capitalist ideals, whilst also maintaining a philippine and URSR branch if that is okay with you all?
I made a response too you know <_<

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