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[quote name='Sal Paradise' timestamp='1285360432' post='2463550']
Well then, it appears I will have to start working on genetic modifications that more closely resemble humans instead.

I'l accept that. :smug:

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[quote name='Acca Dacca' timestamp='1285365165' post='2463618']So this is how CNRP dies... with excessive !@#$%*ing and dress up.[/quote]Just because certain player(s) are stretching game rules in directions few like wonÂ’t kill CNRP as many of us are here for the community.
CNRP has survived far worse like ridiculous walker-weapons and space arms races.

Edited by Generalissimo
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[quote name='Sal Paradise' timestamp='1285359287' post='2463528']YES. Case closed. I have unicorns. :smug:[/quote][quote name='Sargun' timestamp='1285359841' post='2463542']Wrong. A mod said that he can have a [b]mostly human[/b] character with vague features of non-human creatures, such as slanty eyes or sharp teeth and whatnot. Anything more than that is official non-canon.

That goes for unicorns, fairies, and other nonsense like that as well.[/quote]Wrong, Sargun’s mastery of CNRP’s dictates the answer.
Can’t have a unicorn unless proven possible, burden of on you.
You can have a single individual with unicorn like features, assuming it’s your primary character, months of role-playing backing preferred.

[quote name='Sal Paradise' timestamp='1285353872' post='2463468']My unicorns took 12 months RP time too.[/quote]Role-play time doesn’t actually count for R&D, there is a precedence for this sort of thing.

[quote name='Sal Paradise' timestamp='1285353872' post='2463468']So if I broke up my post into ten posts, it will magically be OK? You never answered my question about what difference it would make. But the answer is none. If I had unicorns today, tomorrow, next month or next year, absolutely nothing changes other than satisfying the community's irrational and inexplicable desire for it to take more time. The only reason I can think of for why you'd insist on this taking time is because you realize unicorns and dragon-men are !@#$%^&*. Some people will selfishly impose these non-rules when they see someone developing weapons or defenses they don't want them to immediately have (read have at all), but there isn't any real reason why you wouldn't want me to have unicorns quickly in RL time (because it won't affect anyone other than myself) other than the fact that you know it is pure !@#$%^&*![/quote] Precedence, both rulings and community consensus is arbitrary - deal with it.

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[quote name='Sargun' timestamp='1285361448' post='2463565']You cannot kill a person's characters without permission unless they put themselves in a dangerous spot (like in the middle of a battlefield). [/quote]As I have mentioned several times before, there is a long rich tradition of people not staying dead in CNRP. Resurrecting is ok if there isn’t an implausible justification, meaning most come back without explanation. Even the in middle of a battlefield, following several air strikes, a torrent of cruise missiles, and multiple thermonuclear strikes didn’t keep Kaiser Martens dead.

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[quote name='Generalissimo' timestamp='1285371543' post='2463691']
Wrong, Sargun’s mastery of CNRP’s dictates the answer.
Can’t have a unicorn unless proven possible, burden of on you.[/quote]

Can't have it unless proven possible? So you're on my side now? I'm confused.

[quote]Precedence, both rulings and community consensus is arbitrary - deal with it.[/quote]

No, I will not deal with it. I will argue against it. Maybe the rest of you should try actually making real arguments too. Why is that all counter-posts are little more than "that's just the way it is", "I'm right you're wrong" or "deal with it."? It's because none of you have any reasoning behind any of your opinions and so you resort to this sort of intellectually thuggery as reflex. Yes, the rules may be against me, as stupid as they are, but every time you attempt to silence debate with "deal with it" or Mael's "you're all bawwwing" you betray the shallowness of your thought and prove to me over again that I'm right, not to mention smart and handsome. :smug:

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[quote name='Tidy Bowl Man' timestamp='1285371483' post='2463689']
Lol, yall being a bunch of drama queens, which is funny considering how little some of you actually rp in the first place.

Its a quote with sarcasm. Chill, bro.

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[quote name='Sal Paradise' timestamp='1285372230' post='2463701']Can't have it unless proven possible? So you're on my side now? I'm confused.[/quote]IÂ’m personally against it, but I also support the structure of CNRP.
It has my absolute backing until the rules are formally changed.
I'm only on one side, that of CNRP's formal statutes.
What is a community without structure?
Without structure we devolve into less reputable boards.

[quote name='Sal Paradise' timestamp='1285372230' post='2463701']No, I will not deal with it. I will argue against it. Maybe the rest of you should try actually making real arguments too. Why is that all counter-posts are little more than "that's just the way it is", "I'm right you're wrong" or "deal with it."? It's because none of you have any reasoning behind any of your opinions and so you resort to this sort of intellectually thuggery as reflex. Yes, the rules may be against me, as stupid as they are, but every time you attempt to silence debate with "deal with it" or Mael's "you're all bawwwing" you betray the shallowness of your thought and prove to me over again that I'm right, not to mention smart and handsome. :smug:[/quote]If you are dissatisfied with the situation do something about it.
Petition the proper authorities for a poll, and if they see fit to issue one, opportunity to change said ruling [i]might[/i] present itself.

Edited by Generalissimo
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[quote name='Generalissimo' timestamp='1285372074' post='2463698']
As I have mentioned several times before, there is a long rich tradition of people not staying dead in CNRP. Resurrecting is ok if there isn't an implausible justification, meaning most come back without explanation. Even the in middle of a battlefield, following several air strikes, a torrent of cruise missiles, and multiple thermonuclear strikes didn't keep Kaiser Martens dead.
If you ever bothered to ask me, you'd know that the very reason you can kill characters in battlefields is specifically because KM didn't RP Martens as dying. It won't happen again, and if you keep harping on about it I'll slap you.

[quote name='Sal Paradise' timestamp='1285372230' post='2463701']
No, I will not deal with it. I will argue against it. Maybe the rest of you should try actually making real arguments too. Why is that all counter-posts are little more than "that's just the way it is", "I'm right you're wrong" or "deal with it."? It's because none of you have any reasoning behind any of your opinions and so you resort to this sort of intellectually thuggery as reflex. Yes, the rules may be against me, as stupid as they are, but every time you attempt to silence debate with "deal with it" or Mael's "you're all bawwwing" you betray the shallowness of your thought and prove to me over again that I'm right, not to mention smart and handsome. :smug:
The rules are in place for reasons that have been explained and dismissed by you as irrelevant. The more you continue to post, the less sense you make.

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[quote name='Generalissimo' timestamp='1285372782' post='2463705']
I’m personally against it, but I also support the structure of CNRP.
It has my absolute backing until the rules are formally changed.
I'm only on one side, that of CNRP's formal statutes.
What is a community without structure?
Without structure we devolve into less reputable boards.[/quote]

[quote]Petition the proper authorities for a poll, [b]and if they see fit to issue one[/b], opportunity to change said ruling [i]might[/i] present itself.[/quote]

There's a slave mentality for ya.

[quote]If you are dissatisfied with the situation do something about it.[/quote]

I'm arguing against it in this thread. I'm not an intellectual thug; taking it to a poll will do nothing for my argument as I don't care what majority opinion says. It has no bearing on the rightness or wrongness of the argument, which is my chief concern. The fact of the matter is, these rules are moronic, and none of you have been able to actually come up with any logical explanation for them. You all seem to think that telling me what the rule is and why it's enforced is the equivalent to a rationale. It is not. It could easily be a rule that there is no RPing of an another player's causalities because it was first discussed on a Monday. That wouldn't count as a real explanation, but it's practically all you've been able to come up with.

Like I said before, the rules may be against me, but I'm still right, and other posters' continued attempts to do nothing but belittle me is evidence enough that even they know how shallow their explanations are.

Edited by Sal Paradise
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[quote name='Sal Paradise' timestamp='1285376024' post='2463749']
There's a slave mentality for ya.

I'm arguing against it in this thread. I'm not an intellectual thug; taking it to a poll will do nothing for my argument as I don't care what majority opinion says. It has no bearing on the rightness or wrongness of the argument, which is my chief concern. The fact of the matter is, these rules are moronic, and none of you have been able to actually come up with any logical explanation for them. You all seem to think that telling me what the rule is and why it's enforced is the equivalent to a rationale. It is not. It could easily be a rule that there is no RPing of an another player's causalities because it was first discussed on a Monday. That wouldn't count as a real explanation, but it's practically all you've been able to come up with.

Like I said before, the rules may be against me, but I'm still right, and other posters' continued attempts to do nothing but belittle me is evidence enough that even they know how shallow their explanations are.

The current set of rules are in place and have been in place for sometime now because in times past arguements were started over issues that two or more conflicting players encountered whilst roleplaying together. These were then brought before either the mods or the appointed GM's who then made the rules we have. Lately rules and ideas for rules have been brought forward in polls to get the communties thoughts and opinions on them before they were made.

Now be aware a lot of people who made these rulings are either not around anymore or no longer in a place of authority to do anything about them therefore we can not ask them why each and every ruling they made was made. However, these rules are still recongnised by the community and are thus followed.

Now if you do disagree with the rules, regardless of your reasons, then you are of course able to keep rping though you RP will not be reconginsed by the rest of the community unless they wish to.

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Sal, CNRP is a popularity contest. I have been both on the winning end of this contest and the losing end of this contest (currently on the losing end :P). If people like you, you can do whatever you want. If people don't like you, expect to have your arguments ignored or mocked, and people to act generally rude whenever you show your face.

The solution is to create your own little group and ignore everyone else. :awesome:

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[quote name='Kevin Kingswell' timestamp='1285376526' post='2463756']
The current set of rules are in place and have been in place for sometime now because in times past arguements were started over issues that two or more conflicting players encountered whilst roleplaying together. These were then brought before either the mods or the appointed GM's who then made the rules we have. Lately rules and ideas for rules have been brought forward in polls to get the communties thoughts and opinions on them before they were made.

Now be aware a lot of people who made these rulings are either not around anymore or no longer in a place of authority to do anything about them therefore we can not ask them why each and every ruling they made was made. However, these rules are still recongnised by the community and are thus followed.

Now if you do disagree with the rules, regardless of your reasons, then you are of course able to keep rping though you RP will not be reconginsed by the rest of the community unless they wish to.

Again, other attempt to offer no explanation and exhortation that I stop discussing it. I appreciate the effort, Kevin Kingswell, but I already know how the rules are decided. If the rationale for any specific rule is no longer available to us, then surely those defending the rule should be capable of coming up with their own rationale? Or does everyone agree with this rule only because it is a rule?

Edited by Sal Paradise
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[quote name='BaronUberstein' timestamp='1285376804' post='2463764']
Sal, CNRP is a popularity contest. I have been both on the winning end of this contest and the losing end of this contest (currently on the losing end :P). If people like you, you can do whatever you want. If people don't like you, expect to have your arguments ignored or mocked, and people to act generally rude whenever you show your face.

The solution is to create your own little group and ignore everyone else. :awesome:

If CNRP is a popularity contest, why does Zoot still have a country? Why does Margrave still have a country? Why is Koryo still around? Why is Cochin still a huge empire? Why can't I simply invade my neighbour to the southeast? All of these things would happen instantly if popularity determined what you could and could not do.

If anyone is on the losing side of a popularity contest it is because they deserve it.

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[quote name='Sal Paradise' timestamp='1285377051' post='2463768']
Again, other attempt to offer no explanation and exhortation that I stop discussing it. I appreciate the effort, Kevin Kingswell, but I already know how the rules are decided. If the rationale for any specific rule is no longer available to us, then surely those defending the rule should be capable of coming up with their own rationale? Or does everyone agree with this rule only because it is a rule?

I was trying to give a general overview for the rules but I will try to go into specifics. If you have a rule you want explain let me know and i'll do my best to explain though others might be better at it than me.

Let me start with my we can not have massive amounts of unicorns, deamons and mystical creatures etc.. The reason we can not have these is that whilst this is an RP forum CNRP is based on real life equipment and technology and whilst you might be able to make a unicorn through genetics there is no valid proof IRL that you could make one. Now because we don't want to fully ruin any person's RP you are allowed to make one or two genetically altured creatures for internal rp and external if recongnised by others.

Edited by Kevin Kingswell
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[quote name='Sargun' timestamp='1285377241' post='2463770']
If CNRP is a popularity contest, why does Zoot still have a country? Why does Margrave still have a country? Why is Koryo still around? Why is Cochin still a huge empire? Why can't I simply invade my neighbour to the southeast? All of these things would happen instantly if popularity determined what you could and could not do.

If anyone is on the losing side of a popularity contest it is because they deserve it.
It's because it's a series of smaller popularity contests, not a single larger one, I should have explained further though I didn't expect people to be so defensive about it. O_o

The combination of groups and people fearing for their pixels, along with the fact that we're all people and can change our minds about who we like and who we don't like, means that we have a rather intricate and confusing network of OOC alliances and feuds. To deny that such a thing exists is absurd.

Margrave has friends, Zoot has friends, Cochin has friends, and of course there is the element of apathy. Sometimes people don't want to go through the yelling and screaming that is our war system just to remove somebody who will pop up again.

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[quote name='Sal Paradise' timestamp='1285372230' post='2463701']
No, I will not deal with it. I will argue against it. Maybe the rest of you should try actually making real arguments too. Why is that all counter-posts are little more than "that's just the way it is", "I'm right you're wrong" or "deal with it."? It's because none of you have any reasoning behind any of your opinions and so you resort to this sort of intellectually thuggery as reflex. Yes, the rules may be against me, as stupid as they are, but every time you attempt to silence debate with "deal with it" or Mael's "you're all bawwwing" you betray the shallowness of your thought and prove to me over again that I'm right, not to mention smart and handsome. :smug:
Who are you to buck the system you were allowed to play in to begin with? :P

The reason for nunhuman species being banned is simple...because if you l et one in...what's to stop a torrent of others in? Here's an example from earlier. Before any ruling was handed down, We had a race of dwarves, someoneas elves...but then Maelstron began his first RPs--as a nation of DRAGONS. Not Dragon-like, but honest-to-god, flying, firebreathing, telepathic dragons. A blanket ban was issued (by MODS) to prevent such abuse from happening again, only modified later to allow ONE human modifed with animal traits per player.

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CNRP is a community, and this community is a quasi democratic one. The opinion of the majority when validated by GMs and Mods become the rules. It is not the matter of right and wrong. However this is a community with great vitality, there are a few intelligent people here too. If you think you have a sound argument, take it out for discussion, however let that be a dialogue. DO not expect people to kowtow to your desires, you must convince people of your arguments. CNRP is a palette for the expression of some of the largest egos in Planet Bob. You have to work with that.

Ultimately, right or wrong you have to follow the CNRP rules and guidelines. You can bend it some, like Mael does and I used to do earlier, but you cannot break it.

Yes, mael can claim his character to be Dragon'ish, but we would consider that to be simply character buildup and view the so called Dragon Emperor as an unfortunate chap with megalomaniac complex with slight hallucinogenic delusions and a unique dermatological complication.

If you want to RP your unicorns, you could RP it away as a particularly spectacular breed of thoroughbred horses, you could even RP your characters attributing horns to its head, however the rest of us have the right to see it as a particularly fine animal suffering the depravations of an unfortunate mind.

Under CNRP you have your rights, so does everyone else. This is at the end of the day, a cooperative community RP.

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[quote name='Sal Paradise' timestamp='1285372230' post='2463701']
Yes, the rules may be against me, as stupid as they are, but every time you attempt to silence debate with "deal with it" or Mael's "you're all bawwwing" you betray the shallowness of your thought and prove to me over again that I'm right, not to mention smart and handsome. :smug:

You're acting just like someone we once knew around these boards as Leventnoir. The fact is, I don't have the time to deal with every child with a complaint. I will RP as I like so long as I am within the boundaries of the rules. If we had to stop the rp for every complaint that surfaced, nothing would ever get done in CNRP.

Rightness is an arbitrary definition. I'm sure you're right by your standards. You definitely seem to be self-righteous. It's just your standards are not the ruling standards. (Thankfully.)

[quote name='Tidy Bowl Man' timestamp='1285371483' post='2463689']
Lol, yall being a bunch of drama queens, which is funny considering how little some of you actually rp in the first place.

How true. I started my current rp out of the sheer fact I'm bored as all hell and there's no content, imho, much worth reading at the moment. I am attempting to give it a little life. Something different.. something old yet new.

And people are free to interpret my character as being as nuts as they want to. I could care less. Least I'm enjoying myself. In fact, maybe I like being perceived as crazy.. course, no one ever really seems to care about how I see things. Eccentric is fun.

Edited by Maelstrom Vortex
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[quote name='BaronUberstein' timestamp='1285377926' post='2463780']
It's because it's a series of smaller popularity contests, not a single larger one, I should have explained further though I didn't expect people to be so defensive about it. O_o

The combination of groups and people fearing for their pixels, along with the fact that we're all people and can change our minds about who we like and who we don't like, means that we have a rather intricate and confusing network of OOC alliances and feuds. To deny that such a thing exists is absurd.

Margrave has friends, Zoot has friends, Cochin has friends, and of course there is the element of apathy. Sometimes people don't want to go through the yelling and screaming that is our war system just to remove somebody who will pop up again.

So it isn't a popularity contest. Thanks for clarifying.

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