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[quote name='Sargun' timestamp='1294035735' post='2561667']
I have never understood why black women are considered hot, but that doesn't mean I go around going "what is it with people and black women". :v:
Well maybe you should. :v:

[quote name='Sal Paradise' timestamp='1294036540' post='2561684']
I think sexualizing cats is the more glaring puzzle here.

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[quote name='Sal Paradise' timestamp='1294036540' post='2561684']
I think sexualizing cats is the more glaring puzzle here.
A cat is fine too.

Just kidding, I just like cosplaying with maid uniforms and nekomimis.

For KaiserMelech Mikhail

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[quote name='BaronUberstein' timestamp='1294035668' post='2561664']
What is with people and maids? I have never understood why the french maid outfit is considered sexy. O_o
People are $%&@ed up. There are way more twisted and screwed up 'interests' out there.

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[quote name='KaiserMelech Mikhail' timestamp='1294092359' post='2562296']
DEAR GOD! I was on Encyclopedia Dramatica and I actually know that meme!
So you are not as innocent as you act. Good to know that.

*Puts a leash around KaiserMelech Mikhail's neck*

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[quote name='JEDCJT' timestamp='1294124671' post='2562837']
No [b]putting leashes around people's necks[/b] in this thread, please. kthxbai :v:
Hm, didn't you do that to someone a while ago? :v:

Edited by HHAYD
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[quote name='dotCom' timestamp='1294187102' post='2563624']
This is directed at Imperator Azenquor or anyone else who knows the answer to this question.

Where did you get those little emblem/insignias for your parties? Or where did you make them?


MS Paint / MS Powerpoint



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[quote name='dotCom' timestamp='1294189352' post='2563676']
GIMP's never worked for me, and I definitely ain't an MS Paint god >_>

I'm just assuming. It's not that difficult:

1) Open MS Powerpoint
2) Add the desired pictures and text
3) Add a background if you'd like
4) Select all of the elements ("select all" or "ctrl + a"), right click and click on "group" in the drop bar (atlernatively you can just screenshot the page and carry over to MS Paint), and save as a .jpg/.jpeg
5) Upload to photobucket/imageshack/etc.
6) ???

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I'm wondering if it is acceptable if I RP a rogue AI that is smarter than a human. It wouldn't be a single ultracomputer that the AI is operating on, it would also have dozens of zombiefied networked supercomputers, dozens of millions of personal and tablet computers, smartphones, and gaming consoles under its control; though it would be smart enough to not eat up enough computing power and connection bandwidth to be noticed by the human owners, security software, and operating systems. Midwest Republic wouldn't be the only country affected. The AI will be smarter than almost all humans with the insane about of "borrowed" computing power, but very slow at making decisions due to connection latency between all of the zombiefied computers.

I don't plan on RPing this until spring break or summer and if enough RPers agree to having their IC country's computers also zombiefied by the AI.

[quote name='JEDCJT' timestamp='1294192485' post='2563724']
No, I did not. :v:
Ah, the common tactic of, "If everything goes to -bleep-, then deny, deny, deny!".

Hm, I do remember you mentioning that you kept someone in a closet. That's similar to putting a leash on someone, imprisonment and/or slavery. :v:

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