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The problem there is that the Taliban has used guerilla warfare since the collapse of its power in government, and no one wants to use guerilla warfare in CNRP; they'd rather reroll elsewhere, because they have no real ties to their land, but I can guarantee that if I was fighting a war in the highlands of Scotland, or Martens was fighting a losing war in Germany, or Uberstein wherever the hell he is, there will be guerilla warfare involved.

For the record, we've pretty much decimated the Taliban in Afghanistan. Estimates say there are only 100 Taliban left in Afghanistan :P

Uberstein retired, but my nation is Finland. :P

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Alright, I don't know if this is necessary, but I'll go ahead and post this here, because I have a question that kind of has to do with the whole Botha-mode thing with Junio and what-not.

I RP by Botha's Laws. Some of the things said in the poll thread about Junio lead me to feel like there is animosity against Botha-moders in general, save for Botha. Granted, I believe there are only three of us, Junio, Botha, and myself. The way things were worded, it sounded hostile. The question is, is there any cause for worry that Botha mode will be banned?

I know I have just started and haven't had a lot of opportunity to get into situations like this, but I'm doing my best to adhere to a true Botha Mode. I've read Botha's entire run-down on the wiki, and I'm going off that. I'm also following his lead as it pertains to RP against IG, as in recognizing things that don't happen IG. One in particular that caught my eye was the question of spying. It is of slight contradiction, as shouldn't I have to be spied on IG to be spied on here? That said, I would say I wouldn't really have a problem with it if I was contacted about it (cause, you know, obviously everyone wants to spy on 'lil ol' Rhodesia :P ).

I guess what I'm trying to say is, it seems my entrance coincided with the blow-up of the situation. It seems like a schism just formed. Now, I'm trying to tread this line as best I can, trying to stay true to Botha Mode while being a part of this community. I suppose my question is, where is this line being drawn? At the moment it seems confusing as to if staying in Botha Mode completely will isolate you and make you not a part of the community, while the line between staying true to Botha Mode and being a part of the community is extremely fine. I look to be a part of this community, while being in Botha Mode, I'm just trying to garner a clearer understanding of where that line is being drawn. Is it slanted against Botha Mode? Or is it just slanted against what people are calling the 'Junio Mode?' Or is it somewhere else altogether?

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Not at all. The difference between you and Junio is large - you faithfully abide by Botha mode and don't abuse your inability to interact with the rest of the world on a larger scale.

This pretty much sums up what I was going to say.

You actually stay true to not only the letter, but the spirit of Botha Mode.

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*Takes a seat*

I finally ran out of ideas and I need someone to invade me....suggestions?

Hm, maybe you can RP a spy attempt or something at my nation, the spy attempt fails, crap happens, and soon GLS attempts to launch an invasion to punish your nation.

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Well, I was planning on doing that to Mudd to spite him and take my chance of getting Alaska.....and wait, aren't you still recovering from the beating JEDCJT gave you?

Nope. GLS was finished with the reconstruction period about a month or two ago.

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Well I'll go with your idea, but I'm probably gonna need to figure out how to fail in spying.

You can attempt to copy military technology info from GLS, which would most likely fail since I have a 90% chance of spying success against your IG nation.

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wow I must really suck at spying...

To make everything more interesting, you could RP your spies accidentally corrupting GLS military network while trying to hack into the database.

Here is how it can work:

1. Spies sneak into a military base.

2. They sneak up to a computer and start their hacking.

3. The main server in the GLS Department of Defense crashes from the hacking attempt.

4. The spies are caught by the soldiers in the base.

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