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I have already stated my IC reasons for going to war with Martens. I'm sorry that you do not support them.

And I know for a fact that you're using those IC reasons as an excuse to start a war over OOC reasons. I'm sorry you had to stoop to that level.

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And I know for a fact that you're using those IC reasons as an excuse to start a war over OOC reasons. I'm sorry you had to stoop to that level.

...If I can't use my IC reasons to start a war for any reason then I'm currently confused.

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Not to distract you from the real problem here, but when you start planning a war against Martens because you dislike his stats in OOC really disturbed me - and you kept saying the same things over and over, so I told you to change the subjects. You can try to pretend to be the victim and point me out as some tyrannous monster, whatever. The point is that the KM issue had been brought up repeatedly, resulted in the exact same ending and always had whining, obscenities (including from me, I will admit) and pointless bickering that resulted in nothing. Continuing to talk about it would have done nothing but clog up the channel.

Now that the KM talk has stopped, we've actually moved on to more constructive things, like talking about a claim issue with Biohazard and me attempting to (in a strange way) help Maelstrom make sure there were no misunderstandings with his tech deal with Triyun (hard for me to explain).

:wub: Back to the real conversation.

@HK: thanks, I guess calling it 'official' was a mistake, changed

War against Martens has nothing to do with his OOC stats. To think that people can't seperate between their opinions of his OOC stats and their opinion of him in game is frankly insulting to those who are in disagreement with him in game on your part.

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And I know for a fact that you're using those IC reasons as an excuse to start a war over OOC reasons. I'm sorry you had to stoop to that level.

Actually, I've been protesting the Kaiser's actions in ic for some time now and for many various reasons on different threads, threads apparently you had a responsibility to read and know about according to some on here. Fortunately, I'm one of the sane souls who does not blame you on here for not knowing everything that I do or say in game.

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Wait a second. I looked away from the channel for about 5 minutes.. came back.. posted 3 lines on something related to Marten's claiming to have 3250 tech.. and you kicked and banned me without even asking me to get off topic. You did apologize and say you didn't want to kick or ban me, and I accepted that.. but now this is just an outright distortion of events and I must protest it. You didn't have to kick or ban me, but you did.. and yes.. some of the folks who found what I had to say of some importance did take offense. I agree continuing to speak of it probably wouldn't have made much of a point, but you fail to recognize there were those who wanted to talk about it and you basically stepped on their freedoms. Your choice of channel founders, but they don't have to accept it.

(Sorry for double post, if it still is when I post this)

I k/b'd you and immediately unbanned you and said I didn't want to - I did not know you were away, and the fact that you started talking again while everyone else was talking about something else annoyed me. Yeah, I had a moment of anger. And yes, I took responsibility and and apologized.

To continue to argue about this (especially the "stepped on their freedoms" part) would be rather pointless because it's a matter of opinion and there's no real argument here - you see what you want to see. I see my version, you see yours, and whatever happens is a mix of both. Can we leave it at that?

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I would like to stop the bickering, and therefore propose a set of admin damnned guideline (rules if you like) which everyone will play to, and if you don't like it, go play in national and war.

I'll have a thread up soon, I would like some nice conduct in there please.

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...If I can't use my IC reasons to start a war for any reason then I'm currently confused.

The fact that you completely disregarded what I said really stumps me for what to say.

War against Martens has nothing to do with his OOC stats. To think that people can't seperate between their opinions of his OOC stats and their opinion of him in game is frankly insulting to those who are in disagreement with him in game on your part.

Triyun, you weren't one of the people participating in the conversation. I don't even think you were there for the majority of it, to be honest.

Actually, I've been protesting the Kaiser's actions in ic for some time now and for many various reasons on different threads, threads apparently you had a responsibility to read and know about according to some on here. Fortunately, I'm one of the sane souls who does not blame you on here for not knowing everything that I do or say in game.

I've stated my point - it's not about you having IC reasons, it's about using them as an excuse over an OOC argument.

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I would like to stop the bickering, and therefore propose a set of admin damnned guideline (rules if you like) which everyone will play to, and if you don't like it, go play in national and war.

I'll have a thread up soon, I would like some nice conduct in there please.

I've actually suggested that the Mods review my fact book information to see if they can find any useful standards they may be able to apply towards merged nations, even some possible modifications of the very same standards I used. I am not sure if community input would be constructive or obstructive in generating these standards.

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The fact that you completely disregarded what I said really stumps me for what to say.

Triyun, you weren't one of the people participating in the conversation. I don't even think you were there for the majority of it, to be honest.

I've stated my point - it's not about you having IC reasons, it's about using them as an excuse over an OOC argument.

And I'll also reiterate, that sometimes the personalities of people flow into their characters.. and if the two are related, than they can be a cause of dislike both on and off the fields of Bob. All that matters is that the motives are from the game, not from outside of it. It is irrelevant as to whether or not a discussion outside the game is contested as it does not/should not flow into the rp itself. However, there are very good reasons why any nation could be at war with Greater Nordland right now and to suggest that there is an in game war over a disagreement merely because of an ooc difference is trite and demeaning towards those you accuse of such.

I know my motives. My motives relate nothing to my concerns out of character.. and I am not even at war with the Kaiser.. yet. My motives in character, await the flame to light the fuse.

Edited by Maelstrom Vortex
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And I'll also reiterate, that sometimes the personalities of people flow into their characters.. and if the two are related, than they can be a cause of dislike both on and off the fields of Bob. All that matters is that the motives are from the game, not from outside of it. It is irrelevant as to whether or not a discussion outside the game is contested as it does not/should not flow into the rp itself. However, there are very good reasons why any nation could be at war with Greater Nordland right now and to suggest that there is disagreement merely because of an ooc difference is trite and demeaning towards those you accuse of such.

I know my motives. My motives relate nothing to my concerns out of character.. and I am not even at war with the Kaiser.. yet. My motives in character, await the flame to light the fuse.

One word: kittens. :awesome:

On that note, I'll be leaving this channel to go watch law and order. If someone replies to what I say I'll answer later so you don't get the wrong idea.

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As far as I know martens, only you and saboria (maybe lavo?) use coilguns on tanks.

Lavo and Imperial Wellington.

3,005.79 - Brian Reimer

502.62 - Kaiser Martens

I believe we already have the solution. Let's stop !@#$%*ing people.

I know. So, Gn has 3k tech, and if KM makes a new nation / Unmerges, he goes to 500 tech and 2k infra, like he was when he rejoined CNRP.

We'll get to that if he returns.

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One word: kittens. :awesome:

On that note, I'll be leaving this channel to go watch law and order. If someone replies to what I say I'll answer later so you don't get the wrong idea.

Ah.. there you go.. had to use Kittens to light the fuse.. We'll be at war soon now. Nah, J/K. Take care for now, Sargun.

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Didnt Sumeragi propose a MUCH lower infra level and lower Tech level as a reasonable estimate for KM? Oh right page 20. It got shot down...

I personally say Martens should be 2800 tech (the stat that LVN had mentioned in IRC) and 2000 infra (the infra before he got out of peace mode).

and now people are arguing if he has 3000 tech or 3500?????????????????????????? :psyduck:

Edited by Tahsir Re
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I believe we already have the solution. Let's stop !@#$%*ing people.

Why do you have to come on here cursing and acting like your fecal mater doesn't stink? It doesnt do any good. It's not just you, I see a lot of ppl come on the forums and say "OMG STOP !@#$%*ING ROFLERCOPER KTHXBAI!"

It's almost as annoying as the arguing.

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Didnt Sumeragi propose a MUCH lower infra level and lower Tech level as a reasonable estimate for KM? Oh right page 20. It got shot down...

and now people are arguing if he has 3000 tech or 3500?????????????????????????? :psyduck:

3k for the merged Greater Nordland, not KM as an individual.

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Why do you have to come on here cursing and acting like your fecal mater doesn't stink? It doesnt do any good. It's not just you, I see a lot of ppl come on the forums and say "OMG STOP !@#$%*ING ROFLERCOPER KTHXBAI!"

It's almost as annoying as the arguing.

I know, but it's also frustrating to see this issue when it really isn't an issue. For all I can see, some people really need to see others grinded for their benefit.

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The fact that you completely disregarded what I said really stumps me for what to say.

Triyun, you weren't one of the people participating in the conversation. I don't even think you were there for the majority of it, to be honest.

I've stated my point - it's not about you having IC reasons, it's about using them as an excuse over an OOC argument.

If you think the only problem I've got with Martens is an out of character one regarding his stats, I'm sorry for seeming so shallow. But I must again point out my in-character reasons. The point of the discussion before was me trying to get people to act on their reasons to invade Martens instead of sitting around like a bunch of old men on the porch complaining about their issues with him. People in that chat acknowledged that they have credible reasons to invade Martens due to differences IC (which if someone tries to tell me isn't enough to invade someone, I can point you to some times in history where it was) and his actions in-character, whether it be him invading a nation or him supporting a nation in an area where that nation has already proven themselves a destabilizing force, etc whatever people have problems with. I have no way of transmitting that message to people in-game because I have no clue in-character that nation A hates nation B.

Telling people to act on their own in-character reasons to invade a nation is an OOC call for war, there's no denying that. But it certainly isn't because of some OOC reason. The Elective Dictatorship of Palintine is highly displeased of Magna Europe/Greater Nordland, and it is certainly not the only nation out there who isn't. I'd like people to get off their bums and do something in-character rather than continue that complaining.

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Anyway, I believe there is no reason for discussing Martens's stats, because he wouldn't be unmerging. Also, if he does come back after he completely leaves, I figure friends will be willing to techshare with him.

So people, this is a non-issue. Let's leave it at that and get this over with.

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Realistically it is better to power through issues I find than close things down because of arguing. Who has ops in #cnrp and Kaiser Martens tech have been contentious matters in some circles of the community for some time. Closing the thread would only delay a contentious issue. In my opinion while #cnrp is a private issue (though maybe it should be edited out of pinned threads or #cybernationsrp should be listed along side it), the Martens issue is something that multiple drama threads have been dedicated to, and seeing it and his controversial tech resolved is going to be necessary everytime Martens gets himself into a fight, and lets be honest here, he has a tendency to do that.

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