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done with this game


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im done with this game, im in a three front war ask for help but get the excuses for people not wanting to help so as soon as my wars reach their time limit i quit.deleteing my nation because nobody wants to help not even my own fricken alliance

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i did enjoy the playing the game would still like to play i just want an alliance that can be counted on when asked for help so i quit my alliance and canceled all trades, i am willing to start over if my one simple request can be met....

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Almost all alliances will protect you, if you want a list of them you can look ingame at them to see sizes and then look at the forums here to see more information about them.

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i did enjoy the playing the game would still like to play i just want an alliance that can be counted on when asked for help so i quit my alliance and canceled all trades, i am willing to start over if my one simple request can be met....

Most large alliances are more than willing to protect you. My own alliance the MCXA would certainly protect you; you can sign up on our forums at mcxa-cross.com if your interested. Really any sanctioned alliance can and will protect you, sanctioned alliances are large and strong so you will not have to worry about being attacked if you join them. I do hope you keep playing this game instead of quitting, we always need more players.

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And the shameless recruiting has started :) <points at signature>

As said earlier, most alliances will protect their members so protection which for now is a primary goal will become a secondary or even tertiary goal once you've joined an alliance.

You need to ask yourself "What do i want in an alliance besides protection"?

To get to know alliances/members talk to them and see if there's a connection.

If you want to know about the Grand Global Alliance, just ask ;)

Hope to talk to you later.

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And the shameless recruiting has started :) <points at signature>

As said earlier, most alliances will protect their members so protection which for now is a primary goal will become a secondary or even tertiary goal once you've joined an alliance.

You need to ask yourself "What do i want in an alliance besides protection"?

To get to know alliances/members talk to them and see if there's a connection.

If you want to know about the Grand Global Alliance, just ask ;)

Hope to talk to you later.

Being as the Shameless recruiting has begun,

If you still want to continue with the game, but wish to retain your independence don't want to be swallowed by some behemoth may I suggest you consider The Citadel Trading Company, where you will recieve protection, assistance and advice, shown how to deal tech to your nations advantage, without the problems of a full allaince,

ask on #gremlins irc or check out http://cn-citadel.com/index.php

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Being as the Shameless recruiting has begun,

If you still want to continue with the game, but wish to retain your independence don't want to be swallowed by some behemoth may I suggest you consider The Citadel Trading Company, where you will recieve protection, assistance and advice, shown how to deal tech to your nations advantage, without the problems of a full allaince,

ask on #gremlins irc or check out http://cn-citadel.com/index.php

Seconded. You'll get full protection from the CTC and still retain your autonomy, yet be put on a fast track for growth if you you take advantage of the money making opportunities in tech dealing. Check that link out. :)

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Please continue playing the game, no I'm not going to try to recruit you, but please try another alliance. I have been in your position before, I lost 3K strength going from MHA to RoK (didn't go into peace mode). I asked my attackers nicely to stop attacking and most of them are honorable and will stop attacking.

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This thread was a plea to be recruited...to be shown there are groups on the planet that will protect their own. The information given to help Stalker learn a little about other alliances was totally appropriate.

Stalker, I also hope you will stay. The world needs trading partners and it looks like you need a different experience (in an alliance).

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Really any sanctioned alliance can and will protect you, sanctioned alliances are large and strong so you will not have to worry about being attacked if you join them. I do hope you keep playing this game instead of quitting, we always need more players.

I'd suggest that any of the top 100 to 150 or so alliances could do a good job of protection, not just the sanctioned alliances. There's also a wide variety of playing styles and philosophies to be found in that group as well. Obviously, my own alliance is looking for good recruits, but none of the others mentioned in this thread would be bad choices. Peace out, take a look around, lurk on some of the public alliance IRC channels and boards, see if there's any group you might enjoy hanging with.

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Also, if you should want to remain totally independent but still be protected, move to the Red team to take advantage of the Revenge Doctrine (named for the emperor) of the New Pacific Order. You will be able to grow in peace, and if you are ever attacked, just go to pacificorder.net and the New Pacific Order will get you peace.

Or, you could, you know, click the link in my sig and join. :P

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Looks like you're in the process of getting peace. That's good. And, give things a bit of time...look around at folks and see which alliance fits you. And go from there. If you would like to eat the next raider that hits you? Feel free to holler. At your current size it would only take a couple minor changes.

Good luck with whichever path you choose.

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Figure out what it is that you want out of an alliance. Almost every (if not all) alliance will offer you protection from unwarranted attacks. Any of the top 150 alliances or so should be able to reasonably guarantee safety. If you doubt whether one can or not, look at their NS and also find out who they are allied with and who will help them. An alliance doesn't have to be giant to be safe, just smart.

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There is another alternative. If you just want to be left alone and not join an alliance, simply switch over to the RED Sphere.

NPO has an agreement that any nation that is attacked on the red sphere may ask them for help.

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Hold on there, gang... Not ALL alliances are going to keep him from getting bashed.

OP: Joining any one of the following alliances can guarantee you're going to get bashed, and get bashed hard. Unless you go into Peace Mode first, and then the bashing commences once you get out of Peace Mode:

1. FAN

2. Vox Populi

3. OcUK


5. \m/

6. Some other alliances I can't think of at the moment.

Also, joining an alliance is a formal process. Merely changing your AA to read "Valhalla" does not make you a member of that alliance. If you did not formally apply, you become what's known as a "ghost" and will be subject to war without end until you make amends.

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Also, joining an alliance is a formal process. Merely changing your AA to read "Valhalla" does not make you a member of that alliance. If you did not formally apply, you become what's known as a "ghost" and will be subject to war without end until you make amends.

...which is exactly what's just happened to him. He got caught ghosting TOOL, and just before they attacked him for it, he switched his AA to We Are Perth Army so now he's ghosting us.

Please, just take the time to APPLY to the alliance you want to try, Stalk. It'll make your life a lot easier. I'm sure that if you put through an actual application with either TOOL OR WAPA, you'd find yourself forgiven and rebuilt.

Edited by Vanadrin Failing
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