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Foreign Affairs Dispatch from Rebel Virginia

In the interest of simplicity, the Rebel Virginian State Department has determined it to cancel all treaties except for the Covenant of Legion, the Bermuda Triangle Pact, and the MDoAP with the Amerikanisches Reich. Most of the treaties canceled were redundant due to the participation in blocs and organizations. Another reason for the cancelations was a pesky common currency clause, caused by clerical errors. The clerk has been fired.

Additionally, many of our former allies, but still very good friends, are half a world away, preventing us from being able to fulfill our obligations to them. For those who have no longer existing treaties with us, legislation will be passed to protect your strong economic interests in Rebel Virginia, which otherwise would have been protected by the economic articles in the treaties.

Rebel Virginian foreign policy will now be more focused on a pro-American policy, which is why we will be retaining our treaty with the Amerikanisches Reich.

Our treaties with Novak and Taeunas are currently under review. They were not immediately canceled due to the lack of a common currency clause, but considering they are on the other side of the world, we must consider it necessary to cancel the treaty. We mean no offense, and hope to continue a friendly relation with our former allies.

We apologize for this poorly written dispatch. The writer has since been sacked.

Cardinal O'Reilly,

Secretary of State

Minister Mali: No offense taken, and we completely understand. Novak will still aid their friends, Rebel Virginia, in their time of need, treaty or no treaty. Friendships to us are beyond the sheet of paper, and are in the hearts of each Novakian citizen.

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USNA - The surviving 12,000 Rebel Virginians, as well as the 3,000 dead, are currently making their way back home, passing through Wiedergeburt. They are expected to arrive in Rebel Virginian territory in a few days.

Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, Rebel Virginia - Factories are beginning to produce M110 howitzers to replace the artillery lost in the war. M42 Dusters are also being produced. Five new designs, the M151 MUTT, the M520 Goer, the M35 2-1/2 ton cargo truck, the M970, and the M8 Tractor are also being produced in large numbers to help counter logistical problems encountered during the war, but will not be included in the numbers of the armored division, as they are simply support vehicles. Following the end of production, the Rebel Virginia Armored Division stands to have 75 M60s, 25 ASX-30s, 30 M110 howizters, 40 M42 Dusters, and 50 military buggies purchased from the former Mogatopia, for a total of 220 combat vehicles.

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Washington, D.C., Rebel Virginia - President Hank Scorpio took the to stage. He had an announcement to make. "Friends, comrades, countrymen, lend me your ears. North America has just emerged from a bitter, although mostly bloodless war. Now, we can point fingers all we want, but that will not get us anywhere. We were all wrong to an extent, and we need to put our differences behind us, and start working together. We share this magnificent continent together, and we need to start working together."

Scorpio cleared his throat, and went on. "While Rebel Virginia is a very faithful country of Catholics, theocracy is unnecessary. Church and state must never go hand in hand. Now, I know Pope Bubba is a good man, but he is a bit eccentric and misguided. That may be due to the fact he is old, and nearing one hundred. He has done what he thought is best, but he has done enough. Baltimore will be allowed to remain as the site of his church, but it will no longer. We are indebted to his services to this country, and as such, I am presenting Pope Bubba XIII with the Presidential Medal of Freedom."

After a brief pause, he continued. "Now, as mentioned, I plan on abolishing the theocracy. Yes, I do. We will become a republic once again, and the new nomenclature for our country will be the Commonwealth of Rebel Virginia. I am returning the Congress, and elections will be held at the end of the month. All religious laws are being stricken from the books in favor of more libertarian laws. Free speech will be protected, as will freedom of religion. Amongst many other rights."

The crowd applauded and cheered. Once it settled President Scorpio went on. "I would also like to announce a major shift in Rebel Virginian foreign policy. Originally isolationist, Rebel Virginia soon entered the world stage with strong stances on certain issues, and we were not afraid to express our opinions, or even fight for what we believed to be right. That is in the past. The commonwealth will be more peaceful. You could say that we are now a kinder, more gentler, Rebel Virginia. In essence, we are. Our nation's goals on the foreign stage will mainly be humanitarian assistance, and mediation of foreign disputes in order to prevent war."

After a final pause, he went on to finish. "That will be all I have to say for tonight, but expect more announcements from us in the coming days. Thank you for all for coming."

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Niagara Falls, New York, Rebel Virginia - The 12,000 survivors of the war have returned to Niagara Falls. Reassignment is likely to commence within the next several days with restationing of the forces elsewhere in the nation. Additionally, another 3,000 men have been recruited and trained to bring the military back to full strength.

Harrisburg, Pennsylvania, Rebel Virginia - Uncharacteristically cold weather hit the north part of the country this week as temperatures plummeted below zero following a cold front from Canada. A handful of deaths have been recorded, due to people who got lost in the cold, mainly in rural areas, but most citizens followed the government advisory to stay indoors.

Washington, D.C., Rebel Virginia - After years of research, the Republic of Rebel Virginia has finally developed a functioning Intercontinental Ballistic Missile, or ICBM for short. These missiles, the LGM-30G Minuteman III, are capable of reaching targets approximately 9,600 km away. We have produced twenty five of these missiles, and shall be maintaining them at silos in undisclosed locations. They shall be fitted VX nerve agent chemical warheads. Additionally we have produced one hundred and fifty PGM-11 Redstone rockets for home defense, as they only have range of 323 km. As with the Minuteman III ICBMs, the Redstone rockets will also be fitted with warheads containing the VX nerve agent.

OOC: I produced 100 Redstones a month or so ago, bringing me to a total of 250.

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Washing, D.C., Rebel Virginia - Following the threat of terrorist action from the terrorist group called SCORPIA, Secretary of Homeland Security Lapu-Lapu ordered all ports to be on heightened alert. All ships entering the country would be extensively searched. Border security was also heightened, with several patrols active along both the western and southern borders. Additionally, armed personal were placed on all outgoing flights.

Rebel Virginia-J Andres Border, Rebel Virginia - In light of improving relations with the nation of J Andres, the massive wall constructed along the border with Rebel Virginia's northeastern neighbor was ordered to be dismantled by President Hank Scorpio. President Scorpio, stating that America is a peaceful continent, felt there to be no need for such a border between nations. Deconstruction of the wall is scheduled to begin in the next several days, following a ceremony to commemorate the event.

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Rebel Virginia-J Andres Border, Rebel Virginia - In light of improving relations with the nation of J Andres, the massive wall constructed along the border with Rebel Virginia's northeastern neighbor was ordered to be dismantled by President Hank Scorpio. President Scorpio, stating that America is a peaceful continent, felt there to be no need for such a border between nations. Deconstruction of the wall is scheduled to begin in the next several days, following a ceremony to commemorate the event.

The citizens of many of the border towns rejoiced at the news of the tearing down of the wall. "I can finally get my baseballs that went over the fence!!!" screamed a young child clutching a baseball glove.

"I don't like it. I got used to looking out my window and seeing the wall. I'm thinking about constructing a wall on my property. I have this beautiful picture window in my living room and when I look out it now I see people! If I wanted to see people I'd go outside, I'd much prefer looking outside at the beautiful brick masonry of a wall," said one homeowner.

President Adrik Annan was extremely pleased with this advancement and quickly stated, "I believe that this shows how far relations have come from nearly open hostility to the day when no grand wall will separate our borders."

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Rebel Virginia-J Andres Border, New York, Rebel Virginia - It was a cloudy day. President Hank Scorpio, Pope Bubba XIII, General MacDoogle, General Adams, Chief of Staff Richard Cox, Secretary of State O'Reilly, and numerous other high ranking officials from the Rebel Virginian government stood on or were seated on a stage. Senator Ronald Reagan (New York-T), who was asked to give the speech, took to the podium. "Mr. Gorbachev, tear down this wall...." he began. Of course nobody knew of any Mr. Gorbachev, but they let it slide. It was a momentous occasion. The wall slowly started to come down. Within a month it would all be gone, with the exception of a small one mile portion of the wall, behind the home of anonymous J Andres citizen who admired the masonry. It would also serve as a monument to what once was, and how far things had come. History, both the good and the bad, the triumphs and the failures, were not to be forgotten. This small section of a once formidable wall, a marvel of modern engineering, would stand into perpetuity as a bittersweet reminder to all.

Washington, D.C., Rebel Virginia - Shortly after returning from the ceremony at the wall, President Scorpio signed several bills into law. Most were labor regulations designed to improve working conditions and protect the environment. One notable law happened to be a minimum wage act. With it's passing, the low wages which had essentially turned countless of Rebel Virginians into slaves of corporations would be a thing of the past. Additionally, a civil rights act was also signed, guaranteeing the rights of all citizens, regardless of race, ethnicity, gender, or creed.

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The UESR applauds every one of these changes, as we believe this is a turning point in the history of Rebel Virginia.

As does Promised Land. While always a force for good abroad, now they are turning inward to fix their own problems, which can only be a good thing.

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Washington, D.C., - The man simply known as "Peterus," now infamous for the assassinating religious leader Pope Bubba XIII, was hung on the National Mall, where a crowd numbering in the tens of thousands gathered to witness the event. Despite hours of interrogating, Peterus revealed nothing. His motivations for killing the Pope, along with any possible collaborators are still unknown. After a relatively quick and uneventful trial, he was found guilt and sentenced to death.

As for the Pope, he was buried with honors outside of his family home in Franklin, Virginia. A memorial is to be constructed for him on the Mall, for his service and contributions to this country.

OOC: Reference.

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The recognized Pope by the J Andres Holy See, Pope Martin VI, has said a mass in memory of Bubba XIII at Saint Joseph's Cathedral. Although Bubba XIII was not recognized as Pope within the J Andres borders, he was honored as a man of faith.

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Washington, D.C., Rebel Virginia - Following the assassination of Secretary of Commerce Robert Eastman by a terrorist organization, Hank Scorpio replaced him with George Clinton in his final hours as President of Rebel Virginia. In other news, the nation celebrates as it has elected its first African-American president, Lee L. Mercer, Jr.

Of course, there are some critics of the new president, most notably Vice President Hank Scorpio who has describe Mercer as "bat!@#$ insane." Others in the government have also echoed this statement, stating that Mercer's election is reason enough for preventing the citizens of Rebel Virginia from ever being allowed to vote again.

In other news, Mercer has made absolutely no changes to the cabinet, so it is assume President Scorpio's old cabinet will remain to serve yet another term.

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Washington, D.C., Rebel Virginia - A small amount of fighter planes were produced in the past months in Pittsburgh. A total of thirty planes were produced, and of threedesigns.

First is the F-86 Sabre, of which two squadrons were produced. Though highly outdated, they were produced due to the expenses that would be induced through producing more of the second design, the F-15 Eagle, which though still outdated, is a technological marvel for Rebel Virginia. These are strictly fighters. Fighters are needed for Rebel Virginian home defense, however, two fighter-bomber squadrons, of the F-4 Phantom II design were also produced. These two squadrons will allow us to receive air support on the ground, and even destroy some enemy targets. All necessary for Rebel Virginia, a growing world superpower.

The commissioning of this air force, though unimpressive by world standards, is a great moment for Rebel Virginia, as it marks the first time in Rebel Virginian history that we have an air force we can maintain, and keep in working condition. Though in the past we have bought air forces from Triyunica, they fell apart as we lacked the technological know-how to keep the planes in shape. No more. Today marks a new era in Rebel Virginia history. Today we march forward into a new, more glorious, era.

Additionally, 25 M60 Patton tanks and 25 ASX-30 tanks have been produced. They will be integrated into the armor division in the coming days. Lastly, a recruiting drive has increased the size of the Rebel Virginia Army to 50,000 men.

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OOC: For your convenience, a map of Rebel Virginia


Grey Crosses: Industrial Centers

Buffalo, New York

Rochester, New York

Eire, Pennsylvania

Light Blue Lines: Dredged Rivers

Susquehanna River

Chemung River

Dark Blue Lines: Canals

Chemung River to Finger Lakes to Lake Ontario at Rochester, New York

Chemung River to Lake Eire at Buffalo, New York

Orange Squares: Army Bases

Fort Eustis, Virginia: 5,000 men, 25 ASX-30 tanks, 15 M110 Howitzers, one squad of AH-1 Cobra

Fort Story, Virginia: 5,000 men, 25 M60 tanks,

Fort Lee, Virginia: 5,000 men, 25, Mogatopian Buggies

Fort Myer, Virginia: 5,000 men, 25 ASX-30 tanks, one squad of UH-60 Black Hawk

Hawksbill Mountain Facility, Virginia: 5,000 men, 25 M60 tanks, one squad of AH-64 Apache, one squad of UH-60 Black Hawk

Aberdeen Proving Ground, Maryland: 5,000 men, 25 M60 tanks, one squad of AH-1 Cobra

Eastern Distribution Center, Pennsylvania: 5,000 men, 20 M42 Dusters, 25 M60

Tobyhanna Army Depot, Pennsylvania: 5,000 men, 25 M60 tanks

Fort Niagara, New York: 5,000 men, 25 M60 tanks, 20 M42 Dusters, 15 M110 Howitzers

Fort Seneca, New York: 5,000 men, 25 Mogatopian Buggies

Red Squares: Airforce Bases

Langley Air Force Base, Virginia: One squad of F-86, two squads of F-15, one squad of SH-3, one squad of B-52s

Dover Air Force Base, Delaware: Two squads of F-4, one squad of F-15, two squads of F-16, one squad of SH-3 Sea King, one squad of B-52s

Andrews Air Force Base, Maryland One squad of F-86, two squads of F-4, two squads of F-15, one squad of B-52s

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IC: We admire the engineering skills it must have taken to make those canals; they must have gone through some rough country at some point.

OOC: I was disappointed at first not seeing Fort Dix listed there, but then I realised you don't actually own New Jersey. You must invade it immediately. :mellow: How can you leave a military complex like that right on your doorstep?! /OOC

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Washington, D.C., Rebel Virginia - For undisclosed reasons, Rebel Virginia has entered DEFCON 1 and all active duty military personnel and aircraft are being moved to Niagara Falls, NY. By tomorrow afternoon 50,000 men and five squadrons of fighter aircraft will have arrived.

OOC: Since the whole Sumeragi/Camberlain fiasco got scrubbed, it appears I will not be advancing to Saboria after all. I still bought planes, so I'll RP them being produced. Just going to regular AFBs instead of the front though.


Washington, D.C., Rebel Virginia - Two squadrons of F-15s has been constructed, as well as an additional two squadrons of F-4s. Finally, we have unveiled a new fighter design. One squadron of the F-16 Fighting Falcon have been produced. The squadron of F-16s, along with one squadron of F-15s, will be stationed at Dover Air Force Base. Another squadron of F-15s will be stationed at Langley Air Force Base. Additionally one squadron of F-4s will be stationed at both Dover Air Force Base and Andrews Air Force Base.

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