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Did the Mods take a vacation?


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My money, and this is just a guess, is on them looking, seeing 20 reports from the same person in a row, then looking outside, seeing the wonderful weather of summer, and going, "Yay summer!"

You created the backlog and then proceed to complain about the backlog?

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My money, and this is just a guess, is on them looking, seeing 20 reports from the same person in a row, then looking outside, seeing the wonderful weather of summer, and going, "Yay summer!"

You created the backlog and then proceed to complain about the backlog?

Yeah, that might be the case if I had posted 20 reports or if I was the only one who didn't have reports taken care of...

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Yeah, that might be the case if I had posted 20 reports or if I was the only one who didn't have reports taken care of...

Face it, the mods are humans too, glorious humans, but humans nonetheless. They will not be on 24/7 to answer every minor grievance you bring against the community.

I'm looking at the forum reports right now. You are responsible for the majority of the reports in the first couple of pages... I like to make a report now and again when it's especially heinous or gross conduct but I don't expect it answered or looked at in 24, even 48 hours. They get answered when they get answered.

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I'm looking at the forum reports right now. You are responsible for the majority of the reports in the first couple of pages... I like to make a report now and again when it's especially heinous or gross conduct but I don't expect it answered or looked at in 24, even 48 hours. They get answered when they get answered.

Wow, troll much?

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Yeah, we all decided to go to admin's house and get drunk. And you don't want us to drink and mod, do you?

Drinking and Modding is sooo much FUNNN!!

And I know I'm not a mod, but can I plz have a Philo?

I'd like a Philo on the rocks, and go heavy on the everclear :)

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Just a note, seeing as I didn't expect this thread to even get a response...I have nothing against the mods taking a vacation, in fact, if they do, I'd like to congratulate them on getting away. 99.9% of the time you guys (and girls) do a fantastic job. I was just curious, that's all. Happy Labor Day, either way.

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Wow, troll much?

*Looks up the definition of trolling, looks at my post*

I was answering his question using the most honest and plausible theory of why the reports were not being done according to his timetable. It wasn't trolling and seeing as you're responsible for the second largest number of reports in recent days, one could argue that you've contributed to this backlog as well. Giving an answer to a question is not trolling just because the answer is not appealing to the OP. These are great forums and the response time of the mods here is pretty dang fast compared to the mod staff in other forums.

*orders a philo*

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If people didn't post so many reports that are clearly not even close to being rule violations, those of the community who post legitimate reports would probably be attended to much quicker. Too many people seem to post on emotion ("I don't like player X", "this post made me angry", etc)and then try to find a reason to report that post as a way to get at the other player.

That said, 4-5 days to process a report really doesn't seem to be much of a hold up. What's the rush anyway?

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There are so many petty and childish reports in that forum that it bogs down the process for reports that actually need to be looked at. I wouldn't be surprised if the Mod team took a vacation just to get away from that forum alone lol.

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