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Tournament Edition Bugs & Suggestions

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I was just wondering that 7 days is wayyyy too long for a CN:TE war. I have been fighting the same 5 people since I started. I mean can we end these alreeady? These guys are inactive with 0 soldiers and I cant do anything. If they were turtling its okay. But they arent. They just quit and left.

Is there any way that a war can be like 5 or 3 days? I think it would help alot..


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I think 7 day wars are ok. With the wars that I've fought with my nation the first couple of days were tough but they slowed down afterwards allowing me to rebuild before the next onslaught of wars declared on me.

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I think 7 day wars are ok. With the wars that I've fought with my nation the first couple of days were tough but they slowed down afterwards allowing me to rebuild before the next onslaught of wars declared on me.

Most of the comments about the 7 day wars are from people who are attacking, as opposed to people defending. Upon further thought, I think this short alpha period highlights every "clogged war slot" much more than a 90-day cycle would, so it won't be nearly as noticeable over a longer period. In short, having considered this, you're probably right. However, over the (essentially) 14-day period most of us are playing through now, 4 or 5 days of dead time is an eternity, which is why you're seeing the "shorten wars" comment so often.

I still think senate terms should be shortened, though!

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I'd like to see five day wars but with only two defensive slots for each nation. That's still six defensive wars across a fifteen day period as opposed to six in fourteen days but eliminates the 3v1 curbstomp option that, IMO, is the reason most people just give up right away.

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Lower the number sanctioned alliances to 6 or 8.

I don't see why it really matters, since sanctioning means pretty much nothing in TE. It's not like you get a flag for it, or anything.

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Hey, sorry if I sound like a noob, but I can't log on to my nation.. I am guessing that the CN TE was reset, but it wont let me register.. what do i do to get in next round?



Edited by Matt Moody
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Getting this: You already have a Cyber Nations Tournament Edition account. If you do not remember your user name or password you can have it sent to you.

I planned to roll under a new name. Then tried the old name, but it didn't exist.

Bug? Stupidity on my part? Solution?

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Event Date Event Expiration Event Description Response Options Current Response


9/9/2008 A major earthquake has rocked your northern territories causing severe damage to some of the villages located there. Option 1: Send building materials to rebuild the damaged areas. Citizen income -$5.00.

Option 2: Refuse to acknowledge that your people need help. Population happiness -3.

No Response. Population happiness -4.

Is that supposed to happen on the very first day? D:

I also echo uaciaut's statement. CM's are very expensive. Spy cost is exactly the same as in regular CN.

Edited by Stefan Uros VI
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Is this from the last round that ended on August 30th?


I don't recognize the names on here as compared to the minutes before reset on the 29th.

Nope, the top scores in the round ending the 30th were low/mid 3000 range. Those were prior to that, because that's the same list that was visible during the 30th's round.

Edit: Not sure if it's a bug and it was supposed to show last round's high scores, or if it intends to show highest all-time scores, but I think the latter is what's happening.

Edited by Vhalen
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Yeah, I was pretty sure that wasn't the right list, considering I was in the running for the top spot at one point and nowhere near those levels. Alas, I missed the top 10 :(.

I figure it'll update at some point, seeing as it has the Round Number drop down selection box.

Congratulations on your Top 3 (I believe) result.

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I reckon the max someone could get to would be 3k infra in the 90 day period. Thats only roughly 30 improvement slots with the current system which means things like navies would never be used and I was looking forward to playing around with them in TE.

My suggestion is either change the improvement requirement to 500 citizens or rather than have double tax collection, double the amount of citizens 1 level of infra gives(IIRC the base number is 7)

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I think it is rather strange that the less dense colours such as yellow, pink etc still require a senator to have 30 votes in order to create a sanction, I mean sometimes getting 30 votes on this aint possible due to the shear lack of numbers. Maybe the number of votes needed should be reduced?

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I think 7 day wars are ok. With the wars that I've fought with my nation the first couple of days were tough but they slowed down afterwards allowing me to rebuild before the next onslaught of wars declared on me.

I disagree, with a 7 day war thats 7.777777778% of total game play. Unlike with regular CN there is no aid, and therefore no recovery money, once the war is done either you move on, delete and start again, or you quit.

In the last round my 7 day war was basically 3 days, and 4 days sitting on my arse waiting for the war to end. the guy turtled and did not attack.

With the removal of Aid and peace mode, there is no real chance for recovery.. its war or die...

if your on the losing end of a war. sitting here and waiting for the madness to end, is a waste of time.

impo, I believe that a 3-4 day war would speed things up, instead of slowing things down with a 7 day war. 90 days is survival of the fittest.

Admin, you have lowered prices for everything else and times for alot of other things, why not give it a try with wars and anarchy times.

You already lowered the delete time to 3 days from 7.

how about give it a shot for this round and listen to reactions from those playing the game?

What do you have to lose.. if it don't work out.. it can be changed back.

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I disagree, with a 7 day war thats 7.777777778% of total game play. Unlike with regular CN there is no aid, and therefore no recovery money, once the war is done either you move on, delete and start again, or you quit.

In the last round my 7 day war was basically 3 days, and 4 days sitting on my arse waiting for the war to end. the guy turtled and did not attack.

With the removal of Aid and peace mode, there is no real chance for recovery.. its war or die...

if your on the losing end of a war. sitting here and waiting for the madness to end, is a waste of time.

impo, I believe that a 3-4 day war would speed things up, instead of slowing things down with a 7 day war. 90 days is survival of the fittest.

Admin, you have lowered prices for everything else and times for alot of other things, why not give it a try with wars and anarchy times.

You already lowered the delete time to 3 days from 7.

how about give it a shot for this round and listen to reactions from those playing the game?

What do you have to lose.. if it don't work out.. it can be changed back.

In the shortened round that ended Aug 30th (14 days for me), my first three wars lasted a two days, and other attackers cut the enemy to zero soldiers, yet I was still able to be somewhere near the top when it was over. I suggest that a lot depends on how you do other things, besides just war. I think 3 or 4 days is way too short...if I shortened it, I'd say around 5, but I was mostly basing that off the 14 day period. I feel like in 90 days, each war being (1/3 of) 7.8% of your time isn't all that bad. Keep in mind that, presumably, you can get several days of fighting in (as you claimed) before an opponent turtles anyway, so you only lose about half of that, and only if your opponent curls up in the fetal position.

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I reckon the max someone could get to would be 3k infra in the 90 day period. Thats only roughly 30 improvement slots with the current system which means things like navies would never be used and I was looking forward to playing around with them in TE.

My suggestion is either change the improvement requirement to 500 citizens or rather than have double tax collection, double the amount of citizens 1 level of infra gives(IIRC the base number is 7)

Or perhaps be able to collect taxes 2 times per day (every 12 hours, instead of every 24 hours). That would also make people get online more often and get more active in th game.

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