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3 bad events in a row


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what's up with those events?

Event Date Event Expiration Event Description Response Options Current Response


7/15/2008 Your economy is in a deep recession. Your government leaders have been asked for an official response. Option selected. See Current Response.

Option 1: Hold a speech to encourage citizens and let the recession heal itself. Population happiness -1.


7/15/2008 Several months have passed since the last rains in your outlying territories. Your people are now suffering from drought and your advisors state that food is a problem and health issues are expected soon. Option selected. See Current Response.

Option 2: Abandon your outlying territories and bring your citizens in where fresh water is more abundant. Land area -10%.


7/13/2008 Counterfeiters raided the national mint last night and stole your nation’s precious printing plates. They are now printing large amounts of counterfeit money. Option selected. See Current Response.

Option 2: Devote military resources to counterfeit detection. Citizen income -$3.00.

EVERY time I do something, I get an event, and always a bad one. Note how the two last events are both today. One for paying the bills, one for getting the taxes. It said there would be a 10% chance everytime you pay bills or collect taxes. However I don't buy that, if I get it 3 times in a row.

Also, what's up with every event being a bad one? If this continues at this rate, my nation isn't going to be able to survive, with all these reduced incomes for a month, and they just keep coming!

Edited by Lodev
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my guess is, if you collect around the same time everyday, that events might be more likely to come then? I used to think that you're name had something to do with selection as well...

or as style says, bad luck.

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well it is 0.10*0.10*0.10 = 0.001 = 1/1000 chance of you getting 3 in a row. That probability seems a bit too low for you to happen to get the events, especially since they have only been reworked in the last few days, but perfectly possible.

Maybe admin happened to be tweaking when you was doing things..

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Even if it is a 1/1000 chance, there are 31000 player nations in the game. So in theory 31 people are in a similar position as you, though they may not have gotten all bad events. In fact, somebody out there probably has 3 good events going. Not me though, I got my first event in like 4 months and it was a bad one. :(

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1/1000 people will get 3 events in a row. Out of those, admin said 1/2 the events are negative, so there's a 1/8th chance of getting 3 negative events in a row. Therefore, there are ~4 people in the game who got slammed by three negative events in a row

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Can I have your events...please?

Recently, storms have hit your nation, causing widespread flooding, disruption, and downed power lines. Hundreds of people have had to be evacuated from their homes and crops have been destroyed. Option selected.

Extent your sympathies but suggest that people should be doing more to help themselves. Population happiness -4, Citizen income -$2.00.

Your main ethnic group and a small minority are experiencing various inter-racial problems. During a heated debate recently violence broke out in your capital city and many buildings were burned. Option selected. See Current Response.

Send in armed soldiers to quell the violence and restore the buildings to show you retain order in your capital. Citizen income -$3.00.

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I've gotten 3 events out of 4 days, two of them being good. The bad one was only -10% land, so no big deal.

That sounds like nothing, but what if you are like Bob Janova say, and you have over 10k land? Losing 10% of that would seem to be a horrible option.

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Directly quoting Admin, There's 48% chance of getting a bad event and 52% chance of getting a good event, you're just having bad luck.

EDIT: Actually, he said that 48% of the events are negative and 52% are positive. I don't know if there's a larger chance of getting a negative or a positive event :S

Edited by Fredginator
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Is there a limit to the number of events a nation may get over a month?

I certainly hope there is with 1/3 for me having been a good event. The other wasn't too bad but the other was awful

Edited by KayvanShrike
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Yeah you get your land back. I had the event on whether to lose 2 happiness or 10% land, and I chose to lose the happiness.

Area of Influence: 11,237.250 mile diameter.
National Wonders: Agriculture Development Program, Great Temple, Internet, Interstate System, Social Security System, Stock Market

That wonder made me about 650k :awesome:

Edited by o ya baby
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I have gotten 2 bad events(combined -6 happiness, and -$5.00 income) in just the last few days. If it keeps up I am not going to keep playing.

The events last for a full month, so they have the potential to just keep stacking up and doing more and more damage to my nation.

Edited by Doctor Strange
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The events last for a full month, so they have the potential to just keep stacking up and doing more and more damage to my nation.

I've seen a lot of questions about this so I'll address the issue here. The odds of getting an event decrease the more that you receive. After 3 active events your odds decrease, and if you get 8 events you will not receive any new events until one or more events expire. Events won't just "keep stacking up" and if the settings that I've detailed here need to be tweaked we can do that too.

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