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51 minutes ago, firingline said:

Again, a very different message from what your current gov (Lyanna) and your former gov (Stewie) say about these things. What an interesting stance from Non Grata. "If you don't like our sphere's personal attacks, quit Discord."

My argument really isn't too worried about past or current administrations of my alliance, or anyone else.

Anyone with any joy left in them for this game can see how absolutely toxic situations just like this have been for the whole health of the community.

I'm pretty confident this would all be a lot more fun if we could move passed "3 grown @$$ people refuse to use the block function"

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1 minute ago, KameraadLenin said:

My argument really isn't too worried about past or current administrations of my alliance, or anyone else.

Anyone with any joy left in them for this game can see how absolutely toxic situations just like this have been for the whole health of the community.

I'm pretty confident this would all be a lot more fun if we could move passed "3 grown @$$ people refuse to use the block function"


The toxicity comes from those perpetrating intentional personal attacks. Direct your anger at the root cause. We'd all certainly have a lot more fun if we could agree that intentionally personally attacking others is wrong.

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13 minutes ago, firingline said:


The toxicity comes from those perpetrating intentional personal attacks. Direct your anger at the root cause. We'd all certainly have a lot more fun if we could agree that intentionally personally attacking others is wrong.

ahh so now we're out here trying to prove intent for actions that happened outside of the game, which is fair, thats basically whats been happening in this thread.

some joyless slop this is though, good lord. Fight over a flag or something, its a lot more fun.


Edited by KameraadLenin
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7 hours ago, KameraadLenin said:

ahh so now we're out here trying to prove intent for actions that happened outside of the game, which is fair, thats basically whats been happening in this thread.


"Outside the game" is a pretty big stretch considering it happened in the main communication channel for the game.


I also don't think we really need to debate intent - Armen was clearly acting in bad faith, and showed absolutely no remorse, telling Hersh he would 'fight back with whatever it takes' because 'war is war'. To him, the OOC personal attacks were completely justifiable. Quite the difference from what LWW tried to portray ('Armen is just some poor soul reacting in the moment out of anger and he felt really bad afterwards!')

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2 hours ago, CrinkledStraw said:


Children know this. It’s not hard.


Yeah, that's what your leader claimed, then I found dozens of examples of NGers - including you - doing it. 



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24 minutes ago, CrinkledStraw said:

That response, like many of your others, makes no sense. 


I thought "it's not hard." Now you're confused. Which is it?

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On 7/3/2024 at 9:45 AM, firingline said:

it became clear he wanted to discuss it and it would be rude not to


On 7/3/2024 at 1:02 PM, firingline said:

clearly looking for conversation on the topic


On 7/3/2024 at 10:30 PM, firingline said:

practically begging me to respond

This bile you’ve been spewing is beyond scummy, even by your standards. It’s shocking that Mr I Definitely Hate Victim Blaming is spending multiple pages essentially saying “Paul wanted me to do it,” in spite of the fact that he literally got on this thread to tell you to leave him alone (which you haven’t), and provably told Lyanna at the time that your comments bothered him. I wasn’t expecting much more than a feigned “sorry your feelings got hurt” apology, but given your long track record of attacking people for doing the exact same thing you’re more than happy to do (and then arguing that some minor nuance makes it totally different), I guess this shouldn’t surprise me either. 

I’d say that I don’t know how anyone except Cobweb still takes you seriously, but honestly I don’t really think anyone actually does. You’re a barely-useful agent of chaos that can be cheered on when it’s convenient, and laughed at regardless, sort of like Lord Hitchcock but somehow even less self aware of the role you’re playing. The thing that really stinks this time, though, is that your chaos is now genuinely hurting people. You’ve always sat right on that line when you’re antagonizing people, hoping for them to take it one step further so you can play victim - like the numerous times you’ve talked about how emotional Lyanna was when interacting with you without actually using that word - and you at least used to usually keep it IC, but now you’re just openly blurring the lines. God knows how many people you’re going to drag down with you before this is over, but given how nakedly self centered you are, I have a feeling that it probably won’t end here. 

I say all of this knowing that nothing is going to change. You’ll keep bringing up Paul despite the fact that he asked you not to, and you’ll keep referencing OOC information that he and his alliance have gone out of their way to keep out of this forum - all the while pretending to be so outraged over the kind of behavior that no one is exhibiting in this thread except for you. Maybe I’m wrong, and you’ll finally shut up and go exit the peace mode that you let us beat you all the way down to 0.5 NS to achieve, but I doubt it. 

Edited by lilweirdward
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15 hours ago, lilweirdward said:



The crocodile tears get really old, really fast.


Armen admitted he will continue to use personal attacks because "war is war" and you can't find it in yourself to do anything about it. So please spare me your hand-wringing about the type of conversations you have no problem with Non Grata having but magically find "bile" when politically expedient for you. 



You’ll keep bringing up Paul 


Let's be very clear.


1) Non Grata brought up the conversation initially regarding Paul. Not me.

2) Non Grata and her allies keep bringing it up - most recently you, with this post. Of course, you keep claiming you want the conversation to end... but then you keep reviving it. Odd.

3) A standing offer to Lyanna exists to scrub all references to the incident with Paul from this thread. Each day, Lyanna declines that offer. So again, enough of your crocodile tears.



but given your long track record of attacking people for doing the exact same thing you’re more than happy to do


Now this is bile. To be clear, I haven't done "the exact same thing" as what Armen has done. And you're a pretty disgusting person for trying to use 'whataboutism' to desperately attempt to justify continued personal attacks emanating from your alliance.

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This is starting to look truly weird now. 17 pages in an IC forum arguing about what someone said on a discord server (are they IC or OOC, does anyone care?) is kind of tragic. This is a game, or should be. You're not OK FL. Take a step back. 

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10 minutes ago, Sabcat said:

This is starting to look truly weird now. 17 pages in an IC forum arguing about what someone said on a discord server (are they IC or OOC, does anyone care?) is kind of tragic. This is a game, or should be. You're not OK FL. Take a step back. 


The things people say is considered important by the two alliances involved (CCC, Nukes^6).


I understand that you do not care, and you are of course free to go about your day.

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1 hour ago, Sabcat said:

This is starting to look truly weird now. 17 pages in an IC forum arguing about what someone said on a discord server (are they IC or OOC, does anyone care?) is kind of tragic. This is a game, or should be. You're not OK FL. Take a step back. 

I would counter that it is tragic that this is 17 pages deep and the offender and/or protectors of the offender have yet to come to the table with an admittance of guilt or an offer to make amends. 


The last several pages have been a poor attempt to distract from the real problem of OOC attacks. Reminds me of Matthew 7:3 "Why do you look at the speck of sawdust in your brother’s eye and pay no attention to the plank in your own eye?"

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Personally, I don't see a huge difference to negatively referring to someone's substance use and saying someone should spend less time on CN more on their marriage. IMO these are both kinda distasteful but relatively minor infractions considering the context of how the information was obtained and the circumstances of it's use.

A bigger difference I see is;

In one case an alliance was just managing it's own server. (NG) (who isn't CCC btw. they are two different alliances who can manage themselves differently but still defend each other's sovereign rights)

In the other case someone was trying to impose their will on another server/alliance, declaring IC war when they don't get their way, spreading the OOC far and wide. (Firingline)

and 100% this thread is weird and never would've been allowed to get this far before. should've been in Open World RP at least

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@Canik I'm not going to sit here and exaggerate that particular incident because it would be politically expedient to do so. I've acknowledged that Armen's comments towards Hersh were less aggressive than his previous personal attacks.


It's a big part of why, when I approached CCC, the emphasis was on "hey, this keeps happening - granted this last incident was not the end of the world, but we have a clear pattern of stuff what was really bad and Armen is clearly not getting better. You say you can't speak for past administrations? Ok. You say this isn't enough to act? I get that. But this stuff keeps happening and I am just looking for a firm commitment that you really will act if we see another bad personal attack; this is like the 4th time you said you'd 'talk to him' and it's not working."


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9 hours ago, Sabcat said:

This is starting to look truly weird now. 17 pages in an IC forum arguing about what someone said on a discord server (are they IC or OOC, does anyone care?) is kind of tragic. This is a game, or should be. You're not OK FL. Take a step back. 

he just wants the attention no one can be as soft as charmin, 

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9 hours ago, cobwebbyarc6 said:

I would counter that it is tragic that this is 17 pages deep and the offender and/or protectors of the offender have yet to come to the table with an admittance of guilt or an offer to make amends. 


The last several pages have been a poor attempt to distract from the real problem of OOC attacks. Reminds me of Matthew 7:3 "Why do you look at the speck of sawdust in your brother’s eye and pay no attention to the plank in your own eye?"



They're not going to. This attempt to use IC means to pursue OOC grievances has failed. The community has made a few comments and collectively shrugged. 

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On 7/6/2024 at 10:14 AM, Sabcat said:



They're not going to. This attempt to use IC means to pursue OOC grievances has failed. The community has made a few comments and collectively shrugged. 


I went away for a week and this is still desperately being pushed so..



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23 hours ago, Johnny Apocalypse said:


I went away for a week and this is still desperately being pushed so..



I'm happy to be wrong but as I see it, fl went after ccc over this, got a handful of nations to join him and now they're all either in pm or getting hit by multiple alliances and no one's kicked anyone. 

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39 minutes ago, Sabcat said:

I'm happy to be wrong but as I see it, fl went after ccc over this, got a handful of nations to join him and now they're all either in pm or getting hit by multiple alliances and no one's kicked anyone. 


What a decisive victory and worthwhile effort this 17 pager has been for us to witness


gg wp all

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6 hours ago, Johnny Apocalypse said:


What a decisive victory and worthwhile effort this 17 pager has been for us to witness


gg wp all

Has forum bickering ever accomplished anything but entertainment? :popcorn:

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