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Thinking of playing CN actively again but its been awhile since I paid attention so with no strong feelings or loyalty towards any group in particular why not stick up this thread. Medium sized active alliances that want to grow is probably what I am looking for but open to any pitch. Really anyone who wants to shake things up or thinks their alliance will be playing a interesting role in CN will be considered so have at it ?

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Join Argent - 'cos we're relevant!


On a serious note, Argent fits what you are asking perfectly. We have plenty of sellers with open slots that sell at 6mil/200 tech, we are growing (doubled in size since Jan), we are at a point where we can affect strategies etc (above 10 score), our IRC activity can be good, but could be better, though I guess that goes for the majority of alliances. Depending on how involved you want to get there is always open positions in government and we would always welcome an additional hand.


If you want to find out more or have a chat you can find us on IRC @ #argent on coldfront or you can visit our forums at: http://s1.zetaboards.com/Argent/index/


Wherever you choose to go I wish you the best, but you sure would look good as a Dragon!

Edited by Cress
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Flying Sabres


We are a new alliance of old leaders, leading new nations, shaking things up, and bringing military might and experience to the battlefield.  


There are two kinds of pain in this world. The sort of pain that hardens your will, gives you resolve, makes you stronger; and there is the kind of pain that breeds cowards, harbors misery, leads to suffering, leaves you useless.  We thrive on pain, we bring pain... we have no patience for useless things. 


You know who we are



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I think Nordreich has a lot of potential at the moment. We've gotten a wave of new active members and still have a strong core of old timers. Progressivism is alive and well at Nordreich. Recently we've updated our education system and have updated or instituted new economic programs. 


Medium sized active alliances that want to grow is probably what I am looking for


We are definitely medium sized (~85 members), so there is plenty of room to grow. There's plenty of work available if that's your thing, whether your're interested in recruiting, FA, finance, or education. 


In the end, if you're looking for an established alliance with an established history, culture, and member base... but who also has plenty of potential and room to grow, Nordreich is an alliance to consider. 


Feel free to message me if you have any questions or find me on #nordreich. 

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Sup steodonn.  :)

Kashmir fits exactly with what you want. Just check out Rush's thread on the OWF. http://forums.cybernations.net/index.php?/topic/126230-christmas-in-march/#entry3371471

Came here to post this. It's easy to talk oneself up (and we're no different in those regards) but I think a clearly less biased description from a third party is far more telling.

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Come join Saoirse...we are an alliance that is all about maintaining the core values of unity and prosperity. We also value you as a family member, not some stat in the game. Sent in-game message.

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What happened to joining The Great Trading Empire? :P

Welp I got scurt cuz of Emperor Marx... :facepalm: :frantic: And my hypocrisy can only go so far, as everyone knows I'm not a peace loving trader... :ehm:

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Join the New Pacific Order! We're a fairly new, but quickly growing AA on planet bob with lots of goals and ambitions including the dismantling of the Aftermath Bloc, potential of a treaty or ordinance with New Polar Order, cutting off DBDC's tech supply, removing GPA from the game, and not having Uncle Sam as our avatar.


Check it out if it sounds like it's for you.

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