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Tywin Vote

Captain Enema

It's all about Tywin all of the time..  

56 members have voted

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This is a vote to determine whether Tywin will remain on the Community Role Play, also known as cnrp2, map.


Any posting on this thread will void your vote.



This poll will remain open for 24 hours.



Simple majority required for either way.

Edited by Tidy Bowl Man
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1. Polls require a discussion thread first and must be started by a GM w/ a time limit in the OP.


2. Polls must be public to ensure that only community members are voting.


We've got ourselves a discussion thread here, nothing more.

Uberstein summed it up here on your voting out thread. 
This poll is invalid.
Edited by Rotavele
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Better idea. Give up this CNRP2 nonsense, rp the plenty of open land (or ask about land already occupied), and use that activity of yours to really boost things around here :)

Even better idea, we continue doing our own thing and move forward with having a highly active RP community!
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Uberstein summed it up here on your voting out thread. 
This poll is invalid.


It's a tricky situation. According to the powers of the GM's, "The role of the GM is to not create a body of precedents," and "
GM decisions are a case by case situation as each RP is unique and the role players involved are different."


Given that there was a 3 out of 3 GM vote for this poll to happen, one could make the case that it is valid. I'll be blunt and say that I'm pushing my own agenda when I say this is a perfect example of why we need more defined powers for GM's than what are currently listed in the rules. I've always been a big believer in clear, single-interpretation rules, and I don't enjoy having to make rulings off of vague ones.

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It's a tricky situation. According to the powers of the GM's, "The role of the GM is to not create a body of precedents," and "
GM decisions are a case by case situation as each RP is unique and the role players involved are different."


Given that there was a 3 out of 3 GM vote for this poll to happen, one could make the case that it is valid. I'll be blunt and say that I'm pushing my own agenda when I say this is a perfect example of why we need more defined powers for GM's than what are currently listed in the rules. I've always been a big believer in clear, single-interpretation rules, and I don't enjoy having to make rulings off of vague ones.


If GM rulings are different for every case, I am fine with that. 


I will also be expecting all other GM decisions to be invalid until you rule on it again too as per your rules.


From my opinion:


This is a community driven RP, and by that account we require a discussion for the removal of players from said RP. There was no discussion, thus this vote is invalid by your own merits. You are to enforce to the rules, not dictate and make them. This is more an example of a GM over stepping their boundaries. Just because you three GM's wanted this poll does not mean that the community has wanted it. He is roleplaying, that is what we are all here to do, you people are just basing things on OOC merits at this point. Remember we are here to separate OOC and IC.

Edited by Rotavele
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Current Analysis of the Vote


No: MogarcommanderragnarYerushalayimTywin Lannistermona lisaEvangeline AnovilisKevin KingswellImperator AzenquorKnights111Lord Hersheyjeff744,PresidentDavidAggressivenutmegMr DirectorLysergideRotaveleJarl Frost


Yes: Markus WildingTidy Bowl ManHerenoShave N HaircutLynnethUberstein,Louis XlVjesbroJEDCJTlkfhtEumirbagoAvakaelMara Lithaenxoindotnler,Zoot Zootbones wizardAlduin


- 3 No, Rotavele (Posted here ;) ), JarlFrost (Posted here), and Commanderragnar (No nation)


- 4 Yes Xoindotlner,Avakael, Eurmirbago, LouisXIV (All no nations)



Who will be the final hit?

Edited by Rotavele
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Meh, better just to conduct a complete overhaul and launch CNRP3 with better rules. Everyone would be able to transfer their current nations if they desire, or their past nations which were wiped from the map.


You have a vote too.


Also since every GM ruling is on a case-by-case basis, I am expecting the random GM ruling of posts not counting towards the vote to all be ruled on. 


Since we had no discussion thread, and I am a part of this community, will my vote count Uber?

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You could have started a discussion thread. Anyone who posted in this thread past the OP, myself included, has their vote voided.


So could this have happened before the ruling. Also 7 voices of the community were silenced by your ruling right there. Since the first post of the thread is TidyBowlMan and is the OP (Original Post) and is included as a post definitively, his vote is voided too.




PM me about this


You just got your vote voided... You do realize you can PM him instead of posting "Pm me about this"?

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Current Analysis of the Vote


No: MogarcommanderragnarYerushalayimTywin Lannistermona lisaEvangeline AnovilisKevin KingswellImperator AzenquorKnights111Lord Hersheyjeff744,PresidentDavidAggressivenutmegMr DirectorLysergideRotaveleJarl Frost


Yes: Markus WildingTidy Bowl ManHerenoShave N HaircutLynnethUberstein,Louis XlVjesbroJEDCJTlkfht, EumirbagoAvakaelMara Lithaenxoindotnler,Zoot Zootbones wizardAlduin CubaQuerida


- 5 No, Rotavele (Posted here  ;) ), JarlFrost (Posted here), Tywinn Lanister (posted here), Knights111 (Posted here), and Commanderragnar (No nation)


- 6 Yes Xoindotlner,Avakael, Eurmirbago, LouisXIV, CubaQuerida(All no nations), Uberstein (Posted here), Tidybowlman (Posted here)



Welcome back Tywinn <3

Edited by Rotavele
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*dons GM Hat*

I have said no where where the thread is only recognized at one's own dispense. Neither have I stated that the thread is illegitimate to begin with.



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