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A...! :O DECLARATION!!! ...of waaaar?! \o?

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This is how WD's solve rouge spy attacks. Just attack everyone and anyone who you think might be the perpetrator until the attacks cease.


Not the old fashion way of solving these issues with the suspected attackers AA leaders (normally If they're caught) or just getting over yourself and accept these spy attacks happen very often and are just part of people's strategies. You handled this very poorly but I still think it was a excuse to attack me. You had no evidence and you still have none so why judge someone guilty without a trial or any evidence?


Just because the attacks stopped doesn't mean it was me which is still what your trying to push and use to justify the 25+ attacks on me in one update. How do we know the attacks stopped? Can you show proof of that because I sure don't believe any of your lies. You and your friends started lying about your DoW being a up declare so what makes you think I'll believe anything you say now?


Okay. First the spying: War Doves engaged you because I was certain it was you who was doing the spying. You had the motive. You got pissed when I spied your government after you were nuked and spent 5 million on spies the 2nd to last day of the war. So you spent 5 million to save yourself from being spied 2 or 3 more times? I'd be upset too if I rashly dropped 5 mil on spies, only to find out we could still easily spy you. You botched your rebuild, and you knew it. Say what you will, but the econ spy ops stopped as soon as we engaged you, and here we are, 4 days later and still none. That's a pretty big coincidence considering we were receiving 2 a day everyday on nations you were in range of since the war ended. Was it the right way to go about things? No, I'll admit that, but I got the results I wanted. There's no doubt in my mind that it was you, and like I said before, I don't really care if you admitted to it now. The spying stopped. That's what I care about. I most certainly don't care about your opinion on the matter.


Now about me being a liar: Go ahead and ask around. Anyone who's met me will tell you that I've never once lied to them. It's not how I operate, and people know that. Out of all the things that I am, a liar is not one. 
Let's go over the NS stats you so desperately want from the Skaro/Misfits war. War Doves/Hellas/Rat Basterds declared war on the 2/15-2/16 update, so I'm going to pull stats from growth charts on 2/14 before anybody built up for war:
[url=http://tournament.cybernations.net/nation_drill_display_charts.asp?Nation_ID=1000223]Mr Hunt (Hellas) 15,805 NS[/url]
[url=http://tournament.cybernations.net/nation_drill_display_charts.asp?Nation_ID=1000156]Jack123 (WD) 13,990 NS[/url]
[url=http://tournament.cybernations.net/nation_drill_display_charts.asp?Nation_ID=1000185]Alexandros (Hellas) 13,975 NS[/url]
[url=http://tournament.cybernations.net/nation_drill_display.asp?Nation_ID=1000123]DerrysWalls (Misfits) 14,335.37 NS[/url]
[url=http://tournament.cybernations.net/nation_drill_display_charts.asp?Nation_ID=1000276]Darkwater1 (Skaro) 10,700 NS[/url]
*Note: We had a deserter, so Jack123 did declare a missed target 
[url=http://tournament.cybernations.net/nation_drill_display_charts.asp?Nation_ID=1000010]Bombuator (Hellas) 10,873 NS[/url]
[url=http://tournament.cybernations.net/nation_drill_display_charts.asp?Nation_ID=1000223]Wasso (Hellas) 12,350 NS[/url]
[url=http://tournament.cybernations.net/nation_drill_display_charts.asp?Nation_ID=1000073]Samwise (WD) 7,374 NS[/url]
[url=http://tournament.cybernations.net/nation_drill_display_charts.asp?Nation_ID=1000331]kzjds (Misfits) 13,771.025 NS[/url]
Integral Land (Misfits) 13,460 NS
[url=http://tournament.cybernations.net/nation_drill_display_charts.asp?Nation_ID=1000247]Kaboom (Misfits) 13,018.6 NS[/url]
*Note: Wasso hit another missed target when one of our targets sent peace
[url=http://tournament.cybernations.net/nation_drill_display_charts.asp?Nation_ID=1000202]Antonia (Hellas) 10,188 NS[/url]
[url=http://tournament.cybernations.net/nation_drill_display_charts.asp?Nation_ID=1000170]Blackstorm (Hellas) 10,180 NS[/url]
[url=http://tournament.cybernations.net/nation_drill_display_charts.asp?Nation_ID=1000172]tjayh913 (Hellas) 7,249[/url]
[url=http://tournament.cybernations.net/nation_drill_display_charts.asp?Nation_ID=1000237]Cloud (Misfits) 13,474.969 NS[/url]
[url=http://tournament.cybernations.net/nation_drill_display_charts.asp?Nation_ID=1000306]jon elway (Skaro) 9,232 NS[/url]
[url=http://tournament.cybernations.net/nation_drill_display_charts.asp?Nation_ID=1000230]Alabama 8,016.748 NS[/url]
[url=http://tournament.cybernations.net/nation_drill_display_charts.asp?Nation_ID=1000207]Kings Landing (Hellas) 12,804 NS[/url]
[url=http://tournament.cybernations.net/nation_drill_display_charts.asp?Nation_ID=1000263]Mogar (Hellas) 7,737 NS[/url]
[url=http://tournament.cybernations.net/nation_drill_display_charts.asp?Nation_ID=1000198]Valinor (Hellas) 7,388 NS[/url]
[url=http://tournament.cybernations.net/nation_drill_display_charts.asp?Nation_ID=1000350]Americonia (Misfits) 9,409.97 NS[/url]
[url=http://tournament.cybernations.net/nation_drill_display_charts.asp?Nation_ID=1000258]Wild Wild West (Skaro) 7,288.169 NS[/url]
[url=http://tournament.cybernations.net/nation_drill_display_charts.asp?Nation_ID=1000337]America (Misfits) 6,999.97 NS[/url]
*Note: Of these targets, Kings Landing only engaged Americonia
[url=http://tournament.cybernations.net/nation_drill_display_charts.asp?Nation_ID=1000225]Kurdanak (WD) 9,698 NS[/url]
[url=http://tournament.cybernations.net/nation_drill_display_charts.asp?Nation_ID=1000273]Belisarius (WD) 6,629 NS[/url]
[url=http://tournament.cybernations.net/nation_drill_display_charts.asp?Nation_ID=1000036]Faith (Skaro) 9,087.56 NS[/url]
[url=http://tournament.cybernations.net/nation_drill_display_charts.asp?Nation_ID=1000118]yogiland (Skaro) 8,906.56 NS[/url]
[url=http://tournament.cybernations.net/nation_drill_display_charts.asp?Nation_ID=1000363]Incorp (Misfits) 7,888.203 NS[/url]
[url=http://tournament.cybernations.net/nation_drill_display_charts.asp?Nation_ID=1000063]digger (WD) 8,293 NS[/url]
[url=http://tournament.cybernations.net/nation_drill_display_charts.asp?Nation_ID=1000158]TJack75 (WD) 6,022 NS[/url]
[url=http://tournament.cybernations.net/nation_drill_display_charts.asp?Nation_ID=1000059]Celeria (Skaro) 8,259.713 NS[/url]
[url=http://tournament.cybernations.net/nation_drill_display_charts.asp?Nation_ID=1000313]Utkal (Misfits) 7,653 NS[/url]
[url=http://tournament.cybernations.net/nation_drill_display_charts.asp?Nation_ID=1000335]killie (Skaro) 6,719.97 NS[/url]
[url=http://tournament.cybernations.net/nation_drill_display_charts.asp?Nation_ID=1000229]Angel Beats (WD) 10,405 NS[/url]
Millennium (WD) 
[url=http://tournament.cybernations.net/nation_drill_display_charts.asp?Nation_ID=1000192]Celeryville (Skaro) 8,219.118 NS[/url]
[url=http://tournament.cybernations.net/nation_drill_display_charts.asp?Nation_ID=1000157]Rathouse (Misfits) 8,086.556 NS[/url]
[url=http://tournament.cybernations.net/nation_drill_display_charts.asp?Nation_ID=1000275]Darkon (Skaro) 8,060.87 NS[/url]
*Note: Millennium rerolled which is why his NS is left blank and without a link
[url=http://tournament.cybernations.net/nation_drill_display_charts.asp?Nation_ID=1000343]Ratistan (RB) 7,012 NS[/url]
[url=http://tournament.cybernations.net/nation_drill_display.asp?Nation_ID=1000191]Ratislava (RB) 7,158 NS[/url]
[url=http://tournament.cybernations.net/nation_drill_display_charts.asp?Nation_ID=1000291]omgitsripl (Skaro) 7,667.756 NS[/url]
[url=http://tournament.cybernations.net/nation_drill_display_charts.asp?Nation_ID=1000071]Axaystrana (Skaro) 7,634.413 NS[/url]
[url=http://tournament.cybernations.net/nation_drill_display_charts.asp?Nation_ID=1000321]Renton (Misfits) 7,607.02 NS[/url]
[url=http://tournament.cybernations.net/nation_drill_display_charts.asp?Nation_ID=1000323]Rosdale (WD) 6,051[/url]
Fox Fire (WD)
[url=http://tournament.cybernations.net/nation_drill_display_charts.asp?Nation_ID=1000210]Eurasia (Skaro) 6,944.758 NS[/url]
[url=http://tournament.cybernations.net/nation_drill_display_charts.asp?Nation_ID=1000086]Unknown (Misfits) 6,873.475 NS[/url]
[url=http://tournament.cybernations.net/nation_drill_display_charts.asp?Nation_ID=1000400]endland (Skaro) 6,075.981 NS[/url]
[url=http://tournament.cybernations.net/nation_drill_display_charts.asp?Nation_ID=1000189]SurenGal (WD) 6,408 NS[/url]
[url=http://tournament.cybernations.net/nation_drill_display_charts.asp?Nation_ID=1000318]Tyler Canoe (WD) 4,405 NS[/url]
[url=http://tournament.cybernations.net/nation_drill_display_charts.asp?Nation_ID=1000029]NEW IDEALISM (Skaro) 6,569.97 NS[/url]
[url=http://tournament.cybernations.net/nation_drill_display_charts.asp?Nation_ID=1000163]Orphan Black (Skaro) 6,208 NS[/url]
[url=http://tournament.cybernations.net/nation_drill_display_charts.asp?Nation_ID=1000316]New Valyria (Skaro) 5,874.97 NS[/url]
[url=http://tournament.cybernations.net/nation_drill_display_charts.asp?Nation_ID=1000252]Maximum (WD) 4,689 NS[/url]
[url=http://tournament.cybernations.net/nation_drill_display_charts.asp?Nation_ID=1000205]Cloud Kicker (WD) 6,891 NS[/url]
[url=http://tournament.cybernations.net/nation_drill_display_charts.asp?Nation_ID=1000241]DALEK DON (Skaro) 6,486.31 NS[/url]
TheIllusionist (Skaro) 6,483.555 NS
RED SOX (Skaro) 5,731.278 NS
[url=http://tournament.cybernations.net/nation_drill_display_charts.asp?Nation_ID=1000037]Criminal (WD) 6,438 NS[/url]
[url=http://tournament.cybernations.net/nation_drill_display_charts.asp?Nation_ID=1000416]Che87 (WD) 5,969 NS[/url]
[url=http://tournament.cybernations.net/nation_drill_display_charts.asp?Nation_ID=1000389]Choiseul (Skaro) 6,458 NS[/url]
[url=http://tournament.cybernations.net/nation_drill_display_charts.asp?Nation_ID=1000312]panokato (Skaro) 6,111.6 NS[/url]
[url=http://tournament.cybernations.net/nation_drill_display_charts.asp?Nation_ID=1000014]Bigdowg (Skaro) 6,053.6 NS[/url]
[url=http://tournament.cybernations.net/nation_drill_display_charts.asp?Nation_ID=1000269]Aperture Science (Hellas) 4,405 NS[/url]
[url=http://tournament.cybernations.net/nation_drill_display_charts.asp?Nation_ID=1000234]Equality Nation (Hellas) 5,913 NS[/url]
[url= http://tournament.cybernations.net/nation_drill_display_charts.asp?Nation_ID=1000239]Nubolandia (Skaro) 6,059.74 NS[/url]
[url=http://tournament.cybernations.net/nation_drill_display_charts.asp?Nation_ID=1000270]Tejanistan (Skaro) 5,813.84 NS[/url]
[url=http://tournament.cybernations.net/nation_drill_display_charts.asp?Nation_ID=1000186]Wolfton (Skaro) 5,561.537 NS[/url]
[url=http://tournament.cybernations.net/nation_drill_display_charts.asp?Nation_ID=1000171]Ignorance (Hellas) 5,851 NS[/url]
[url=http://tournament.cybernations.net/nation_drill_display_charts.asp?Nation_ID=1000232]HellasMacedonia (Hellas) 5,018 NS[/url]
[url=http://tournament.cybernations.net/nation_drill_display_charts.asp?Nation_ID=1000150]Fascist America (Skaro) 5,975.75 NS[/url]
[url=http://tournament.cybernations.net/nation_drill_display_charts.asp?Nation_ID=1000347]Commorragh (Skaro) 5,347 NS[/url]
[url=http://tournament.cybernations.net/nation_drill_display_charts.asp?Nation_ID=1000227]Muppetswag (Skaro) 5,019.513[/url]
[url=http://tournament.cybernations.net/nation_drill_display_charts.asp?Nation_ID=1000148]Night Hawk (RB) 6,443 NS[/url]
[url=http://tournament.cybernations.net/nation_drill_display_charts.asp?Nation_ID=1000352]Hellhound (RB) 5,311 NS[/url]
[url=http://tournament.cybernations.net/nation_drill_display_charts.asp?Nation_ID=1000376]Caliente (Skaro) 5,688.498 NS[/url]
[url=http://tournament.cybernations.net/nation_drill_display_charts.asp?Nation_ID=1000388]Ephland (Skaro) 5,384.91 NS[/url]
Looking at the above stats, you'll see that things seemed about even. You had your downdeclares, updeclares, and even declarations. We did have the blitz advantage. But you'll notice that almost all of War Doves, Rat Basterds, and even 2 strike teams in Hellas were declaring 2v3 wars. That means Skaro/Misfits had the potential from the start to issue more damage to us than we could dish out, because our strike teams were a man short.
But now consider the 24 Skaro nations that we could not engage because we ran out of war slots:
Fringe Division 5130.971 NS
Unified Commonwealth 4,966.4 NS
Seven Kingdoms 1,608.661 NS
^IMO, that's what made this an updeclare. We might have had the blitz advantage, but a blitz advantage means you get the bonus of being able to hit first. All these nations were given the opportunity to hit first. Very few thanked us for it, built up, backcollected and then actually declared wars. Most did absolutely nothing. That is not my fault. It's also not my fault most of these people are still in Skaro now.

Anyway, time to move on.


It is not us that need to move on. You are the one baiting responses. I was ready to let you spout off whatever you wanted to say until you called me a liar.

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Looking at those declares, looks like misfits were feeling the love. Haha


I've said it before, and I'll say it again, it's unfortunate that Misfits had be included in this DoW, as they took most of the damage whereas almost half of Skaro's members went untouched. This would have gone a lot differently if even half of those people built up, backcollected, then countered us. Sadly it was just a handful, and even then, they'd only declare 1 war.

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Okay. First the spying: War Doves engaged you because I was certain it was you who was doing the spying. You had the motive. You got pissed when I spied your government after you were nuked and spent 5 million on spies the 2nd to last day of the war. So you spent 5 million to save yourself from being spied 2 or 3 more times? I'd be upset too if I rashly dropped 5 mil on spies, only to find out we could still easily spy you. You botched your rebuild, and you knew it. Say what you will, but the econ spy ops stopped as soon as we engaged you, and here we are, 4 days later and still none. That's a pretty big coincidence considering we were receiving 2 a day everyday on nations you were in range of since the war ended. Was it the right way to go about things? No, I'll admit that, but I got the results I wanted. There's no doubt in my mind that it was you, and like I said before, I don't really care if you admitted to it now. The spying stopped. That's what I care about. I most certainly don't care about your opinion on the matter.


Now about me being a liar: Go ahead and ask around. Anyone who's met me will tell you that I've never once lied to them. It's not how I operate, and people know that. Out of all the things that I am, a liar is not one. 
Let's go over the NS stats you so desperately want from the Skaro/Misfits war. War Doves/Hellas/Rat Basterds declared war on the 2/15-2/16 update, so I'm going to pull stats from growth charts on 2/14 before anybody built up for war:
*Note: We had a deserter, so Jack123 did declare a missed target 
Integral Land (Misfits) 13,460 NS
*Note: Wasso hit another missed target when one of our targets sent peace
*Note: Of these targets, Kings Landing only engaged Americonia
Millennium (WD) 
*Note: Millennium rerolled which is why his NS is left blank and without a link
Fox Fire (WD)
TheIllusionist (Skaro) 6,483.555 NS
RED SOX (Skaro) 5,731.278 NS

Looking at the above stats, you'll see that things seemed about even. You had your downdeclares, updeclares, and even declarations. We did have the blitz advantage. But you'll notice that almost all of War Doves, Rat Basterds, and even 2 strike teams in Hellas were declaring 2v3 wars. That means Skaro/Misfits had the potential from the start to issue more damage to us than we could dish out, because our strike teams were a man short.
But now consider the 24 Skaro nations that we could not engage because we ran out of war slots:
Fringe Division 5130.971 NS
Unified Commonwealth 4,966.4 NS
Seven Kingdoms 1,608.661 NS
^IMO, that's what made this an updeclare. We might have had the blitz advantage, but a blitz advantage means you get the bonus of being able to hit first. All these nations were given the opportunity to hit first. Very few thanked us for it, built up, backcollected and then actually declared wars. Most did absolutely nothing. That is not my fault. It's also not my fault most of these people are still in Skaro now.


It is not us that need to move on. You are the one baiting responses. I was ready to let you spout off whatever you wanted to say until you called me a liar.

This is how badly you wanted me, you had nations not at war with me spy me. I wasn't pissed about buying spies, in fact I was going to any way but had planned to after the war to protect my generals. I had over 20 mil banked when the war started, so spending 5 mil on generals was no big deal.


Again, why should I believe you claim all the spy ops were in my range? Do you even know what my range was? It was less than 2 mil NS until the 22nd and then I had no money left to conduct any spy ops until I collected which wasn't botched If I was attacked and we all know I was. After a spy ops told you I had very little money you sent in the Calvary. Al these spy ops you claim were committed on the 21st and 22nd but you attacked me on the 23rd after a spy ops told you I had rebuilt but not yet collected You took advantage of it and proceeded with the low blow.


Lets just be honest, this had nothing to do with a couple of unknown spy ops. Its not my fault they couldn't buy spies, you saw me buy spies during our war to counter the unknown spy ops. This was clearly just about all you lot being butthurt about not sharing the same opinions with me and you took revenge for it.

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Believe me when I say not many believe your claim it as a up declare and some of those who've contacted me about it are more credible than you lot so I don't stand alone in my claim that it was a down declare.

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Believe me when I say not many believe your claim it as a up declare and some of those who've contacted me about it are more credible than you lot so I don't stand alone in my claim that it was a down declare.

I believe it and I am captain of the TE police department. No citations to be issued here, move along!!
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Believe me when I say not many believe your claim it as a up declare and some of those who've contacted me about it are more credible than you lot so I don't stand alone in my claim that it was a down declare.

If anyone else believed it I'm sure they'd speak up, all that's here is you crying in every post about it.
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This is how badly you wanted me, you had nations not at war with me spy me. I wasn't pissed about buying spies, in fact I was going to any way but had planned to after the war to protect my generals. I had over 20 mil banked when the war started, so spending 5 mil on generals was no big deal.


Again, why should I believe you claim all the spy ops were in my range? Do you even know what my range was? It was less than 2 mil NS until the 22nd and then I had no money left to conduct any spy ops until I collected which wasn't botched If I was attacked and we all know I was. After a spy ops told you I had very little money you sent in the Calvary. Al these spy ops you claim were committed on the 21st and 22nd but you attacked me on the 23rd after a spy ops told you I had rebuilt but not yet collected You took advantage of it and proceeded with the low blow.


Lets just be honest, this had nothing to do with a couple of unknown spy ops. Its not my fault they couldn't buy spies, you saw me buy spies during our war to counter the unknown spy ops. This was clearly just about all you lot being butthurt about not sharing the same opinions with me and you took revenge for it.


Half of this post makes no sense at all. To be frank, we were going to hit you no matter the $ amount you had. You decided to be utterly stupid and rebuild while in nuclear anarchy when knowing you just pissed off many people in WDs, Hellas etc. If we were already going to attack you, wouldn't we neutralize you as a threat when it was simple as could be? Its not our fault that you couldn't wait 2 days and rebuild outside of nuclear anarchy. 

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I've said it before, and I'll say it again, it's unfortunate that Misfits had be included in this DoW, as they took most of the damage whereas almost half of Skaro's members went untouched. This would have gone a lot differently if even half of those people built up, backcollected, then countered us. Sadly it was just a handful, and even then, they'd only declare 1 war.

I know samwise, no worries. Only thing that tipped me was wasso spying my government. Kind of a dick move for the situation we were already in. Edited by yung flow
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This is how badly you wanted me, you had nations not at war with me spy me. I wasn't pissed about buying spies, in fact I was going to any way but had planned to after the war to protect my generals. I had over 20 mil banked when the war started, so spending 5 mil on generals was no big deal.


Again, why should I believe you claim all the spy ops were in my range? Do you even know what my range was? It was less than 2 mil NS until the 22nd and then I had no money left to conduct any spy ops until I collected which wasn't botched If I was attacked and we all know I was. After a spy ops told you I had very little money you sent in the Calvary. Al these spy ops you claim were committed on the 21st and 22nd but you attacked me on the 23rd after a spy ops told you I had rebuilt but not yet collected You took advantage of it and proceeded with the low blow.


Lets just be honest, this had nothing to do with a couple of unknown spy ops. Its not my fault they couldn't buy spies, you saw me buy spies during our war to counter the unknown spy ops. This was clearly just about all you lot being butthurt about not sharing the same opinions with me and you took revenge for it.


Get over yourself. Helping your alliance mates spy in an alliance war is expected. If I "wanted you" I would never have offered you peace. When you spent 5 mil on spies, you didn't have 20 mil banked any longer. On the 20th you dropped below 10 mil, so you literally spent 1/3 of your reserves to avoid 2-3 spy ops. Acting like it's not a big deal because you were going to spend the money anyway is just you trying to save face for an obvious blunder. 5 mil to rebuild your infra and get a better tax collection post war, then maxing out on spies is a smarter decision, and I'm sure you know this.


Yes, I know exactly what your range was, because I was helping out with spying you. Both of us were in nuclear anarchy and therefore didn't build for a couple days after the war. FYI, you were just below 3k NS, not 2 mil NS.


"Lets just be honest" - Let's. You're not that special, honey.

Believe me when I say not many believe your claim it as a up declare and some of those who've contacted me about it are more credible than you lot so I don't stand alone in my claim that it was a down declare.


It doesn't matter what they believe, you believe, or what I believe. Numbers do not lie, and I gave you the stats when this war started, and then I even went back and gave you the NS stats you wanted. You are letting bias get in the way of fact. Or perhaps you just like something to bitch about. Probably both.

I know samwise, no worries. Only thing that tipped me was wasso spying my government. Kind of a dick move for the situation we were already in.


We paid for it by eating more nukes. ;_;

But first you must buy a HNMS. First day of the round that is what I always do. 


Go on...


*Samwise writes all this down

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Like you struggled oh so much after the war bomb........


That is irrelevant, you came on here and said you hoped for a clean fight, hours later I was blockaded. Far far before Wasso spied you. 

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That is irrelevant, you came on here and said you hoped for a clean fight, hours later I was blockaded. Far far before Wasso spied you. 

Considering I couldn't even win a ground nor air attack against you I figured this would make up the damage.
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Considering I couldn't even win a ground nor air attack against you I figured this would make up the damage.


It still is contradicting your own statement. That isn't my fault that you couldn't win GAs or Air attacks against me after I got nuked, especially when I was hovering around 5-10 fighters at most after Day 2. 

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Have they fixed the glitch for getting rid of blockades?

Thought everyone knew about it so naval blockades were never much of an issue.

Add in how hard it is to get naval xp and I thought the blockades were kind of the "norm" these days.

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Believe me when I say not many believe your claim it as a up declare and some of those who've contacted me about it are more credible than you lot so I don't stand alone in my claim that it was a down declare.

nobody agrees with you. And you seem to be the only saying it is a down declare, if other people agree with who, how come they dont speak up and show their proof?

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nobody agrees with you. And you seem to be the only saying it is a down declare, if other people agree with who, how come they dont speak up and show their proof?

No one pushed your button so just let it die already as I'm no longer going to keep going around and round in circles arguing over the same bs they keep bringing up. Wasn't 14 pages enough for you?

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More than anything it's just entertaining to see you keep hitting your head into a brick wall, expecting it to break.  Annoyance aside, your complete obliviousness to everything around you is worth a laugh or two.  Or, maybe it's just a very poorly informed series of conclusions drawn on the information available to you, complete with conjecture and blaming everyone possible except yourself.  Either way, it's easy (for everyone but you) to see the humor.

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Ehhhh I can honestly see his prospective.....the way things were playing out misfits should have been offered peace much earlier but I know some negative vibes we get so why not kick us to the curb as hard as possible? This war was more declared knowing the "experience" players have. Skaro is an alliance based on building players and them being so and so fighters(if they even declare war, considering their guy ranked I believe second doesn't even have causalities. Thanks for the help boss!) while with misfits I try to keep the member count low and focus on decent game players overall. So yes I can imagine the offensive alliances knew exactly how to make this a favorable war, more than it should have been. Sad to say, I see misfits getting the short end of the stick and being the main focus. Majority of skaro walked off of this with a dusting and even some nothing.

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Ehhhh I can honestly see his prospective.....the way things were playing out misfits should have been offered peace much earlier but I know some negative vibes we get so why not kick us to the curb as hard as possible? This war was more declared knowing the "experience" players have. Skaro is an alliance based on building players and them being so and so fighters(if they even declare war, considering their guy ranked I believe second doesn't even have causalities. Thanks for the help boss!) while with misfits I try to keep the member count low and focus on decent game players overall. So yes I can imagine the offensive alliances knew exactly how to make this a favorable war, more than it should have been. Sad to say, I see misfits getting the short end of the stick and being the main focus. Majority of skaro walked off of this with a dusting and even some nothing.

misfits actually earned quite a bit of respect for fighting back and dumping that treaty. Its a shame that you constantly post and poke at people and in the end begin to lose that hard earned respect.
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misfits actually earned quite a bit of respect for fighting back and dumping that treaty. Its a shame that you constantly post and poke at people and in the end begin to lose that hard earned respect.

Respect is what they call it now? These are just solid facts....everyone knows skaros numbers are mostly fluffed due to member count. The fact of throwing in a developing alliance that does the opposite of skaro and wing out the duds was a complete strategy. A slightly dirty and obvious one. Apparently just claiming all you guys are right and rolling over for you earns you "respect" In other words "being your bitch" I would rather hold my pride and stand up for what I believe.

See Paul you and your "friends, I mean allies" have a major problem. You guys are so damn predictable! Let's thrown a scenario out there!
Let's say(without acknowledging exact stats)
Misfits and tw took their top 10 guys each to hit all of OP you would get Butt hurt and have WD step in, regardless of fair numbers. Let's say misfits and tw hit NLON and OP, here would come WD to "even" the war. See people would love to give you a taste of your own bullshit but you guys just wouldn't allow it.

Speaking of respect? Didn't you hit NLON a few weeks ago! Anyways I'm listening, go on Edited by yung flow
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Every time I see this thread on the first page, this song comes to mind:




Respect is what they call it now? These are just solid facts....everyone knows skaros numbers are mostly fluffed due to member count. The fact of throwing in a developing alliance that does the opposite of skaro and wing out the duds was a complete strategy. A slightly dirty and obvious one. Apparently just claiming all you guys are right and rolling over for you earns you "respect" In other words "being your !@#$%*" I would rather hold my pride and stand up for what I believe.


There is something very important you're missing. Skaro has a lot of inflated NS, and they were left alone in the past because they were thought to be harmless. However, Skaro's declaration on OP and TPC last round shattered that. The reason to hit Skaro was to take out a threat now so they cannot do the same again when our backs are turned later. Misfits were added because you were treatied to Skaro at the time, not as a strategy to cause Misfits more damage.

Edited by Samwise
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